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  • GitHub Passes 2m Repositories

    GitHub recently announced they had passed two million git repositories hosted, with 70% being created in the last year alone and an expected 1m users later this year. What else is new at GitHub?

  • Annotation-Driven Dependency Injection with Google Guice 3.0

    Late last month Google released Guice 3.0, a Java framework that implements the dependency injection (DI) design pattern. The motivation behind Guice was to make it easier for programmers to write DI code by reducing the need to write boilerplate factories. This article examines the new 3.0 features, loks at how Guice 3.0 supports Spring DI, and introduces Guice 4.1 (a.k.a. MiniGuice).

  • RightScale Offers a PaaS Based on Zend PHP

    RightScale and Zend have teamed up to offer a PaaS for deploying, managing and running PHP applications in the cloud. Currently available only on Amazon AWS, the PHP Solution Pack will be made available for other cloud providers in the future.

  • POJO Service Registry brings OSGi to the Classpath

    A new project on Google Code, the Pojo Service Registry, aims to provide an OSGi-lite mechanism for Java applications, but outside of a OSGi runtime. Instead of requiring all JARs to be bundles, it scans the startup classpath and emulates a bundle layer, whilst providing the service hookups that would be wired together in a full OSGi container.

  • NoSQL, NewSQL and Beyond

    The 451 Group has published earlier this month the conclusions of a report detailing the growing set of options in the information management space. In the process they also clarified what they meant by "NewSQL".

  • Axon Framework 1.0 Released

    The Axon framework from JTeam - an implementation of the CQRS and EDA patterns - has been released.

  • jQuery Mobile Alpha 4 released, with support for Windows Phone 7

    The jQuery Mobile team has released Alpha 4 of their cross-platform mobile framework. Positioned as the last Alpha release before Beta, in addition to resolving many issues since Alpha 3, this new build also ships with several new features.

  • Microsoft Virtual Academy on Cloud Computing

    Microsoft has opened a free online virtual academy for students interested in learning and graduating in Microsoft Cloud Computing technologies.

  • What Is Enterprise Architecture?

    There is a lot of discussion about the role of enterprise architecture, and they way it should operate in the enterprise. New posts by Jason Bloomberg and JP Morgenthal are suggesting a new form of enterprise architecture.

  • JAX London 2011 Review

    Last week's JAX London included an OSGi specific day as well as others on Agile, Spring, JavaEE and tools. As well as the JAX Awards, other products were introduced such as the free GlobalsDB, an overview of Cloud Foundry, and Adobe Flex 4.5 running on top of iOS and on a demonstration BlackBerry playbook. Read on to find out more.

  • Oracle Coherence 3.7's Elastic Data Offers Transparent Overflow from Memory to Solid State Storage

    Oracle has today released version 3.7 of Coherence, its distributed in-memory data grid. The new product introduces a feature called Elastic Data. According to Cameron Purdy, Vice President of Development for the Coherence product, this allows near memory speed access to data, regardless of storage medium.

  • OpenCompute and OpenStack Span Hardware and Software Cloud Infrastructure and Platform Solutions

    A number of announcements around open hardware specifications and open source cloud infrastructure and platform software solutions by collaborators in the OpenStack initiative were made in the past 2 weeks. How does all of them stack up together?

  • Microsoft and Toyota announce Cloud Infrastructure for Smart Cars

    Microsoft and Toyota have announced a strategic partnership on future telematics for vehicles. Goal of the partnership is to create a common telematics platform with Microsoft contributing its Windows Azure Cloud Computing technology and TMC (Toyota Media Service Co.) deploying its telematics applications in the Azure-based cloud. The solution will address electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles.

  • IMPACT11: 'Business Agility' With IBM's Latest WebSphere Advancements

    IBM's IMPACT 11 conference is underway this week hosting more than 8,000 business and IT leaders representing 60 countries, gathered to learn discuss how to "work smarter for better business outcomes". During the 4 day event, IBM revolves their unveiling of many new tools, products, solutions, and ideas around the one key message of enabling "Business Agility".

  • ECMAScript 5: What’s New in JavaScript Programming

    ECMAScript 5 was standardized in late 2009 but only recently has it has started showing up in browsers. It supersedes the 3rd edition, which was ratified in 1999. ECMAScript 5 is actually two languages, ES5/Default and ES5/Strict. Future versions are going to be built on top of ES5/Strict and it is recommended that the default version be avoided.