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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Application Build and Continuous Integration Patterns

    Julian Simpson, Principal Consultant at The Build Doctor, has compiled a set of patterns for maintaining a fast and reliable application build process and avoiding some Continuous Integration (CI) pitfalls. He also presents a number of patterns for deployment automation and testing in production-like environments.

  • Driving Business Value Through Enterprise Architecture

    Using business architecture to improve project life cycles and applying a standard Enterprise Architecture methodology can be the drivers to add business value in organizations. Richard Reese, VP of Enterprise Architecture at Discover Financial Services, recently spoke at Troux Worldwide Conference about driving business value through EA initiatives.

  • VMware Unveils Open Source PaaS Cloud Foundry

    VMware has today announced the launch of an open source "Platform as a Service" (PaaS), Cloud Foundry.

  • Carlos Figueira Explains WCF Extensibility

    Windows Communication Foundation offers an amazing variety of extension points but due to limited documentation most developers treat it as a black box. Carlos Figueira intends to change this with a series of articles on WCF Extensibility with real world examples.

  • MIX 2011: What to Expect

    HTML 5, Silverlight 5, and a surprise announcement about Windows Phone 7 look to be on the table at MIX 2011. We are also going to see information on Surface 2, ECMAScript 5, the next version of Web Forms, and the Microsoft Media Platform.

  • Will the Rise of Javascript Mean the End of LAMP?

    Mike Driscoll published a provocative post on the future of Web Application Architectures. He predicts that frameworks like node.js signal the end of LAMP.

  • Palladio provides Version 3.2 of its Software Architecture Simulator

    Palladio Bench supports architects and developers in deriving quality of software estimations such as performance, reliability, maintainability and development costs from models. Its new version 3.2 is based on Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo) and adds several stabilizations and fixes, a reliability analysis, a new graphical editor and a new workflow engine, as well as a probe specification framework.

  • MVC Scaffolding Provides configurable Code Generation for ASP.NET MVC

    Steve Sanderson recently introduced MVC Scaffolding, a customizable code generation tool for ASP.NET MVC 3. MVC Scaffolding uses a simple command-line interface to automatically generate code based on templates. Standard templates allow for automated generation of many common elements, including Views, Actions, and Unit Test stubs.

  • Mono for Android Debuts While MonoTouch Reaches 4.0

    Novell has announced Mono for Android, a tool for .NET developers interested in creating applications in Visual Studio for Android. MonoTouch 4.0 comes with: Mono core 2.10, Parallel Frameworks for C#, LLVM Compiler Support, C# 4.0 and .NET 4.0 support, and others.

  • Google Reacts to Recent Openness Criticism

    Andy Rubin, VP of Engineering at Google and head of Android group, has addressed the latest comments in the media regarding Google’s dedication to openness and policy around Android, remarking that Google wants both an open and healthy ecosystem for their mobile OS.

  • Google Snappy–A Fast Compressing Library

    Google has open sourced Snappy, a compressing/decompressing library that processes data streams at minimum 250MB/s-500MB/s on a single core Intel Core i7 processor.

  • OSGi in Action

    Manning have today published OSGi in Action, by Richard S Hall, Karl Pauls, Stuart McCulloch and David Savage. Written by long-term OSGi users and committers on the Apache Felix runtime, the depth of knowledge in the book comes across with subtleties and specific gotchas documented.

  • Oracle Seeking Community Input for JDK 8

    With Java 7 now feature complete, Oracle is asking for input from the community for the next release, scheduled for late 2012. We take a look at what is likely to be in, and the overall direction of travel for Java 8.

  • Jetbrains announced appCode (CIDR) EAP - an Objective-C IDE for Mac and iOS development

    AppCode is a complete Objective-C IDE for iOS and MacOS development, providing smart editors, debugging, refactoring, quick-fixes, version control integration, Interface Builder, Simulator and XCode interoperability. Available now as Early Accesss Program with 30 day license.

  • What is a Cloud?

    A new discussion on “Is Facebook a cloud?” uncovers that there still is no agreement between practitioners on what a cloud really is.