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  • OOD vs SOA Approach to SOA Domain Modeling

    Should one approach SOA domain modeling starting with informational or functional constructs? Is a canonical data model the answer to standardizing message formats? What are the various stages of SOA information modeling? Experts on Gervas Douglas's SOA distribution list on yahoo groups put forth their views to answer these questions and more.

  • WSO2 Introduces a New Open Source Project: WSO2 Message Broker

    Paul Fremantle announced on his blog a new open source projet and product: WSO2 Message Broker. MB is based on the Apache Qpid and supports Amazon SQS APIs and WS-Eventing.

  • Google Page Speed Goes Online and Mobile

    Google has made Page Speed available online, enhancing it for analyzing web pages targeted at smartphones.

  • Haskell moves to Git

    The well-known Haskell implementation GHC is moving from Darcs to a repository on GitHub, citing wider tool support and faster operations.

  • HTTP 1.2 Released with Improved Support for Hierarchies and Text-Menu Interfaces

    The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) got its first major update since 1999, which includes improved support for Hierarchies, Text-Menu Interfaces and Authentication. It also includes a new set of accepted headers and extension mechanisms.

  • Erlang Copied Scala's Actors & Erlang's VM is almost a Clone of the JVM

    Erlang Co-creators, Joe Armstrong and Robert Virding, admit that Erlang is heavily inspired by the Java world. In an interview at ErlangFactory 2011 SF, they reveal how Scala Actors had shaped their work in what they then called Erlang Processes. Moreover, they acknowledge the fact that Erlang's VM is barely a clone of the famous JVM.

  • Chameleon brings UIKit to OSX

    The Chameleon project has been launched by the Iconfactory to allow UIKit-based applications to be ported to MacOSX. This enabled Twitterific for OSX to share 90% of the code with its iOS version and ultimately permit Iconfactory to do simultaneous releases on the iOS and Mac App Stores.

  • Debate: What’s the Reason For MySpace’s Decline?

    Some argue that MySpace has lost ground to Facebook because of their technology – Microsoft stack – and due to lack of enough talent in Los Angeles, while others opine that it is management’s fault and the departure of many people when the company was acquired by News Corp. in 2006.

  • The Last Flight of the Unladen Swallow

    Unladen Swallow was an attempt to bring LLVM optimisations to the CPython runtime, but hasn't seen significant activity for the last year. Now, a Unladen swallow retrospective confirms that the project is defunct and is no longer being developed. What happened?

  • Is there a Write Side to the Web?

    Stu Charlton presented this week a keynote at the WWW 2011 workshop for RESTful design trying to answer the question: "Can the write side of the Web scale and become nearly as serendipitous as the read side?"

  • OSGi 4.3 brings some Generics and Capabilities

    At EclipseCon 2011, the OSGi 4.3 specifications were announced and are available as a public final draft, to be released in the near future. Changes include adding generics to the core API, as well as a general purpose capability model to declare non-coding requirements between bundles. Read on for more information about what to expect.

  • James Gosling Joins Google

    In a brief statement on his blog James Gosling has announced that he has joined Google.

  • Model Driven Development and Domain Specific Language Best Practices

    Markus Voelter has published an update to his 2008 "MDD and DSL Best Practices" article. One of his core conclusions today is that "the distinction between modeling and programming goes away almost completely."

  • Hadoop Futures at Structure Big Data: DataStax Brisk, EMC, and MapR

    DataStax described Brisk their new Hadoop distribution that stores data in Cassandra, EMC published an ad that promised big news about Hadoop and Greenplum on May 9th, and GigaOm claimed that MapR Technologies is building a proprietary version of Hadoop. DataStax told InfoQ there are production Cassandra clusters of 700 nodes, storing hundreds of terbaytes, and doing 200,000 writes per second.

  • MongoDB 1.8 Improves Reliability with Journaling

    MongoDB's new journaling feature improves reliability with write-ahead redo logs. Log entries are written before permanent storage is updated. When a server restarts after a crash outstanding journal files will be replayed before the server goes online. Other changes include sharding performance boosts, shell tab completion, and the addition of covering and sparse indexes.