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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • The Value of Collapse?

    Agile methods recommend decomposing ("expanding") features into many small user stories. After the code has been written, however, should we collapse these small stories back into the original feature so we can deal with them all as a unit? Are there any advantages in doing that collapse, and if so, what are they?

  • Forrester's Top Technology Trends: Mobile Collaboration and Process-Centric Data & Intelligence

    Mobile collaboration and process-centric data & business intelligence are among Forrester's top technology trends. Gene Leganza, Principal Analyst at Forrester, spoke about the top 15 technology trends that Enterprise Architects (EA) should watch for in next three years.

  • Unicode 6.0.0 Standard Published

    The week before last, the Unicode Consortium which manages standards for Unicode and Locale published the 6.0 version of Unicode to their site. These standards represent the common set of symbols and locales software vendors use to internationalize their solutions. This release represents the first time the full specification has been published online in its entirety.

  • Why Speakers Love QCon London

    We go to conferences to learn about subjects from the expert speakers. But why do the expert speakers go? The speakers give up their own time to prepare and present their sessions. Few are paid, so why do they give up their time to attend Conferences where they often already know the material. We asked them why.

  • MuleSoft Announces Next Generation Integration Platform-as-a-Service

    A couple of weeks ago, MuleSoft announced the availability of its new Integration Platform as a Service: Mule iON. This iPaaS comes with a series of out-of-the-box connectors to integrate with SaaS solutions, Cloud services and social media platforms. Mule iON also provides a secure gateway to the enterprise to access these APIs and integration scenarios.

  • Rackspace Load Balancers beta

    Yesterday Josh Odom announced the beta release of Cloud Load Balancers for the Rackspace cloud computing stack. This release comes with their Fanatical Support and a documented API for implementation and management load balancing on their stack, Cloud Servers.

  • Amazon AWS Launches CloudFormation

    Today the Amazon AWS team launched a tool to simplify the provisioning and deployment of AWS resources using templates, AWS CloudFormation. AWS CloudFormation is available via the AWS Management Console, command line tools and the APIs.

  • Thoughtworks is using Structure101 for Analyzing Code Bases

    ThoughtWorks, a global IT consultancy that focuses on agile development, recently announced they will leverage the software architecture management tool Structure101 for assessing the quality of code bases. Structure101 is the main product that Headway Software provides for advanced code analysis.

  • Oracle Announces the JDK 7 Developer Preview but Licensing Concerns Persist

    Oracle's Mark Reinhold has announced that the JDK 7 Developer Preview build (milestone 12) is now available and the firm is keen to hear developer feedback. The majority of Java IDEs are also moving rapidly to support the new features of Java 7. However concern has been expressed in some quarters over the pre-release software evaluation license terms.

  • Cloud Computing – A Game Changer

    With all pro and cons arguments surrounding cloud computing, its hype, maturity, technological underpinning, etc., the truth is that cloud computing is here, changing the way we think about IT and offering new software solutions.

  • Apache Chemistry, an Open Source Implementation of OASIS CMIS, Becomes a Top-Level Project

    The Apache Software foundation has announced that Apache Chemistry, an Open Source implementation of the OASIS CMIS standard, has graduated to become a top-level project.

  • Goodbye, CardSpace; Hello, U-Prove!

    Last week, Microsoft announced: the cancellation Version 2.0 of its Windows CardSpace identity service, thus deprecating CardSpace; and the immediate availability of Release 2 of the Community Technology Preview of its U-Prove identity service. These announcements are just the latest moves in Microsoft's decade-long struggle to solve the Internet's "identity problem."

  • Agile 2011 Reuniting Manifesto Signatories

    The Agile 2011 conference organizers have announced that 16 of the 17 original authors of the Agile Manifesto will be reunited at the conference in August to answer questions and share their insights. Signatories will take the stage at a special event on the Monday evening and be available in the Open Jam area over the five days of the conference.

  • Better Developer Experience in Version 1.5 of the Data Access Framework MetaModel's open-source Java framework MetaModel implements a unified API for the access, exploration, and query of different datastores., both a website and an open source software organization dedicated to "the development of Open Source software related to Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing", has recently published version 1.5 of MetaModel.

  • Security in the Software Development Lifecycle

    Application security must be integrated into software development process. Late stage penetration testing is not sufficient because it will be too late and too expensive to fix mistakes. Steve Lipner from Microsoft spoke during the application security seminar at RSA conference last week about security in the software development lifecycle.