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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Google Revamps Native Client, but will it be taking it all the way?

    About a year after it’s original announcement, Google released a new version of the Native Client (NaCl) SDK, which allows the safe execution of native code from a web browser. It is unclear though, if this ambitious project will be making it to production, or have the fate of other projects like Wave or Gears.

  • Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) – What Developers Can Expect

    On Jan 26th, Google released a developer preview of the much talked about Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) operating system. Since then, developers have been able to preview the new release through the AVD (Android Virtual Device) Manager, which is shipped as part of the SDK.

  • Hadoop Redesign for Upgrades and Other Programming Paradigms

    Yahoo recently announced and presented a redesign of the core map-reduce architecture for Hadoop to allow for easier upgrades, larger clusters, fast recovery, and to support programming paradigms in addition to Map-Reduce. The new design is quite similar to the open source Mesos cluster management project - both Yahoo and Mesos commented on the differences and opportunities.

  • InterOperability, O-TTPF and Other Highlights of The Open Group Conference

    The Open Group Conference was held in San Diego from Feb 7-11,2011. In this news item we cover highlights of the conference especially around the topics of EA, Cloud and SOA.

  • A Proposal for an HTTP Digital Signature Protocol and API

    Bill Burke, JBoss's Chief Architect and REST Easy Project Lead, published last week a proposal for a Digital Signature Protocol over HTTP. "DSig" is rapidly gaining popularity, more than 10 years after it was designed, due to the emergence of composite applications and the need to establish trusted relationships between their clients and services.

  • Is ASP.NET MVC Inappropriate for User Interface Designers?

    While ASP.NET MVC has made great strides in making development easier, in a post titled “ASP.NET MVC Is the New ASP” Michael Taylor argues that it actually makes it harder on user interface designers.

  • Partitioning and Sharding Options for SQL Server and SQL Azure

    Horizontal partitioning and sharding are important tools for developers working with extremely large datasets. We take a brief look at what’s available in SQL Server and what’s coming down the road.

  • IcedRobot – An OpenJDK-based Fork of Android

    A team of developers has announced the intent to fork Android in order to create a new OS based on OpenJDK, escaping Oracle’s patent lawsuits, to make it run on other platforms and operating systems, and to bring it to the desktop.

  • RPC or REST in the Cloud?

    After our recent article reporting William Vambenepe's assertion that the Cloud does not need REST, several people in the blogosphere countered, claiming that he misunderstood or ignored the importance of REST. William has responded to these critics, attempting to show how perhaps they are putting REST above pragmatic realities and that perhaps RPC is still the best approach, at least for now.

  • H.264 Update

    The MPEG-LA body, which oversees the H.264 patent pool, has announced a call for patents for the WebM/VP8 codec as they indicated last year. The creation of such a pool would damage WebM's position as a patent unencumbered codec, which could be damaging to the limited hardware decoding support starting to be developed.

  • NASA’s OODT selected as an Apache Top Level Project

    The Apache Software Foundation has selected the Object Oriented Data Technology architecture to become one of its Top-Level-Projects (TLP). Originally created by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, OODT allows transparent integration of geographically distributed and disparate computing and data resources via metadata middleware.

  • Nokia Partners with Microsoft Around Windows Phone 7

    Nokia has announced a broad strategic partnership with Microsoft to integrated Windows Phone 7, Bing, Office, and XBox Live with their phone devices.

  • Mobl – A New DSL for Creating HTML5 Mobile Applications

    Mobl is an external DSL targeted at creating cross-browser applications for mobile devices by compiling the code into HTML5, and it has been developed by Zef Hemel as part of his Ph.D. thesis in model-driven engineering and domain-specific languages, being inspired by the WebDSL project. InfoQ has discussed with Hemel in an attempt to find out more about this approach to writing mobile apps.

  • NoSQL Shake-Up. Membase and CouchOne merge into Couchbase

    The shape of the NoSQL landscape is changing. The first big market aggregation took place with the merger of Membase Inc. with CouchOne into Couchbase. InfoQ spoke with James Phillip and Damien Katz about the benefits of the merger and future products.

  • datajs– Using OData From Within the Browser

    Microsoft has created a JavaScript library enabling developers to consume OData from within the browser.