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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • JasperSoft 4 Released with Big Data Support

    JasperSoft announces reporting support for Hadoop and leading NoSQL databases.

  • Android 3.0 Has Been Optimized for Tablets

    The latest version of Android contains new features such as: new UI “holographic” theme, multi-core support, hardware accelerated 3D, animation framework, enterprise features, and more.

  • Hudson Community Proposes Rename to Jenkins

    Oracle has responded to the Hudson community about how they can keep control of the Hudson name but let the community do the work. The community has responded with a vote on renaming the Hudson project to Jenkins to escape from Oracle's legal sabre-rattling.

  • Gartner: Magic Quadrant for Cloud IaaS And Web Hosting Providers

    Gartner announced their magic quadrant for Cloud IaaS and web hosting providers

  • HP Cloud Announcement: HP Hybrid Delivery

    Yesterday HP announced HP Hybrid Delivery which is a complete cloud compute infrastructure intended to compete with Amazon AWS and Rackspace's offerings. HP's offering attempts to differentiate itself from current offerings in several different ways.

  • How Facebook Ships Code

    Facebook is probably the hottest company today, driving a very high level of interest and scrutiny. Despite a high level of secrecy, Yee Lee, a product manager at Skype, has assembled a large collection of notes detailing how code ships at Facebook.

  • Is OpenID Living Up to Our Expectations?

    OpenID has promised to simplify the user authentication process across multiple websites, but some complain it has actually created more problems. 37signals, an early supporter of OpenID, has announced the decision to stop using it across its products. Is OpenID delivering what it promised?

  • QCon London March 9-11 Highlights, Registration Up 100%

    QCon London, InfoQ's in-person conference is coming up March 8-11 and registration is double last year's at this time. This 4th annual event is a practitioner-driven conference designed for team leads, architects and project management. A lot of work went into the program this year for this event with usually has over 100 speakers, highlighted in this post.

  • SteamCannon and Elastic Beanstalk, A Comparison

    Last week Amazon announced Elastic Beanstalk, but there is also an Open Source project named SteamCannon. SteamCannon is sponsored by RedHat and has been in active development since September 2010. With similar objectives, how do they stack up against each other?

  • Sending Bulk Emails with Amazon SES

    Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) is a bulk email-delivering service built on Amazon’s infrastructure, protected against spam and malware.

  • Service Oriented 'Internet of Things And Services'

    Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) are associated with business applications and integrations. A recent IEEE publication describes the architecture and processes to achieve relatively seamless integration between the burgeoning 'Internet of Things' with the 'Internet of Services'.

  • HTML5 Wish List for 2011: Interview with Michael Mullany

    Michael Mullany from Sencha has published a list of things that would benefit HTML5 during 2011. InfoQ has interviewed Michael in order to get some more details regarding his vision.

  • Android Java Copyright Infringements?

    A post on Friday claimed that the Android source tree contained more proprietary or decompiled code. What impact will this have to the Oracle vs Google case?

  • World IPv6 Day

    The Internet Society has called for a World IPv6 Day on 8th June 2011 to promote the use of IPv6 by major organisations such as Google, Facebook and Akami. With IPv4 blocks expected to run out in the next week, the timing for the announcement could not be better.

  • Predictions about Agile in 2011

    As is normal at the beginning of a new year predictions about where industry and practice are heading abound. Mario Moreira and Scott Ambler predict the continued adoption of agile practices across more and more organisations, and the adaptation of agile techniques to larger and more distributed teams, with an emphasis on more structured implementations.