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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Entity Framework Code-First CTP5

    Earlier this month the ADO.NET team released CTP5 of their Entity Framework Code-First library. The library is meant to provide a code-centric workflow for developers when working with data.

  • NIST Cloud Computing Twiki Launched

    Today NIST began sending users their credentials for their Cloud Computing twiki, of which Kevin Jackson was one of the first to be granted access. The intent of the NIST working group is to promote cloud computing adoption and overcome the current percieved barriers of security, interoperability and portability.

  • Lessons Learned from Skype’s Outage

    On December 22nd, 1600 GMT, the Skype services started to become unavailable, in the beginning for a small part of the users, then for more and more, until the network was down for about 24 hours. A week later, Lars Rabbe, CIO at Skype, explained what happened in a post-mortem analysis of the outage.

  • Cloud Patterns from VMware

    Over the last few months WMware's Steve Jin has published several design patterns around working with virtual machines in the cloud, especially vCloud.

  • Gartner Vendor Report: Application Infrastructure For Systematic SOA-Style Application Projects

    Gartner recently released a report where they examine and evaluate the ability of leading application infrastructure providers/vendors to provide organizations with complete end-to-end support for for Systematic SOA-Style applications and projects.

  • Cloud Computing Trends in 2011

    As the new year is about to begin, research analysts have been peering into their crystal balls the last several months to define the top trends in cloud computing. Cloud Computing has moved from buzzword and hype to the real technology in the last 3 years. What do InfoQ readers think?

  • Allegations of a Backdoor in OpenBSD Are Not Confirmed

    Some allegations regarding backdoors implemented at FBI’s request in OpenBSD’s IPsec stack were made earlier this month. After auditing the code, Theo de Raadt, the founder of OpenBSD, has concluded that there are no such threats in the open source operating system.

  • Does Agile Limit Financial Rewards for an Individual?

    Tom Reynolds mentioned an interesting comment, that he had heard about the reluctance of people to move to Scrum. The reason quoted was that Scrum would have a direct impact on their financial rewards as it places a lot of emphasis on teams and not the individual.

  • HTML5 Labs–A Website for Prototyping New Web Technologies

    Microsoft has decided not to include emerging web technologies still under development in IE9, providing instead HTML5 Labs, a website for testing prototype technologies such as IndexedDB and WebSockets.

  • A Mono Update

    Last week Miguel de Icaza published a long post listing all the work the Mono team at Novell has been doing since the move to GitHub in July 2010. Much of the new work has been around language development and MonoDevelop improvements.

  • Google Goes Deeper into the Enterprise with Chrome and GAE for Business

    Google wants to make inroads in the enterprise space offering a business version of Chrome, including policies, preferences, and configuration capabilities, and upgrading the GAE offering with an SLA, support, billing, hosted SQL, SSL, and SSO.

  • SOA and Information Risk Management

    Clive Gee, an experienced IBM SOA Practitioner, describes how IT securing the networks has evolved into what he refers to as Information risk management. As the collaboration space increases with application integration and service oriented systems, he examines the risk management of the increased the surface area of threats and vulnerability.

  • Sonar 2.4: Architecture Constraint Rules and Maven 3 Support

    The latest version of open source code quality management tool Sonar supports architecture constraint rules and custom dashboards. SonarSource team recently released Sonar 2.4 version which also includes Maven 3 support and an update center to install and upgrade Sonar plugins.

  • Opinion: 2010 AWS Challenge Winner Thinks Success In the Cloud Starts With Architecture

    Mike Kavis, CTO of the M-Dot Network, and winner of the 2010 Amazon AWS Startup Challenge, shared some of the key elements of his success. The most amazing part of his story? He built a world class transaction network on a $1000/month Cloud Computing budget.

  • Erbix: A CommonJS-Compliant Server-Side JavaScript Hosting Platform

    Erbix is a paltform for building and deploying JavaScript applications on the Cloud. It features support for RinjoJS, CommonJS modules, PostgreSQL and offers on-demand scalable hosting.