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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Erbix: A CommonJS-Compliant Server-Side JavaScript Hosting Platform

    Erbix is a paltform for building and deploying JavaScript applications on the Cloud. It features support for RinjoJS, CommonJS modules, PostgreSQL and offers on-demand scalable hosting.

  • Whitepaper Released: Sharding with SQL Azure

    Yesterday Microsoft released a new whitepaper providing guidance on sharding with SQL Azure written by Michael Heydt and Michael Thomassy. The intent of the whitepaper is to deliver guidance on how to architect an application that requires elasticity and fluidity of resources at the data layer over time.

  • Released: Windows Phone 7 Developer Guide

    This past weekend, the Patterns and Practices team at Microsoft released the final version of the Windows Phone 7 Developer Guide on MSDN. The guide was built in an open community fashion on Codeplex by the team this past year and has been downloaded over 5000 times.

  • The Open Group Releases a New Technical Standard - SOA Ontology

    A lack of mutually agreed-upon SOA terms, definitions and concepts can create interoperability issues that inhibit end-to-end business activities within an organization, as well as between vendor, customer, and partner organizations. A new Open Group Standard - Service-Oriented Architecture Ontology - is trying to fill this gap.

  • ASP.NET MVC 3 Embraces Dynamic Typing

    Nearly a decade ago Microsoft gambled big on WebForms and static typing. With the dial cranked all the way over to full encapsulation, each page could almost be treated as its own program. In the intervening years the industry has largely gone in the other direction, favoring separation of concerns over encapsulation and late binding over early binding. Now Microsoft is doing the same.

  • EA as a Catalyst for Innovation

    Melvin Greer, a senior fellow at Lockheed Martin, challenged enterprise architects to drive EA as an enabler of innovation at various talks and most notably in his interview with Government Computer News. InfoQ spoke with Melvin Greer to clarify his vision of enterprise architecture and its impact on the relationship between IT and business.

  • Are Better Business Architecture Abstractions the Key to Enterprise Architecture?

    In the wake of recent articles arguing that too much details in EA are futile, Ian, a Cloud Architect at Fujitsu, is wondering if better business architecture abstractions wouldn't be the key to successful Enterprise Architecture.

  • Announcing Verve – A Type-Safe Operating System

    Microsoft Research releases Verve, an operating system which grew out of the Singularity project, upon whose base premise is to use Typed Assembly Language, TAL, and Hoare logic to achieve the highest levels of security and safety.

  • Google News: Chrome OS, Chrome Web Store, and Cloud Print

    Google has announced recently a number of new developments: the status of Chrome OS, a new market for applications running in Chrome, and cloud printing support in Chrome, all preparing the way for Chrome OS devices.

  • Released: Aldon Agile Manager

    Last week on December 1st Aldon released the Aldon Agile Manager and InfoQ spoke with Dan Magid, Chief Product Strategist of Aldon, about this new product. Agile Manager is a free agile project management tool meant to provide better planning, prioritization and collaboration.

  • Security Assessment Techniques: Code Review v Pen Testing

    Web application security testing and assessment should include both security code review and penetration testing techniques. Dave Wichers, an OWASP Board Member, spoke at the recent AppSec DC 2010 Conference about the pros and cons of code reviews and penetration testing approaches in finding security vulnerabilities in web applications.

  • Red Hat Acquires PaaS Cloud Provider Makara

    This week, Red Hat announced it acquired Makara, a cloud based platform as a service company. Makara is unusual among PaaS providers in that it doesn't have any infrastructure of its own. InfoQ examines some of the details about where Makara differs from other providers.

  • Developer Angst on Microsoft Visual C++ Futures

    Yesterday a video was posted to the Visual C++ blog in an attempt to answer community concerns about its future. The post hit a raw nerve with the C++ community with no response from the Visual C++ team as yet.

  • Spring Integration 2.0 Released

    SpringSource has just released Spring Integration 2.0. Spring Integration is a lightweight framework to help build event-driven and messaging oriented applications in the familiar Spring style. InfoQ caught up with project lead Mark Fisher to talk to him about the new release.

  • Amazon Route 53, a DNS Server in the Cloud

    Amazon is offering a new cloud service called Route 53 providing all the functionality needed to run a DNS server in their cloud without any maintenance overhead and using the pay-as-you-go model common to all AWS services.