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  • Orleans: An Object Framework for Cloud Computing From Microsoft Research

    Earlier this week Microsoft Research published a paper outlining a framework for Cloud Computing codenamed Orleans. The framework is intended for cloud computing applications where a client such as a PC, smartphone or embedded device is employed.

  • Silverlight 5 Timeline And Lots of Questions

    Yesterday Microsoft announced the timeline for Silverlight 5 in 2011 at the Silverlight FireStarter event. Silverlight 5 will be in beta the first half of 2011 and ship early in the second half of 2011. Developers quickly began posting impressions and many questions.

  • Activiti 5.0 GA, the Apache 2 Licensed BPMN 2 Engine Released

    Alfresco has just released version 5.0 GA of the Activiti engine, an Apache2 licensed BPMN 2.0 implementation. InfoQ talked with project lead Tom Baeyens on the new release. Tom is also the creator and former project lead for the jBPM project.

  • HTML5 Labs Launched and WebSocket Update

    Last week Microsoft launched HTML5 Labs where they intend to post early prototypes of applications running on unstable web standard specifications for .NET developers. Yet earlier this month, preliminary WebSocket implementations in FireFox 4 and Opera where disabled due to security concerns.

  • Scalable System Design Patterns

    Ricky Ho revisited his three year old post on that question and realized that a lot had changed since then.

  • Optimizing Pages with Google Website Optimizer

    Google offers Website Optimizer, a free tool for Google Apps users allowing them to test and measure the success of different versions of web pages.

  • Prism 4 Final Released

    Karl Shifflett released the final release of Prism 4 to MSDN on November 12. Simultaneously, Karl also published the first installment of a series of multimedia training that is consumed within Visual Studio 2010 called, In the Box.

  • Microsoft’s WebMatrix Now Shipping with PHP 5.3 and PEAR

    The third beta of Microsoft’s WebMatrix IDE was released this month with significantly improved support for PHP. This round brings the option to choose between PHP 5.2 and 5.3 as well as support for PEAR, the PHP Extension and Application Repository.

  • Business Benefits of OSGi

    Many consider the cost of migration onto OSGi expensive, but frequently this is conflated with the cost of modularity itself. Modularising a large, complex and heavily intertwined library is an expense that has no immediate benefits to the maintainers. However, if left to rot, the system will become more complex, intertwined and larger over time and the maintenance cost will increase.

  • SQL Azure Achitecture - Competitive Differentiation

    Two weeks back Kalen Delaney published a whitepaper on SQL Azure internals focused on how SQL Azure achieves scalability and high availability. A foundation feature which differentiates SQL Azure from its competitors is the multi-tenant architecture upon which it has been built.

  • Amazon Offers Cluster GPU Instances

    Amazon has announced the availability of Cluster GPU instances for high performance applications starting with an instance of 2 NVidia Tesla GPUs and going up to a cluster of 128 or more instances, appealing to financial analysis, imaging, biology, simulation, and other domains.

  • Simple IT: SOA Done Right

    In his new post, Steve Jones proposes the notion of Simple IT – an IT that can be defined as a series of easily describable business aligned elements each of which can be independently maintained- in other words a properly designed SOA system.

  • 100 days of IPv4 left

    The number of allocatable IPv4 addresses has dropped below 160 million, leading to predictions that the IPv4 address space will be used up in less than 100 days. What does this mean?

  • US Government: Proposed Assessment and Authorization for Cloud Computing

    Two weeks back the US CIO's office released a 90 page proposal entitled, Proposed Security Assessment and Authorization for US Government Cloud Computing. The document is the result of 18 months of work among the NIST, GSA, ISIMC and the CIO Council to evaluate security controls and multiple Assessment and Authorization models for US Government Cloud Computing.

  • Amazon AWS receives ISO 27001 Certfication

    Last week, Amazon was awarded the ISO/IEC 27001 certification for Amazon Web Services, AWS. The certification is significant in that ISO 27001 mandates specific management controls and requirements to be in place.