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  • Microsoft's Cloud Economics

    Two weeks ago Rolf Harms and Michael Yamartino of Microsoft published a whitepaper entitled The Economics of the Cloud. In the whitepaper, they predict a seismic shift within the IT world away from client/server to public clouds, ala Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure. The document clearly outlines their technical and business plan for a Brave New Microsoft.

  • OASIS opens the doors on WS-I Member Section

    OASIS announces the creation of a Web Services Interoperability Member Section to accept and take over the donations from the WS-I, which recently announced that it was closing. Although the structure of the group reflects the WS-I membership, they are calling for a wider audience to help drive the work forward.

  • Yahoo! Releases S4, a Real Time, Distributed Stream Computing Platform

    This month, Yahoo! released a new open source framework for "processing continuous, unbounded streams of data." The framework, named S4, allows for massively distributed computations over data that is constantly changing. InfoQ examines some of the examples and compares S4 to other technologies.

  • New Version of Bing AJAX Map is targeted for Mobile Devices

    The new version of the Bing AJAX Map Control version 7 is one third the size of the previous version, a huge win for web sites that cater to mobile device users. Controls have been reduced in size and given HTML 5 support. There have also been performance improvements for multiple-point rendering.

  • Evolve: Using Components to Improve on Dependency Injection

    Evolve is a lightweight tool for creating, wiring up and executing Java components. Developers can use Evolve to graphically describe JavaBeans and also optionally generate Java code for setters and getters. InfoQ spoke with Andrew McVeigh about the tool.

  • is the iPhone Development Environment Superior to Android's?

    John Blanco published a comparison between the iPhone and Android Development Environment. Even though he favors Java as a programming language, he believes that Xcode and the iPhone simulators are vastly superior to the tools provided by Google. Do you agree?

  • AppSec DC: Neal Ziring on Application Assurance

    Neal Ziring said that the role for developers is changing where they have become the first line of defense for applications. Neal presented the keynote session at AppSec DC 2010 conference last week. He also talked about application assurance process with focus on aspects like resilience and visibility.

  • Implementing Partial Updates In RESTful Services

    Alex Scordellis posted an article on how the interaction of a client and a service can be modeled and designed for updating partial resources. It appears that it is easily solved if we model the resources appropriately. Often times just thinking of resources as entities that support CRUD is the problem and modeling resources as “resources” and the services they offer.

  • Ari Zilka on Ehcache BigMemory

    Ehcache BigMemory supports in-process off-heap cache to store large sets of data closer to the application. Terracotta last week announced the general availability of BigMemory module for Enterprise Ehcache product. InfoQ spoke with Ari Zilka about BigMemory features and its use cases.

  • Cloudstreams: The Next Cloud Integration Challenge

    The potential for massive proliferation of Cloud service brings to the focus the necessity for integration between cloud services themselves and cloud services and enterprise. In his new post, Daryl Plummer introduced a new word into the cloud lexicon, a way to describe these interactions-: the Cloudstream.

  • ZapThink on Enterprise IT Trends in The Next Decade

    Zapthink 2020 was announced recently as Zapthink’s conceptual framework to explain the trends and crisis that will shape Enterprise IT over the next decade. Jason Bloomberg (Managing Partner, Zapthink LLC) announced the explained the birth of Zapthink 2020 to InfoQ.

  • Four Decades of Software Engineering, are Changes Coming?

    Jean Bezivin retraces the path that lead to our current software engineering practices and explore new avenues for the coming decade as, he notes, "there are some indications that we are currently crossing some new frontiers in technology and practices".

  • Pizzigati Prize For Software in the Public Interest Open for Nominations

    InfoQ doesn't normally report on contests and calls for registration . But for the Antonio Pizzigati Prize for Software in the Public Interest, this time we decided to make an exception. The Pizzigati Prize is a $10,000 prize awarded to "a software developer who adds significant value to the nonprofit sector and movements for social change". Nominations are open until December 15.

  • Sencha Touch 1.0 Released - License Drops from $99 to $0

    During the keynote at Sencha Conference in San Francisco, the company announced the general availability of Sencha Touch 1.0, while changing the basic license to free, from the $99 it was during pre-release. Sencha Touch enables developers to create cross-platform, touch-enabled web apps that look and feel like native apps.

  • Work begins on JAX-RS 2.0

    JAX-RS is the standard for RESTful services in enterprise Java. It has been finalised since 2008 and part of EE6 since late 2009, with several implementations. Over the past couple of years there has been a lot of implementation experience and now Oracle have announced that JAX-RS 2.0 is in the works, as well as giving an indication of their current thoughts. But are they missing anything?