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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Google Releases mod_pagespeed

    Google has released mod_pagespeed, a module for Apache HTTPD to speed up serving web pages. It claims to double speed by adding HTTP cache friendly messages without having to make changes to the web applications that are hosted in it.

  • CBDI-SAE Reference Framework Continues to Evolve

    CBDI talks about the history and evolution of the CBDI-SAE reference framework in the September 2010 Journal Report. CBDI-SAE reference framework has evolved in the in the past few years by embracing Event Driven Architecture (EDA), Real time Business Intelligence (BI) and Cloud architectural patterns and process principles based on continuous improvement.

  • WSO2 releases Carbon Studio

    Open Source Software vendor, WSO2, released last month a comprehensive Eclipse-based development environment for its middleware platform. The tool simplifies the development, test and deployment of services, mediation flows and google gadgets.

  • Eclipse Virgo Released

    The inaugural version of Eclipse Virgo was released today, including the Eclipse Gemini Web component. Despite these being the first release under the Eclipse moniker, they are the natural evolution of the well-regarded Spring DM Server. Read on to find out what's important about this release.

  • HTML5 Is Taking Off

    54% of the video published on the Internet is currently available in the HTML5 format, according to MeFeedia, and new HTML5 editing tools are announced by Adobe and Sencha, showing that HTML5 is taking off.

  • MySQL/HandlerSocket and VoltDB: Contenders to NoSQL

    NoSQL systems are considered by some as performing better than traditional SQL ones. Two SQL solutions, one based on MySQL plus a NoSQL layer used as a plug-in and VoltDB claim SQL still is a viable solution for large applications with high scalability needs.

  • Adobe previews HTML5 animation IDE

    Adobe during its annual developer’s conference has previewed an IDE for HTML5 animation. The IDE, codenamed Edge, uses the WebKit rendering engine to preview animations and like Dreamweaver, offers a source code editing mode.

  • Laharsub, a .NET Messaging Server

    Laharsub is an open source .NET publish-subscribe messaging server for real time web applications like chat, online collaboration, news or stock trade updates, etc.

  • OpenStack Austin and AWS Free Tier [Updated]

    OpenStack has announced Austin, the first open source cloud computing platform release based on Rackspace’s Cloud Servers plus Cloud Files and NASA’s Nebula technologies. In what seems to be a response, Amazon has made available a free AWS Usage Tier for new customers for one year.

  • Google & Spring Collaborate To Advance Cloud Java Development

    VMware and Google today announced an early November 2010 'general availability' of their collaborative projects to move Java-based cloud development forward by bringing the Google Web Toolkit to Spring Roo, integrating Spring Insight with Google Speed Tracer, and incorporating Google Plugin for Eclipse into the Eclipse-based SpringSource Tool Suite.

  • The Future of WCF Is RESTful [Updated]

    Glenn Block, a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Program Manager, said during an online webinar entitled “WCF, Evolving for the Web” that Microsoft’s framework for building service-oriented applications is going to be refactored radically, the new architecture being centered around HTTP.

  • Apple Deprecates Java

    As well as yesterday's back to the Mac presentation, Apple released a number of updates, including Java for 10.6 update 3, which brings the Java version to 1.6.0_22 and fixes numerous security holes. Significantly, though, in the release notes Apple signs its exit to the Java licensee space by making Java deprecated and hinting at its removal from 10.7 OSX Lion.

  • Do We Really Need Service Descriptions?

    In his new post William Vambenepe discusses the current state of service description and gives some suggestions on where it might move in the future.

  • Bridging Transactions from Java EE to .NET

    Bill Heinzman spoke at the recent JavaOne conference about bridging cross-platform transactions between enterprise Java and .NET applications. He also discussed the technologies that provide distributed transactions using standards like WS-Atomic Transaction and WS-Coordination and direct bridging using a shared-memory, Java Virtual Machine (JVM)-to-CLR implementation.

  • Ray Ozzie Steps Down as Microsoft’s Chief Software Architect

    Ray Ozzie, Microsoft’s Chief Software Architect, has stepped down and will retire from Microsoft after five years as strategist pushing the idea of online services and cloud computing.