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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • The Murky Future of ASP.NET AJAX

    With Microsoft’s embrace of jQuery, one has to wonder what will happen to the other JavaScript libraries that they created. As it turns out, ASP.NET AJAX will continue to be supported while the newer ASP.NET Ajax Library will never see another bug fix. In a recent MIX article, Dave Ward clarifies the situation.

  • Ruote: A Workflow Engine Written in Ruby

    Ruote is a workflow engine written in Ruby available under the MIT open source license. John Mettraux, the main contributor and founder of the project, recently released v2.1.11 along with Volute a simple state machine framework.

  • Constantine on combining Agile and User Experience

    Usability and Teamwork author and consultant Larry Constantine recently wrote two articles about the “Interfaith Marriage” between experience design and agile development. He examines the inherent conflict between the agile and UX perspectives and provides some concrete advice on how to integrate the two into a creative and productive union.

  • Foursquare's MongoDB Outage

    Foursquare recently suffered a total site outage for eleven hours. The outage was caused by unexpected uneven growth in their MongoDB database that their monitoring didn't detect. The system outage was prolonged when an attempt to add a partition didn't work due to fragmentation, and required taking the database offline to compact it. Learn what happened and what responses are planned.

  • Membase and Cloudera Announce Integration

    Membase and Cloudera announced integration of the Membase NoSQL database and Cloudera's Distribution for Hadoop, the distributed map-reduce and storage system, allowing for bi-direction data replication between the systems.

  • QCon San Francisco in 3 Weeks; Conference Highlights

    The 4th annual QCon San Francisco is taking place just 3 weeks from now, the chance to register is quickly approaching. The program includes three conference days with over 80 speakers in 15 tracks covering a wide variety of relevant and exciting topics in software development today. Attendance has increased 15% over last year, we hope you'll be able to join us!

  • What’s Next for SOA?

    Every several years there is a new wave of trying to predict SOA future. The new one is presented in a recent post by Joe McKendrick, discussing how SOA can morph into EA, cloud, EAI, BPM or all of them.

  • HTML5 Is Not Production Ready

    Philippe Le Hégaret, a W3C Interaction Domain Leader overseeing the HTML standard, considers that HTML5 needs to pass the compatibility tests across browsers before being suitable for production. While early adopters present nice 3D animations and videos done with HTML5, most developers should probably wait until mid 2011 or early 2012 when the standard becomes stable.

  • Is 2010 One of the Most Significant Years for Software Architecture?

    Modern Software Architecture has been heavily influenced by the need to architect systems at the scale of the Web. It seems that the availability of new client models are pressuring aging software architectures to evolve once more. Jack van Hoof pointed last week a talk from Joshua Robin that lead him to believe that great architectural changes are coming at us with full force.

  • ASP.NET MVC 3 Go-Live License

    Microsoft’s ASP.NET team has taken the Agile philosophy of Deploy Early, Deploy Often to heart. Close on the heels of ASP.NET MVC 2, version 3 beta has already been approved for production use. With a whole host of promising new features including the Razor syntax, this will be a hard release to ignore.

  • Membase Server publicly available from Membase Inc.

    Enterprise and Community Edition of Membase Server are publicly available from today from Membase Inc. (formerly NorthScale Inc.) the provider of the widely used Memcached Caching infrastructure.

  • Scalatra: A Sinatra-like Web Framework for Scala

    Scalatra is a Scala web framework that follows the principles of the Sinatra Ruby web framework. It was originally known as Step and it is the framework behind the RESTful backend that is used by LinkedIn Signal.

  • LLVM 2.8 Released

    The LLVM team yesterday released LLVM 2.8, the low-level virtual machine infrastructure that includes a next-generation C/C++ compiler, optimiser, and run-time. In addition, the LLVM also sports a VMKit for CLR and JVM runtime and is used in tools as diverse as MacRuby and Python's Unladen Swallow. Additionally, the recently-released Mono 2.8 has a mono-llvm runtime. So what's new in LLVM 2.8?

  • PRISM 4 Is Now Code Complete

    The patterns&practices team at Microsoft has released the latest version of its composite application guidance called PRISM 4 Drop 9, the library, the reference implementations and quick starts being code complete.

  • OSGi Community Event

    Last week saw London's OSGi Community Event, in conjunction with JAX London. The conference presentations covered a wide range of environments, from Java EE migrations and cloud computing, down to embedded devices and Android.