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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Percolator: a System for Incrementally Processing Updates to a Large Data Set

    Google's Daniel Peng and Frank Dabek published a paper on "Large-scale Incremental Processing Using Distributed Transactions and Notifications” explaining that databases do not meet the storage or throughput requirements for Google's indexing system which stores tens of petabytes of data and processes billions of updates per day on thousands of machines.

  • Google WebP - Creating Smaller Images for Faster Pages

    Google wants to shrink images transferred over the Internet by proposing a new lossy format called WebP. They claim they have achieved 39% reduction in image byte size leading to speedier page load.

  • Concurrency Revolution From a Hardware Perspective

    Brian Goetz and Cliff Click spoke at JavaOne conference last week about concurrency revolution from a hardware perspective. They said CPU designers will focus on parallelism in the future for increasing throughput of the systems. They also discussed some point solutions like Thread Pools, Fork/Join, Map/Reduce and Actors to achieve the concurrency in applications.

  • Is Enterprise Architecture Still Relevant for Cloud Computing?

    With today’s hype around cloud computing some might think it is a new silver bullet for IT – a cure for all IT problems. The latest of this discussion is whether cloud computing can replace enterprise architecture.

  • Bundle.update: Towards the Next OSGi Release

    It's been a long time since the last Bundle.update was posted, and there have been a lot of OSGi-centric updates since then. OSGi 4.2 has been released, with Equinox 3.6, Felix 3.0 and Knopflerfish 3.0 all providing support for the new platform. Recently, there have been some glimpses of the next version of OSGi, as well as increased enterprise support. Read on to find out what's been happening.

  • JavaOne: Modularity and Integration are Main Goals of Future Java SE, EE and Embedded Platforms

    Modularity, integration and serviceability are some of the main goals for future releases of Java SE, Java EE and Java for Embedded Platforms. Mark Reinhold, Roberto Chinnici and Greg Bollella spoke at JavaOne 2010 Conference General Session on new Java technologies and features in JSE, JEE, and Java Embedded Systems.

  • Eclipse Mylyn Becomes Top Level Project

    The Eclipse Mylyn project has been promoted to a top level Eclipse project under the banner of Application Lifecycle Management tools (though the Mylyn name is being kept as a short name). There is a project charter which explains its purpose in the ecosystem. Included is a new direction for review-based tools and hooking into build systems.

  • Microsoft Has Released Windows HPC Server 2008 R2 Suite

    Windows HPC Server 2008 R2 Suite is the latest HPC solution from Microsoft in the technical computing initiative called Modeling the World. Some of the new features include: workstations clusters, accessing the cloud, using SOA, services for Excel, and GPU support.

  • Model-Driven Development: Where are the Successes?

    Jon Whittle presented last week at the SPLC 2010 keynote, some findings on experiences from using model-based development. He reported that 83% of respondents to his survey "consider MDE a good thing". Yet, the industry is still looking for how to create successful Model-Driven approaches.

  • Is OAuth 2.0 Bad for the Web?

    Eran Hammer-Lahav, one of the editors of the OAuth 2.0 specification, published a diatribe on the latest standard draft. For him, the current proposal mortgages the future of the Web. He sees the current specification focusing too much on simplicity for the application developer while severely limiting the ability to create discoverable and interoperable services.

  • InfoQ Cloud Computing Survey – Participate and Get a Copy of the Results

    InfoQ Cloud Computing Survey – Participate and Get a Copy of the Results

  • Google Relaunches Instantiations Tools

    Having acquired Instantations Java tooling arm last month, Google has now released their tools for free via the Google WebToolkit project. This includes the high-quality WindowBuilder Pro, which can create GUIs in SWT, Swing and GWT, as well as GWT Designer for rapid GWT development, CodePro AnalytiX for automated software quality, and WindowTester Pro for automated UI testing.

  • Is Good Code Enough for a Project to Be Successful?

    Simon Brown, a developer, architect and author, considers that it takes a lot more than just good code to create a successful project. In his presentation, "Good Code Isn’t Enough", Brown goes through all the elements necessary for a project’s success, from upfront design to operation documentation.

  • Will Business Adopt BPMN 2.0?

    With BPMN 2.0 starting to get traction in the IT community and the new “native” BPMN execution engines, the question still remains if BPMN 2.0 is going to be widely adopted by the business community.

  • A Case for Graph Databases

    We talk with Daniel Kirstenpfad, founder and CTO of sones GmbH, about Graph Databases and how they can better model some types of data such as relations in a social networking application. A graph database can offer performance benefits over other types of databases because they explicitly represent a graph and are organized to have index free adjacency.