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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Patterns for Building Applications for Windows Azure

    J.D. Meier, a Principal Program Manager for the patterns & practices group at Microsoft, has listed a number of ASP.NET application patterns for Windows Azure, showing how the components work in the cloud. He also gave an example of mapping a standard web application to the cloud.

  • Big Ball of Mud, Still the Most Popular Software Design

    Big Ball of Mud, is a code jungle which is haphazardly structured, sprawling, sloppy and connected by duct-tape. Over the years we have been introduced to various guidelines such as SOLID, GRASP and KISS amongst age old, high cohesion and low coupling to deal with this Mud. However, the situation still remains bleak and Big Ball of Mud seems to be a popular way to design and architect software.

  • 10 Suggestions for the Architect of an Agile Team

    Tom Hollander, a Solutions Architect at Microsoft Australia, held a presentation entitled The Role of an Architect in an Agile Team at TechEd Australia where he discussed what he does as an architect leading an agile team.

  • An Introduction to ØMQ (ZeroMQ)

    Ilya Grigorik wrote an introduction to ZeroMQ last week. ZeroMQ is a new multi-platform library abstracting socket management which can support arbitrarily large applications.

  • JavaOne Preview: Java Functional Programming in an Interview with GridGain CEO Nikita Ivanov

    This month GridGain CEO Nikita Ivanov will be speaking about functional programming at JavaOne in San Francisco. With its 3.0 release, GridGain added a more functional feel to its product by reworking the APIs. InfoQ contacted Mr. Ivanov to get the deeper story about his company's experiences with functional programming.

  • Free Software Foundation Offers Grudging Support to Google in Patent Case

    Brett Smith, the Free Software Foundation's compliance engineer, has asserted his organization's opposition to Oracle's lawsuit, but their support for Google is somewhat muted.

  • Apple Relaxes iPhone Development Tool and Data Sharing Restrictions

    Apple announced today that they "listened to our developers" and "we are relaxing all restrictions on the development tools used to create iOS apps, as long as the resulting apps do not download any code." They also announced that "for the first time we are publishing the App Store Review Guidelines to help developers understand how we review submitted apps."

  • Microsoft Web Farm Framework, a Tool for Automating Operations Across a Server Farm

    Microsoft Web Farm Framework (WFF) is a free IIS plug-in used to provision and manage systems in a web server farm, enabling the installation and configuration of software components across the farm plus support for automated deployment of ASP.NET applications.

  • Cloudant releases Java based view server for CouchDB

    Cloudant the company behind CouchDB just released Java View Server for CouchDB. That means that not only Erlang and interpreted languages like Javascript or Python can be used to write Map-Reduce jobs but also JVM based languages.

  • VMware's Cloud Application Platform Vision

    Rod Johnson details VMWare's new Cloud Application Platform Vision, vFabric. It is based on all SpringSource assets and VMware's virtualization technology. Now that nearly all major actors of the Cloud are aiming at PaaS, it may be time to ask whether IaaS is "dead"? and whether PaaS will be able get mindshare of most IT organizations?

  • JBoss Benchmark Claims HornetQ is the Performance Leader of Enterprise Messaging Systems

    JBoss has published the results of messaging throughput benchmarks against the leading enterprise messaging servers on the market that implement the Java Message Service (JMS) API.  In these results HornetQ demonstrates superior performance compared to the other products.

  • Agile 2010 - Make Stuff People Can Use

    There were a number of sessions at Agile 2010 focused on usability and user experience. Samantha Starmer from REI presented a session titled "Make stuff people can use" that provided practical advice and pragmatic ideas on bringing usability into agile projects, even when there isn't a usability expert as a member of the team.

  • Nuxeo Introduces fise Semantic Engine

    Nuxeo introduces fise - an open source RESTful semantic engine to which NUXEO has made contributions. The goal of the fise is to "help bring new and trendy semantic features to CMS by giving developers a stack of reusable HTTP semantic services to build upon." fise is part of a larger effort, IKS (Interactive Knowledge Stack) as a means of enhancing CMS offerings with Semantic Web capabilities.

  • Parallel Programming with Microsoft .NET

    The patterns&practices team has released Parallel Programming with Microsoft .NET, a book containing guidance for writing parallel programs for .NET. In essence the book contains 6 design patterns for parallel programming accompanied by code samples.

  • Using the Common Information Model for Building Semantic Services

    Despite multiple articles on the importance of semantic messaging for services interoperability, there is very little practical guidance on using the industry specific common information models. A new DeveloperWorks article by Gandhi Sivakumar and Ram Viswanathan is trying to fill that void.