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  • New PHP Licensing Option for Cloud Computing

    Zend recently announced an 'unlimited subscription' licensing option for its PHP products, in support of cloud computing. Virtualization and Cloud Computing challenge traditional concepts of software licensing, e.g. one license per user, one license per server, because of the dynamism and variability of running instances inherent in both concepts. Zend offers one way to solve this problem.

  • IBM X-Force Report: Enterprise Security Exploits Are Rising

    IBM has published the IBM X-Force® 2010 Mid-Year Trend and Risk Report August 2010 (112 pages long, free registration required) containing detailed information about the security vulnerabilities and exploits of 2010, such as JavaScript and PDF obfuscation, the current security threat trends in the enterprise, and a look into the future.

  • SpringSource vFabric cloud application framework platform

    While VMWare offering a new range of products to support its vision of enterprise cloud computing at VMWorld 2010 is interesting from an operations and user perspective, developer focus is on vFabric the Spring platform for developing and running cloud based applications. The goal is to provide the same convenience infrastructure for cloud applications as for spring based enterprise applications.

  • Discussing Agile With a CFO

    The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for financial planning, financial reporting, financial analysis and managing financial risks. What would be a better language than finance to explain the benefits of Agile to a CFO?

  • Red Hat Expands its Cloud Strategy

    Last week, Red Hat released a comprehensive Cloud strategy aiming at increasing interoperability between Clouds and portability of applications from one Cloud to another. Red Hat also submitted its APIs to the Apache DeltaCloud initiative.

  • Unique Software Degree Program Restarted

    A unique university program of education in software and systems design has been restarted at New Mexico Highlands University. The program is based on experiential learning, features apprenticeships, and uses a radically restructured and accelerated curriculum. The program goal: "to produce a community of professionals capable of solving complex, "wicked," problems with computing technology.

  • H.264 to Remain Free for Internet Video

    The MPEG LA, who hold the patent pool on the MPEG H.264 video format, have recently extended their pledge for free web-based video to last for the lifetime of the license. In a Press Release (pdf) yesterday, they confirmed the continuation of the free license, which had been due to expire in December 2015. But what does this mean for HTML5 browsers?

  • Slowdown in Virtualization

    A 2010 survey suggests that companies have slowed their efforts to virtualize their data centers. The survey was conducted by InformationWeek and is the second in an annual series. The key finding: almost 20% fewer companies expect to have 25-49% of their servers virtualized by 2011 and almost 10% fewer companies expect to virtualize 50-74% of their servers.

  • Designing a Web Application with Scalability in Mind

    Max Indelicato, a Software Development Director and former Chief Software Architect, has written a post on how to design a web application for scalability. He suggests choosing the right deploying and storage solution, a scalable data storage and schema, and using abstraction layers.

  • Designing a Cloud-oriented Enterprise Datacenter

    In his new article Tony Bishop discusses proven design principles for the implementation of a cloud-oriented data center.

  • Should an Enterprise Architect Have an MBA?

    Todd Biske, an Enterprise Architect and SOA author, started a discussion on Twitter by asking the question “Should Enterprise Architects have/get an MBA?” Some of the enterprise architects who responded to the question believe that an MBA is not mandatory but it can be very helpful.

  • A Look At Hidden Costs In Cloud Solutions

    In a recent post David Pallman takes a look at the hidden costs of cloud based solutions. He examines and identifies these commonly overlooked costs involved in cloud based solutions specifically in the context of Azure.

  • Should the Best Scrum Team Be Rewarded?

    Should one provide a reward to the single best team in a division each quarter? How is that team to be determined? What effects will that reward have?

  • Four NoSQL Add-ons available for Heroku Users

    The first four NoSQL datastores are available as Add-ons for the Heroku PaaS (platform-as-a-service) platform. Using the Add-on system that was introduced in October 2009, CouchDB from Cloudant, Membase from NorthScale, MongoDB from MongoHQ and Redis were made available for Heroku users.

  • How To Do Large Scale Refactoring

    Refactoring by definition means changing the internal structure of a program without modifying its external functional behavior. This is mostly done to improve the non-functional attributes of the program thus leading to improved code quality. However, refactoring on a large scale often gives jitters to even seasoned Agilists. The community discussed a few ways of handling the scale.