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  • Developer Survey: Challenges and New Technologies

    Embarcadero has released the results of a survey of 600 professional developers conducted in May-June of 2010. The survey focused on identifying the "top developer trends, challenges, key initiatives, and current tools being used. The survey respondents were primarily application developers with the size of the respondents companies primarily from organizations with less that 25 people."

  • Cloudera Enterprise Released: Interview with Charles Zedlewski

    Cloudera recently announced Cloudera Enterprise, a commercial bundling of Hadoop and a dozen other supporting open source projects.  InfoQ interviewed Product Manager Charles Zedlewski for more detail about what this means for conventional enterprises and the future face of Hadoop.

  • Will HTML5 be Secure Enough?

    Joab Jackson wrote an article detailing some of the potential vulnerabilities of the HTML5 standard set. Will security be the Achilles' heel of HTML5?

  • More Open Source Cloud with Apache Nuvem?

    Recently the Deltacloud and libCloud projects were accepted into Apache incubator status. Now it looks like Nuvem, another Cloud-related project may be coming soon. Although there may be overlaps with these other projects, it seems that Nuvem may be taking a SOA-based approach with dependency on SCA.

  • QConSF Nov 3-5 Coming Up: Highlights and Most Popular Sessions, Join us!

    The QConSF schedule is developing fast with over half the schedule posted! QCon will be held Nov 3-5th at the Westin Market Street in San Francisco; QCon is a practitioner-driven conference designed for team leads, architects and project management. Registration is $1,595 (a $500 savings) until August 27th.

  • Standards and Open Source for Cloud Computing

    Three recent announcements highlight the evolving cloud ecosystem in favor of openness and standards. Red Hat has moved its Deltacloud effort to the Apache Incubator, Rackspace has made its Cloud Files code open source, and the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) has released two documents laying out the essential functions for cloud computing and descriptive language for them.

  • Is There a Future for Native (Mobile) Applications?

    Google's DeWitt Clinton shared his analysis to the ongoing debate about why people like native mobile applications.

  • Architecture Analysis Tool SonarJ 6.0 Supports Structural Debt Index and Quality Model

    The latest version of software architecture analysis and quality governance tool SonarJ supports structural debt index and architecture quality model. The company behind the product, hello2morrow, last month announced the release of version 6.0 of the tool. The new release also includes sand-box testing and an updated version of Sonar plugin.

  • Oracle Sues Google Over Java in Android

    In a tersely worded press release, Oracle has announced that it is suing Google for patent and copyright infringement over its use of the Java programming language for Android development, opening a legal war between the Silicon Valley firms over the smartphone software platform.

  • Can any process be automated?

    A new post by Julian Sammy explores the limits of automation and describes some situations where automation is not applicable.

  • MongoDB 1.6 Adds Sharding and Replica Sets

    MongoDB 1.6 is a major release addressing the scaling-out issue through sharding and adding replica sets for automatic failover and recovery.

  • Collabnet Offers new Agile ALM Cloud options

    Collabnet has released a new version of Teamforge (5.4), the general release of Subversion Edge, and a new Teamforge licensing agreement (TeamForge SCM Licensing option). All were announced at the Agile 2010 conference this week. The stated intent of these new products is to increase the flexibility of organizations seeking to adopt Agile software development methods.

  • IIBA announce Agile Extension to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge

    The International Institute of Business Analysis announced the release of a first draft of the Introduction for the Agile Extension to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge at Agile 2010 today. They are looking for participation and feedback from Agile practitioners and business analysis professionals.

  • MyEclipse for Spring 8.6 Released with Flex, GWT and iPhone Scaffolding

    Genuitec and Skyway Software have announced the release of MyEclipse for Spring 8.6. The latest release includes accelerators for Spring Core, Adobe Flex, Spring MVC, GWT, Spring Web Flow and iPhone Web applications. The release also introduces a new set of Spring development editors, Code Assistants, that facilitate the annotation-based development of Spring and JAX-WS artifacts.

  • Introducing Microsoft’s Dynamically Typed Data Access Library

    In conjunction with WebMatrix, Microsoft’s new tool chain for amateur web developers, Microsoft is releasing a dynamically type data access library. Similar to the Jasper project, this library trades the performance for ease of use. The result is an ORM-like API, but without the overhead of configuration files or code-generated classes.