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  • Software Programming as Craft

    The Cutter IT Journal recently published a special issue on software craftsmanship that included articles on what it means to be a software craftsman, software engineering vs. software craft, the relationship between Agile and craftsmanship, and crafting the user experience.

  • Is it Time to Rethink Enterprise Architecture?

    Gabriel Morgan thinks so. As businesses are changing more rapidly every day, and IT is getting slower every day. For him, EA Frameworks are simply not equipped to achieve business-IT alignment. He shares some of his experience after his team started to focus on company transformation and adopted business management concepts instead.

  • Building RESTful services with Flash

    In a recent blog posting the RESTful credentials of Adobe's Flash are called into question. Duane Nickull, one of the main authors behind the OASIS SOA Reference Architecture and Adobe evangelist, responds by illustrating why the core principles behind SOA and REST are well supported within Flash.

  • Expressing Emotions with a New W3C Markup Language, EmotionML

    W3C has published the first public working draft of the Emotion Markup Language (EmotionML), a language meant to express emotions in three main ways in today’s computer-based communication: annotating data, the recognition of emotional-based states, and generating emotion-related system behavior.

  • Agile Project Leaders Network Reorganizes

    The APLN is an organization that supports and helps to organize Agile user groups and an Agile-related conference called the Leadership Summit. The non-profit group has recently elected new board members, realigned its focus, and announced new initiatives and plans.

  • Leverage Points: places to intervene in a system

    A key decision for software architects involves where and how to introduce change into a system in order to effect a desired change. Leverage points are those places where micro changes can result in macro results. Twelve categories of leverage point are identified along with concerns about the changes.

  • The Role of the Enterprise Architect

    Although the enterprise architect has become one of the more popular and sometimes respected profession in IT, the discussion about the enterprise architect’s role continues. A round table discussion at The Open Group’s Security Practitioners Conference attempted to clarify the enterprise architect’s role.

  • W3C Releases Unicorn Web Validation Tool

    W3C has released Unicorn, a one-stop tool to help people improve the quality of their Web pages. Unicorn combines four popular tools, including the Markup validator, CSS validator, mobileOk checker, and Feed validator, with a single interface.

  • ASP.NET Reaches a New Milestone: ASP.NET MVC 3 Preview 1

    Although ASP.NET MVC 3 Preview 1 has not been announced yet, the framework can be downloaded from Microsoft downloads. The list of new features include: Dependency Injection, Razor View Engine, Dynamic View and ViewModel properties, and Global Filters.

  • Spring Aiming to Bring Grails-like Productivity to GWT Application Development With Roo

    VMWare, Google partnership delivers GWT integration to Spring Roo.

  • Explaining Refactoring to Management

    How can one explain the importance and value of refactoring to people in management who have never coded? How can one justify the expense of slowing down code delivery?

  • MoDisco: A Model-Driven Software Modernization Framework

    Software Modernization is an acute problem for most IT organizations. MoDisco is a joint project between MIA Software and the AtlanMod Research Team which is offering a model driven solution. Jordi Cabot and his colleagues wrote a two page introduction on this Eclipse project.

  • WebSphere 7 Feature Pack Supports OSGi-based Application Deployment and SCA Integration

    WebSphere Application Server V7 Feature Pack for OSGi Applications and Java Persistence API 2.0 offers a standards-based implementation of OSGi Blueprint Container specification and JPA 2.0. It also provides an optional feature to deploy and manage applications as versioned OSGi bundles. IBM recently announced the GA release of the feature pack which is based on Apache projects Aries and OpenJPA.

  • Series On Available Authentication Mechanisms For OData Services And Clients

    The WCF Data Services Team have recently been doing a series on the available authentication mechanisms for client/OData service authentication.

  • Apache FOP 1.0 released

    On Wednesday, the Apache Foundation announced the release of Apache FOP 1.0, a project that has been a decade in the making. Apache FOP, or Formatting Objects Processor, provides a means to turn XML documents into a variety of print-ready formats, such as PDF, PostScript, or even PNG