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  • Object Oriented Programming: The Wrong Path?

    In a QCon London 2010 interview with Joe Armstrong, the original developer of Erlang, and Ralph Johnson, long associated with Smalltalk, OOP, and Patterns, the question of whther we've gone down the "wrong path" w.r.t. object orientation all these yearrs. Both interviewees suggest that we have, but this is due to flaws in the implementation of object ideas and not the ideas themselves.

  • NetBeans 6.9 Release Supports JavaFX, Java EE6 and OSGi

    Oracle has released version 6.9 of its popular open-source Java IDE, NetBeans. This is the first release under its stewardship since it accquired Sun Microsystems.

  • Emergent Data Architectures Highlights From GigaOm Structure Conference

    The GigaOM Stucture conference a couple of weeks ago addressed many areas of cloud computing. One of the key themes of the event was the emergence of new data architectures. Throughout the panels, interviews, and presentations many speakers identified significant changes in how data gets handled that will be coming.

  • Ambient Computing; Emerging Applications

    Projects at the Santa Fe Complex illustrate that practical applications of ambient computing research are at hand. Ambient computing is primarily concerned with interface and interaction issues that arise in ubiquitous computing environments.

  • The "Oath of Non-Allegiance"

    The Agile community of full of smart people, smart ideas, opinions, positions-- and differences. Substantial differences can lead to learning, but more often than not, differences can lead directly into heated conflict. Now an original signatory of the Agile Manifesto is offering an all-new declaration-- the 'Oath of Non-Allegiance'.

  • WebMatrix: Microsoft's New Stack to Create Simple Websites

    WebMatrix is a free tool from Microsoft putting together a web server, ASP.NET + Razor, SQL Server CE and an IDE for creating simple websites.

  • Architecture Strategies and Principles

    There have been a lot of publications on enterprise architecture and its role, especially in large companies. Two new Chris Curran’s posts discuss the most common architectural myths and give specific suggestions on improving EA functionality.

  • Microsoft Answers “Top 10 Questions on Data”

    Microsoft has answered what they call “Top Ten Questions on Data”, explaining what has happened or it is going to happen to Oslo, ADO.NET Data Services, WCF, LINQ to SQL, T-SQL and other technologies.

  • Mobile Malware: New Threat Requires New Response

    Smart phones and mobile computers must deal with a new breed of security threat. Software countermeasures are available, but user awareness and user education are key elements of any protection scheme.

  • Four View Engines for ASP.NET MVC

    With last week’s introduction of Razor, there are now four major view engine for ASP.NET MVC. The others are Spark, NHaml, and the traditional ASPX file templates. This article introduces the four engines with a special focus on the new Razor engine.

  • HTML5 Case Study: Building the noVNC Client with WebSockets, Canvas and JavaScript

    noVNC is a VNC client, implemented using HTML5 WebSockets, Canvas and JavaScript. InfoQ had a small Q&A with Joel Martin about noVNC and his experience in developing an HTML5 application. Challenges, common pitfalls, tooling and architecture of HTML5 applications are addressed.

  • Oracle Planning More Cuts as Sun Returns to Profit

    No primeiro sinal de uma reviravolta no mercado de hardware, a Oracle iniciou a aquisição da Sun Microsystems e isso ajudou a ajudou a atingir a expectativa de lucro de Wall Street para o último trimestre, segundo dados divulgados na semana passada.

  • Computing Careers: the future is bright

    Contrary to myth, the number of computing career opportunities in the US is increasing - far exceeding the supply. An indirect result of the imbalance is rising salaries in the IT field. This news article summarizes a report done by Joel Adams, a professor at Calvin College in Michigan.

  • Visualize First. Build Later.

    A Computerworld article and webinar announcement, both featuring the use of iRise, to visually capture business application requirements calls attention to this growing product segment.

  • iPhone Antenna Problems Pose Alternative Interface Design Questions

    Problems with the new iPhone4G antenna again raise questions about interface design for small devices. This article briefly recaps some of the problems posed by phones and similar devices and points to some potential alternative interface solutions.