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  • Internet Explorer 9 Preview 3 Has Better HTML5 Support

    Internet Explorer Preview 3 comes with new HTML5 improvements, most notably being: audio, video and canvas, a faster JavaScript engine, more DOM and CSS features supported, support for embedded fonts, closing the HTML5 implementation gap with other browsers, and performing better in some areas due to hardware acceleration.

  • Membase, a new and heavyweight NoSQL family member

    NorthScale solutions announced the availability of the open source NoSQL database Membase which was developed by core members of the Memcached team with contributions from Zynga and NHN. It is a protocol compatible persistent drop in for Memcached the widely used caching solution

  • Is REST Capable of Solving Systems Integration Issues?

    In his new post Steve Jones examines the state of IT and systems integration today and determines that it is in a worse place now than it was 5 years ago.

  • State of the Practice - 2010

    A number of leading authors, practitioners, and speakers in the area of software development were asked a series of common questions about the state of software development practice in 2010. The interview took place at the Better Software / Agile West concurrent conferences in June 2010.

  • Are GET And POST Enough To Create RESTful Services?

    Mike Amundsen asks, in an post that examines alternatives to how one might develop RESTful services in environments constrained to a choice of using just GET and POST.

  • HyperSQL 2.0 - New Release 5 Years In the Making

    The HyperSQL database (HSQLDB), version 2.0, has been released after 5 years in the making. HyperSQL 2.0 is the worthy successor to HSQLDB 1.8, which has been integrated and used in applications large and small, including the ubiquitous OpenOffice Base application. The new version boasts more features than any other open source database.

  • Architexa aims to make UML quick and easy

    Architexa is a new Eclipse-based UML modeling tool that allows developers to quickly gain insight into code relationships through UML diagrams, and share what they find with others.

  • State of SOA Survey 2010: SOA Is Well-Established in Enterprise Today

    TechTarget and Forrester have released “State of SOA Survey 2010” suggesting that SOA is in fact broadly entrenched today. The survey results show that the number of organizations where SOA projects are underway keeps growing and many of these projects are “enterprise-level‟ in nature.

  • Naresh Jain Discusses "Simple Design & Testing" And The Conference Dedicated To It

    "Simplicity" is a core agile tenet, particularly when it comes to software design and testing. Since 2006, Naresh Jain has been running a worldwide conference, the Simple Design & Testing Conference, for practitioners to collectively push the boundaries on the topic. Naresh tells InfoQ what's going on behind this small, but well-known conference and why he is so passionate about the topic.

  • Azul Systems To Open Source Significant Technology in Managed Runtime Initiative

    Having just announced a record breaking quarter, Azul Systems are open sourcing a considerable part of their intellectual property under GPLV2, as part of a major new initiative to try and improve the performance of managed code on commodity platforms.

  • The Decision to Refactor

    Refactoring is the process of changing a software system in such a way that is does not alter the external behavior of the code yet improves its internal structure. The idea of improving an already written code is appreciated in most Agile teams. Continuous improvement is is something that these teams strive for. However, improving the already existing code involves time and money. Is it worth it?

  • REST and versioning

    The problem of how to version services in a REST-based environment is something that comes up time and again. This time Ganesh Prasad offers a proposed solution based not on modifications to the service URL but on the fundamental reason behind versioning in the first place.

  • Microsoft’s HTML5 Compliance Test Results Are Disputed by Google, Mozilla, and Opera [UPDATED]

    Microsoft has posted the results for 192 tests grouped in 8 categories for HTML5, SVG 1.1, CSS3, and DOM Level 2&3 showing that IE9 Preview passes all of them with flying colors while Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari have mixed results varying from 0% to 100% depending on the category. The conclusion, that IE9 is the most compliant with W3C standards, is contested by Google, Mozilla, Opera.

  • Greystripe Transcodes ActionScript Bytecode to HTML 5, making Flash Ads Available on the iPhone/iPad

    Greystripe has announced that they are collaborating with Adobe to provide rich media, interactive ad solutions across Android, iPhone, iPad and other mobile web platforms. Part of their offering will involve a technology that will convert Flash ads to HTML 5 that target mobile devices like the iPhone, where the Flash plugin is not available.

  • CouchDB as the Personal Database

    While attending the Berlin Buzzwords NoSql conference, Jan Lehnardt (@janl) one of conference organizers and co-author of CouchDB: The Definitive Guide (a free O'Reilly book). presented a talk titled: "Making Software for Humans - CouchDB and The Usable Peer-to-Peer Web".