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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • How to Pay the Author: Flattr Micropayment Service

    Earlier this year the micropayment service flattr (a wordplay of flatrate and flatter) went live. The principle is simple but could change the way in which we reward quality content on the net. Flattr was initiated by one of the founders of The Pirate Bay, Peter Sunde, who also presented it at social media conferences like re:publica.

  • Book: Points of View - a Tribute to Alan Kay

    Edited by Ian Piumarta, a Senior Scientist for Viewpoints Research Institute, and Kimberly Rose, co-founder of the Viewpoints Research Institute, the book “Points of View - a Tribute to Alan Kay” (PDF) is a homage paid to Dr. Alan Kay for his great contribution for the advance of computer science, celebrating his 70th birthday on May 17th.

  • Announcing the 4th Annual QCon San Francisco: November 1-5, 2010

    QCon San Francisco 2010, taking place November 1-5 is now open for registration ($700 savings until June 11th). QCon is an enterprise software development conference for team leads, architects, and project managers covering Architecture & Design, Java, NoSQL, Concurrency, SOA, Cloud Computing, Agile methodologies and other timely topics.

  • Unsolved SOA Mysteries

    In his new post, eBIZQ’s Joe McKendrick discusses some of the mysteries surrounding SOA: the difference between SOA and cloud computing, how can SOA fail when nobody really has fully implemented it, how to measure SOA success, and others.

  • Restful Services in Ruby using JRuby and Jersey

    In an effort to bring the expressiveness of ruby and the REST frameworks in Java, Charles Nutter makes the case for delevoping RESTful services in JRuby+Rails.

  • Wireframes or No Wireframes

    The adage "A picture is worth a thousand words", is sometimes forgotten in the Agile world. At least, this is what many designers on Agile teams believe. In some teams, designers are required to create small increments of the design and this process does not necessarily produce the best results. For other teams wireframes are considered to be bureaucracy which gets in the way of development.

  • Google Offers Cloud Storage to Developers

    Google Storage for Developers (GSD) is a new RESTful service providing data storage which is replicated across several data centers located in US. GSD is called “for Developers” because data is transferred and accessed though an API based on regular HTTP commands like GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, and DELETE.

  • Cisco Targets Mobile Enterprise Workers with Cius

    Cisco announced Cius (pronounced See-Us) during Cisco Live on June 29th. Cius is a computing tablet targeted at mobile enterprise workers offering anywhere connectivity and cloud integration.

  • Do We Need LAMP as PaaS in the Cloud?

    LAMP has been a major platform for the Internet, but current cloud offerings do not seem to include LAMP as PaaS. Is LAMP needed in a cloud computing world?

  • Will Activiti Meet the BPM Challenge?

    In his new post, BP3’ Scott Francis describes changes to the open source BPM landscape and analyzes whether Activiti, a new open source BPM solution, can become successful in the BPM arena.

  • Microsoft Has Released a PST View Tool and a File Format SDK

    Three months ago Microsoft released the Outlook PST Specification documentation allowing developers to create server/desktop applications processing PST content without having to install Outlook. On May 24th, Microsoft announced two new open source projects, PST Data Structure View Tool and PST File Format SDK, making the creation of such applications even easier.

  • SOA In Plain English

    “If you aren’t technical, [SOA is] one of those terms that flies right over your head.”, explains Don Fornes, Founder & CEO at Software Advice; not to mention the added complexity of a slew of related acronyms such as “SOAP, XML, CORBA, DCOM, .NET, J2EE, REST, BPEL and WS-CDL”. In his article he tries to demystify the concepts around SOA.

  • A Roundup of New Features in Android 2.2

    Google presented the 7th version of Android called Froyo at Google I/O 2010. Android has received much attention during the conference and it was the topic of the keynote held by Vic Gundotra, VP of Engineering at Google. Android 2.2 has new features in areas like: enterprise integration, device management API, performance, tethering, browser, and marketplace.

  • Platform as a Service, Portability and Mobility

    Are current PaaS solutions really vendor lock-in opportunities? In a recent article Joe McKendrick discusses this possibility in terms of application portability and mobility. He also ties this to similar issues that affect the SOA world.

  • Alfresco Announces Activiti Project, an Apache 2 Licensed BPM Engine

    Alfresco announces their open source, Apache 2 Licensed Business Process Managment engine, Activiti, with former jBPM lead Tom Baeyens at the helm.