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A Roundup On The Lean Software and Systems Conference Buzz
The Lean Software & Systems Conference went down a few weeks ago in Atlanta, and InfoQ has followed much of the buzz since. Check out what we've collected from the vast pool of great blogs, articles, notes, videos, pictures, presentations and more that have surfaced since the event.
Eugenio Pace on Identity Federation, WIF and ADFS 2.0
Microsoft has entered the cloud and customers are looking into moving their applications to this new platform. In doing so authentication and identity management needs to be addressed. InfoQ Editor Jon Arild Tørresdal talked to Eugenio Pace, Senior Program Manager in the Patterns & Practices team about the recent federation and identity technologies released from Microsoft.
Hobo 1.0 Builds on Top of Rails
Hobo, a collection of Ruby on Rails extensions designed to streamline Rails development, recently announced its 1.0 release. InfoQ spoke with project creator Tom Locke about the milestone.
Sass 3 Delivers CSS Compatibility, Selector Inheritance
Haml/Sass 3 is nearing its final release, anticipated on May 10, with the addition of CSS-like brace syntax to Sass as a principal feature.
Learning About Security Vulnerabilities by Hacking Google’s Jarlsberg
For those who have wondered what it is like to hack into another system, Google has created a special lab named Jarlsberg containing a web application full of security holes ready to be exploited by developers who want to learn hands-on what are some of the possible vulnerabilities, how malicious users use them and what can be done to prevent such exploits.
Jim Marino on Fabric3 1.5 Release
A new version of the open source SCA implementation – Fabric3 - introduces many new features including improved clustering, deep integration with WebLogic application server, and improved performance support. InfoQ has conducted an interview with Metaform Systems founder and SCA contributor Jim Marino.
Rhodes 2.0 Brings HD Audio-Video Streaming, Is Now Free Under MIT License
Rhomobile today announced Rhodes 2.0, their cross-platform, Ruby and HTML/Javascript-based framework for smartphones apps. New features include bi-directional HD video and audio streaming and a new metadata framework to work with changing backend database schemas. Also, Rhodes is now completely free of charge and licensed under an MIT license.
What Color is your Backlog?
At the recent SDC conference in Wellington Prof Philippe Kruchten delivered a talk titled “What Color is Your Backlog”. The thrust of his talk is about bringing a focus on architecturally significant aspects of software into Agile projects, along with delivering the functional components of the system. He uses a color metaphor to illustrate the importance of addressing four types of work.
Microsoft Tips the Scale in Favor of HTML 5 and H.264
Dean Hachamovitch, General Manager for Internet Explorer at Microsoft, has announced that IE9 will use only the H.264 standard to play HTML 5 video. Microsoft seems to have become very committed to HTML 5, while Flash loses even more ground. The announcement came the same day Steve Jobs detailed why Apple does not accept Flash on iPhone and iPad.
New Java SDK For Amazon Web Services
Amazon has announced the new AWS SDK for Java this March. The aim of the new SDK is to simplify the development of java applications that use the Amazon EC2. The AWS Toolkit for Eclipse automates most of the steps required for the development cycle such as deployment, debugging, instance launching and network access management on the Amazon cluster
Introducing Business Entities and the Business Entity Definition Language
A new developerWorks article - Data4BPM - proposes two new standards, the Business Entity Definition Language (BEDL) and BPEL4Data for the holistic design and execution of process with Business Entities.
Organizations Going Agile: Tread with Caution
Most organizations hire Agile coaches to carry out an organization wide Agile transformation. The intention is to have a lean and fit organization by the time coaches walk out of the building. However, it is very difficult to achieve transformation that improves the end-to-end delivery process and is sustainable if the transformation just begins at the team level.
Facebook's Graph API: The Future Of Semantic Web?
“There are two important themes behind everything we're delivering today.” says Bret Taylor, head of Facebook’s platform products in the facebook developer blog, of the recent announcements at the f8 conference in San Francisco. Facebook introduced Open Graph protocol, and the Graph API as the next evolution in the Facebook platform.
Microsoft Has Released Enterprise Library 5.0
Microsoft pattern&practices has released Enterprise Library 5.0, a set of application blocks that can be used as building blocks for enterprise applications, representing Microsoft’s guidance on how to write good applications. The library contains a number of improvements, includes Unity 2.0, and supports .NET 4.0.
Whither the GlassFish Gem? Alternatives for Deploying JRuby Web Applications
When Oracle released its GlassFish roadmap, a notable absence was the GlassFish gem. This gem-based server for Rails, Merb, and Sinatra applications has become a common deployment option for the JRuby platform and has been widely recommended to the JRuby community. The gem allows Rails users running in multithreaded mode to take advantage of the JVM by running multiple threads per server instance.