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Details of the Now Available Google Chrome OS
Google has open sourced Chrome OS a year before the planned launch which is to happen some time before winter holidays in 2010. Google is working with manufacturers on a new reference hardware to accommodate their speed and security requirements which are key features of their new operating system.
Test Driven Development and the Trouble with Legacy Code
Alan Baljeu was trying to use TDD with his large, legacy C++ code base. He found that the principle of the simplest thing that could possibly work was causing him trouble with the amount of rework.
SOA: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
A new developerWorks article by Jens Andexer and Willem Bekker describes business implications of SOA, stressing both its advantages and drawbacks.
Microsoft Proposes OData as de facto Web Data Protocol
Microsoft proposes OData as the web data protocol while Google uses GData. Microsoft invites Google to join forces with them in adopting OData. Will they do it?
Beta Versions of Flash Player 10.1 and AIR 2.0 Released
Adobe Systems has announced the availability of beta versions of Flash Player 10.1 and Adobe AIR 2.0, which can be downloaded from the Adobe Labs site.
Google Works on a Protocol Intended to Replace HTTP
Google proposes SPDY, a new application protocol running on top of SSL, a protocol to replace HTTP which is considered to introduce latencies. They have already created a prototype with a web server and an enhanced Chrome browser that supposedly loads web pages twice as fast.
RESTfulie - A Gem To Create Hypermedia Aware Services And Clients
Guilherme Silveira writes to InfoQ on the release of a ruby gem that makes developing hypermedia aware services and clients that consume them a breeze.
The Top 10 SOA Myths Revisited
In his recent post, Joe McKendrick lists the top 10 SOA myths as presented by Gartner’s Yefim Natis at the ebizQ “SOA in Action” event and containing misconceptions of both SOA proponents and opponents.
Google Experiments with a New Language, Go
Go is a Google experimental open source new language resembling C but adding features like reflection, garbage collector, dynamic types, concurrency, and parallelism.
EU Issues Formal Statement of Objections to Oracle's Acquisition of Sun
The European Commission has issued a formal statement of objections over Oracle's planned acquisition of Sun Microsystems, which are limited to Oracle's acquisition of MySQL. Oracle however remains confident that the deal will eventually be approved.
Creating Facebook Applications in WPF, Silverlight, WinForms, and ASP.NET with Facebook SDK 3.0
Clarity Consulting Inc. and Microsoft have released Facebook SDK 3.0, a toolkit allowing developers to write WPF, Silverlight, WinForms or ASP.NET applications integrated with Facebook.
Oracle Announced Plans for the Future of Sun’s Products, but Raised Concerns about NetBeans
Oracle has released an FAQ that describes its plans for the future of popular Sun technologies like GlassFish, NetBeans, MySQL and more. In some cases Oracle’s announcement is unclear and raises concerns about product viability.
Working with VBA and Visual Studio Tools for Office
Visual Basic for Applications is a dead-end and Visual Studio for Applications isn’t ready for prime time, leaving developers in the uncomfortable position of trying to mix .NET code with legacy VBA macros. Fortunately Visual Studio Tools for Office makes it relatively painless.
SOA as an Ecosystem
Today’s enterprise is always a part of a larger ecosystem including its buyers and suppliers. In his new post, Richard Veryard describes how this ecosystem should be reflected in a SOA design.
Yahoo! Offers Its Traffic Server to Apache
Shelton Shugar, SVP Cloud Computing at Yahoo!, has announced the donation of its Traffic Server (TS), an HTTP cache server, to Apache during his keynote at Cloud Computing Conference.