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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Mastering Blockchain 3rd Edition: Author Q&A

    Originally published in 2018, Packt Publishing Mastering Blockchain aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to Blockchain and targets developers, students, and anyone interested in building Blockchain applications or learning about the technology underlying blockchain apps. InfoQ has taken the chance to speak with author Imran Bashir to learn more about the third edition of his book.

  • Team-Level Agile Anti-Patterns - Why They Exist and What to Do about Them

    A good scrum master or coach can address team-based anti-patterns, for instance by explaining what less than optimal outcomes arise and what is likely to happen if the anti-pattern remains unaddressed.

  • AsyncAPI and Postman Partner to Bring New Tooling to Asynchronous APIs

    AsyncAPI and Postman announced a partnership to support the AsyncAPI specification on the Postman platform. In their respective announcements, they detail how this partnership allows to boost the development of Asynchronous APIs. This will be done by building better tools to help engineers create and maintain Asynchronous APIs while using their favorite programming languages and frameworks.

  • AWS Introduces Batch Support for AWS Fargate

    During the first week of the annual re:invent, AWS introduced the ability to specify AWS Fargate as a computing resource for AWS Batch jobs. With the AWS Batch support for AWS Fargate, customers will have a way to run jobs on serverless compute resources, fully-managed from job submission to completion.

  • New Haskell Foundation to Foster Haskell Adoption, Raises $200,000 USD

    Simon Peyton Jones, lead designer of the Glasgow Haskell compiler, recently announced the establishment of the Haskell Foundation. The Haskell Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to broadening the adoption of Haskell, by supporting its ecosystem of tools, libraries, education, and research. The foundation already gathered $200,000 in funding from corporate sponsors.

  • Analyzing Large Amounts of Feedback to Learn from Users

    Making it easy for users to give feedback and automating the collection of feedback helps to get more feedback faster. Using artificial intelligence, you can analyze large amounts of feedback to get insights and visualize trends. Sharing this information widely supports taking action to enhance your product and solve issues that users are having.

  • AWS Announces Chaos Engineering as a Service Offering

    AWS has announced the upcoming release of their chaos engineering as a service offering. The Fault Injection Service (FIS) will provide fully-managed chaos experiments across a number of AWS services. The service includes pre-built templates that generate disruptions mimicking common real-world events. It can be integrated into CI pipelines via API.

  • Hasura Remote Joins Implements GraphQL Data Federation

    Hasura Remote Joins allows developers to use a single data graph to query several underlying data sources. Doing so does not force developers to modify data sources. Developers instead configure the relationships between the federated data models. The unified GraphQL API, combined with Hasura’s handling of authorization and caching, may provide more consistent and secure data access at scale.

  • Istio 1.8 Announces Smart DNS Proxy, Support for Helm 3

    Istio recently announced the release of Istio 1.8. The fourth and final release for the open-source service mesh platform in 2020, this release focused on support for multi-cluster meshes and virtual machine (VM) workloads.

  • Micro-Frontends with single-spa

    Micro-frontend extends the concept of Micro-services to the frontend. The goal is to break down large SPA into smaller independent applications that can use different technologies and be developed and managed by separate teams. single-spa is a framework that helps developers achieve that goal by simplifying the composition of multiple front-end applications into a single product.

  • Netflix Implements GraphQL Federation at Scale

    Netflix has successfully implemented a federated GraphQL API at scale. In a recent blog post series, engineers from Netflix describe their journey and the lessons learned in the process. With GraphQL federation, the API gateway implementation is distributed to backend teams owning the individual domain services they implement instead of centrally developed as part of the API gateway.

  • The Challenges of End-to-End Testing of Microservices

    Microservices work well with independent teams who have end-to-end responsibility and use an automated CI/CD pipeline. Ensuring software quality through end-to-end testing can conflict with rapidly integrating and releasing software components. If an end-to-end test fails, the CI/CD pipelines of all involved microservices are blocked until the problem causing the test to fail is solved.

  • Data Mesh Principles and Logical Architecture Defined

    The concept of a data mesh provides new ways to address common problems around managing data at scale. Zhamak Dehghani has provided additional clarity around the four principles of a data mesh, with a corresponding logical architecture and organizational structure.

  • Microsoft Open-Sources Fluid Framework for Distributed, Scalable, Real-Time Collaborative Web Apps

    Microsoft open-sources Fluid Framework, a low-level platform for distributed, real-time collaborative web applications that possibly scale to a large number of simultaneous collaborators. Microsoft leverages the Fluid Framework in Microsoft 365.

  • LinkedIn Migrates away from Lambda Architecture to Reduce Complexity

    Software engineers from LinkedIn recently published how they migrated away from a Lambda architecture. The Lambda architecture implementation caused their solution to have high operational overhead and added complexity, leading to slow product iteration times. As a result, the engineers chose to migrate to a Lambda-less architecture, resulting in significant development velocity improvements.