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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • IoT Visual Programming Environment Node-RED Hits 1.0

    At the end of a two-year development cycle, Node-RED has finally reached version 1.0, bringing plenty of changes. Among the major new features in Node-RED 1.0 are a new asynchronous message passing model, new completion API, and message cloning by default. Additionally, the visual editor got a revamp.

  • Sense and Nonsense in Event Thinking and Microservices

    Modularity in the systems we are building is very important, but there are anti-modularity forces that we must deal with to be able to achieve this modularity. In a presentation at the recent Event-driven Microservices Conference, held by AxonIQ, Allard Buijze shared his thoughts and experience building systems based on DDD, CQRS, microservices and event sourcing.

  • React-Based Site Generator Gatsby Raises $15M

    Gatsby, the open-source React-based site generator framework, has raised $15M in a Series A funding round, led by CRV. Gatsby plans to grow its team, invest over $3 million yearly in open-source software (including Gatsby itself), and develop a cloud services offering.

  • Becoming Outcome Focused: Q&A with Jeff Patton

    We need to become focused on outcomes and adapt our way of thinking and our processes to continuously release small changes to our products and services, argued Jeff Patton in the closing keynote at the Agile Greece Summit 2019.

  • HashiCorp Consul Service on Azure: The First Fully Managed Consul Offering

    During the HashiConf keynote, HashiCorp announced HashiCorp Consul Service (HCS) on Azure. Consequently, customers can now provision HCS natively through the Azure Marketplace directly into their Azure subscription, while HashiCorp takes care of maintenance and operations of the service.

  • Gremlin Introduces Scenarios, Enabling Real-World Chaos Experiments

    The Gremlin team announced the addition of Scenarios that allow for simulation of real-world outages. Scenarios allow for planning and tracking complex chaos experiments that more closely mimic a real-world outages. The release includes prepared Scenarios that can be run out of the box or used as a starting template to build custom incidents.

  • Day Two Problems When Using CQRS and Event Sourcing

    There are a lot of good reasons for building a CQRS and event-sourcing based system, but there are also problems that appear only after an application is in production. In a presentation at the recent Event-driven Microservices Conference held by AxonIQ, Joris Kuipers shared his experience running and evolving CQRS and event sourced applications in production.

  • Design and Implementation of a DDD-Based Modular Monolith

    Kamil Grzybek recently published a project where he has designed, implemented, and in detail described a monolithic application with a Domain-Driven Design (DDD) approach. His goal is to show how a monolithic application can be designed and implemented in a modular way. He also discusses some architectural considerations and design patterns he has found useful in the application.

  • Google Releases Cloud Dataproc for Kubernetes in Alpha

    Google Cloud Dataproc is an open-source data and analytic processing service based on Hadoop and Spark. Google has recently announced the alpha availability of Cloud Dataproc for Kubernetes, which provides customers with a more efficient method to process data across platforms.

  • WebExpo 2019: Make Healthcare Affordable and Accessible Using Tech and AI

    Anna Zawilska, lead user researcher at Babylon Health, recently presented at WebExpo 2019 in Prague the lessons learnt from their experience delivering remote healthcare through a combination of technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Babylon Health came to adjust three key assumptions underpinning their product development.

  • Introducing Maesh: A Service Mesh for Kubernetes

    On September 4th, 2019, Containous, a cloud infrastructure software provider, released Maesh, an open-source service mesh written in Golang and built on top of the reverse proxy and load balancer Traefik. Maesh promises to provide a lightweight service mesh solution that is easy to get started with and to roll out across a microservice application.

  • Eric Evans Wants to Improve the Language of DDD

    Eric Evans wants architects to actively engage in improving the language used when modeling and designing complex systems. Some of the fundamental terms used in DDD, such as Bounded Contexts, are often misunderstood. Evans wants to see an active community try to address these concerns, with the goal that DDD "should be a real, living body of thought."

  • Amazon Announces General Availability of Quantum Ledger Database

    On September 10th, Amazon announced the general availability of Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB), a ledger database based on blockchain technology. As such, QLDB provides a fully managed ledger which can contain multiple tables, implementing an immutable transaction journal, which is cryptographically verifiable, and owned by a centralized trusted authority.

  • Jagadish Venkatraman on LinkedIn's Journey to Samza 1.0

    At the recent ApacheCon North America, Jagadish Venkatraman spoke about how LinkedIn developed Apache Samza 1.0 to handle stream processing at scale. He described LinkedIn's use cases involving trillions of events and petabytes of data, then highlighted the features added for the 1.0 release, including: stateful processing, high-level APIs, and a flexible deployment model.

  • ApacheCon 2019 Keynote: Google Cloud Enhances Big-Data Processing with Kubernetes

    At ApacheCon North America, Christopher Crosbie gave a keynote talk title "Yet Another Resource Negotiator for Big Data? How Google Cloud is Enhancing Data Lake Processing with Kubernetes." He highlighted Google's efforts to make Apache big-data software "cloud native" by developing open-source Kubernetes Operators to provide control planes for running Apache software in a Kubernetes cluster.