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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Reactive Foundation Launched under the Linux Foundation

    The Linux Foundation announced the launch of the Reactive Foundation, a community of leaders established to accelerate technologies for building the next generation of networked applications. The foundation is made up of Alibaba, Facebook, Lightbend, Netifi and Pivotal as initial members, and includes the successful open source Reactive Streams and RSocket specifications.

  • Google Introduces Cloud Storage Connector for Hadoop Big Data Workloads

    In a recent blog post, Google announced a new Cloud Storage connector for Hadoop. This new capability allows organizations to substitute their traditional HDFS with Google Cloud Storage. Columnar file formats such as Parquet and ORC may realize increased throughput, and customers will benefit from Cloud Storage directory isolation, lower latency, increased parallelization and intelligent defaults

  • Optimized Lazy Image Loading with Progressive JPEG and HTTP Range Requests

    Christoph Erdmann recently detailed an interesting technique for image lazy loading using Progressive JPEG and HTTP range requests. Unlike other image placeholder and lazy loading techniques, using range requests do not result in downloading extra image data while still providing a small preview image similar to the original.

  • Microsoft Clears the Way for Having ExFAT in the Linux Kernel

    Microsoft is making the official specification for exFAT freely available in a move meant to make it possible to include an exFAT driver directly into the Linux kernel. Additionally, when an exFAT-enabled Linux kernel will be published, Microsoft will support its inclusion in the Open Invention Network’s Linux System Definition.

  • Facebook Proposes New IsInputPending API for Faster Input Event Processing

    Facebook recently announced its first major browser API contribution. The new isInputPending API aims to shorten the time between a user input and its processing by the browser, and to increase the user experience of highly interactive applications.

  • AWS Step Functions Gains Callback Patterns to Resume Paused Workflows

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently announced that AWS Step Functions supports callback patterns to "automate workflows for applications with human activities and custom integrations with third-party services". Workflow executions can now be paused until applications return a token via the Step Functions API, which obsoletes the previously required polling or other workarounds.

  • Reasons for Cancelling a Move to Microservices

    During a period in which Steven Lemon and his team had less features to implement, the technical leadership at the company decided to move their existing monolith into a microservices architecture. After a month of preparation, they realized that microservices would be hurting their development process. They decided to stay with the monolith and Lemon recently wrote a case study of their findings.

  • Amazon Releases a Preview of the New AWS Tools for PowerShell

    In a recent blog post, Amazon announced it would release a preview of refactored AWS Tools for PowerShell, allowing developers and administrators to manage their AWS services from the PowerShell scripting environment.

  • Ionic CLI V5 Now with Ionic React Beta Support

    The Ionic Framework team recently released the fifth major iteration of the Ionic CLI. Ionic CLI v5 features Ionic React support (beta), thus allowing developers to write Ionic applications with the React JavaScript framework and Ionic UI components. Ionic CLI v5 also comes with features aiming at a better developer experience and miscellaneous bug fixes.

  • Next.js 9 Released: Q&A with Co-Author Tim Neutkens

    The Next.js team recently released Next.js 9, featuring improved developer and user experience. The new Next brings built-in zero-config TypeScript support, file system-based dynamic routing, automatic static optimization, API routes, important production optimizations, and miscellaneous developer-oriented productivity features. InfoQ interviews Next.js co-author Tim Neutkens.

  • Characteristics of Serverless Architecture

    Too much of the current literature dealing with serverless architecture is driven by cloud providers and focuses only on the benefits, Wisen Tanasa writes in a recent blog post. When a new technology emerges, it's important to understand the implications of adopting it, and Tanasa therefore tries to give a better, more objective understanding of the traits of serverless architecture.

  • Data Engineering in Badoo: Handling 20 Billion Events Per Day

    Badoo is a dating social network that currently handles billions of events per day, explains Vladimir Kazanov, data platform engineering lead. At Skills Matter, he talked through some of the challenges of operating at this scale, and what tooling Badoo uses in order to process and report on this data.

  • Achieving Predictability in a Complex World

    Predictability is the precursor and enabler for other important things people are looking for, like doing things faster and cheaper, argued Jose Casal at Agile Portugal 2019. He presented how to achieve predictability in three steps: focus on work in progress, reduce time to get work done, and consider how to get more done.

  • Slack Shares Strategy Used to Load-Test New Encryption Service

    Slack’s engineering team has revealed the load-testing strategy that has become a critical part of their continuous delivery pipeline, and suggests it promotes greater ownership by engineers. While the Slack engineers stated they had minimal load-testing experience, they built it from scratch using Go and used a methodical approach that offers a roadmap for engineers facing similar challenges.

  • Going from Microservices to Serverless: Phil Calçado at QCon New York

    At several points throuhgout his career, Phil Calçado, who has experience working with SoundCloud, Meetup and SeatGeek, has worked on transitioning monoliths to a microservices architecture. Recently, the challenge has instead been migrating to serverless. In a presentation at the recent QCon New York conference, he talked about his experience combining the serverless concept with microservices.