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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • An Incremental Architecture Approach to Building Systems

    Of most of the applications we have globally, maybe 90% of them are perfectly served by a monolithic approach. To avoid overengineering, we should start with a simple architecture and evolve it as needs arise, Randy Shoup recently declared in a presentation where he described his experience with companies that started small and then grew into large global internet companies.

  • Lean and Agile Transformation at Banco BPI

    After adopting Scrum, Banco BPI came to lean in an iterative way, by doing things that made sense to them in their context. Their goal is to bring parties closer together to optimise the whole system and avoid micro-optimisations. Your own context and needs must guide you, don't wait to have the perfect answer, but iterate relentlessly and take small steps is what they learned.

  • Ockam Brings Blockchain Serverless Identification to IoT Devices

    Ockam is a serverless platform that aims to make it easier for IoT developers to add blockchain-based identity, trust, and interoperability in their IoT devices. Ockam has recently open sourced its SDK for Golang. InfoQ has spoken with Ockam CEO and founder Matthew Gregory to learn more.

  • Azure Blockchain Workbench 1.6.0 Update Streamlines Development Experience

    In a recent blog post, Microsoft announced an update to their Azure Blockchain Workbench service which improves the development experience of building consortium-based blockchain applications. More specifically, this update includes new features such as application versioning, updated messaging capabilities and streamlined smart contract development.

  • Amazon Updates SQS to Support Amazon VPC Endpoints Using AWS PrivateLink

    Amazon announced last month that its fully managed message queuing service Simple Queue Service (SQS) supports Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Endpoints using AWS PrivateLink. Now customers can have with this update private access to SQS and not have to use public IPs and traverse the public internet.

  • Netflix Play API: Building an Evolutionary Architecture

    At QCon SF, Suudhan Rangarajan presented “Netflix Play API: Why We Built an Evolutionary Architecture”. Key takeaways included: services that have a single identity/responsibility are easier to upgrade; spend time identifying core decisions that need to be made when building a service; and designing an “evolutionary architecture” using tools like fitness functions provides many benefits.

  • KubeCon and CloudNativeCon 2018 Summary: Kubernetes 1.13, Envoy Update, and New Hosted Projects

    At the recent KubeCon and CloudNativeCon North America events, held in Seattle, USA, a series of updates were provided about the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) hosted projects. Highlights included the release of Kubernetes 1.13, an overview of the progress of the Envoy Proxy project, and the inclusion of the Rook storage orchestration and Harbor image registry projects.

  • Kong 1.0 GA Released with Service Mesh Support and Plugin Development Kit

    Kong Inc., has released Kong 1.0., the latest generally available (GA) version of their flagship API gateway. Although typically deployed at the edge of a network for the handling of external “north-south” API traffic, Kong also be can deployed as a “service mesh” in front of any backend service.

  • AWS App Mesh: Hosted Service Mesh Control Plane for Envoy Proxy

    Amazon has released AWS App Mesh, a service mesh that allows developers to standardise how microservices communicate, implement rules for communications between microservices, and capture metrics, logs, and traces directly into AWS services and third-party tools. App Mesh is effectively an AWS-specific hosted control plane for Envoy, an open source service mesh data plane proxy.

  • Micronaut for Spring Allows Spring Boot Apps to Run as Micronaut Apps

    In conjunction with the minor release of Micronaut 1.0.1, Object Computing, Inc. (OCI) also released Micronaut for Spring 1.0 M1. Using Ahead-of-Time compilation, Micronaut for Spring allows for: integrating Spring components into a Micronaut application; running Spring applications as Micronaut applications; and exposing Micronaut beans to a Spring application.

  • The Many Faces of Envoy Proxy: Edge Gateway, Service Mesh, and Hybrid Networking Bridge

    At the inaugural EnvoyCon in Seattle, USA, engineers from Pinterest, Yelp and Groupon presented their current use cases for the Envoy Proxy. The overarching message was that the Envoy Proxy appears to be moving closer to fulfilling its vision of providing the “universal [proxy] data plane API” for modern networking, including edge gateways, service meshes and hybrid networking bridges.

  • Running Envoy as an Edge Proxy at eBay: Replacing Hardware Load Balancers with a Software Solution

    At the inaugural EnvoyCon that ran in Seattle, USA, the eBay engineering team talked about running the Envoy Proxy at the edge as a replacement for hardware-based load balancers. Key learnings included that having a “programmable edge” provides many advantages and also several challenges.

  • EnvoyCon 2018: The Rise of Envoy Proxy and the xDS APIs, and Square and Alibaba Adoption

    The inaugural EnvoyCon ran in Seattle, USA, alongside the KubeCon and CloudNativeCon events, and explored the past, present and future of the Envoy Proxy. Key takeaways from the first part of the day included that the success of Envoy is driven by the community engagement and the technical qualities in regard to performance, extensibility and well-defined management APIs.

  • What Can We Learn from the Digital Natives Using Lean

    Fabrice Bernhard, co-founder and CEO of Theodo UK, presented "what lean can learn from digital natives" at Lean Digital Summit 2018. Digital natives are familiar with the lean startup and agile practices. They go further by combining Agile with the Toyota Production System which enables them to experiment with ideas, spread innovations, and scale fast.

  • The Future of Work Is Female

    Jobs currently performed by the majority of women, where it’s more about adaptability, improvisation, emotional intelligence, and implicit knowledge, will predominate in the future, according to Agnieszka Walorska. Artificial intelligence and robotics will automate highly specialized jobs mostly performed by men.