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Dissecting the Intelligence of AI with Avraham Poupko
In this episode, Thomas Betts speaks with Avraham Poupko. Avraham believes software architects will not be replaced by Generative AI or LLMs. They will be replaced by software architects that know how to leverage Generative AI and LLMs. Their discussion compares LLM training with how humans learn, leading to better understanding of how architects can use GenAI effectively.
Key Trends from 2024: Cell-Based Architecture, DORA & SPACE, LLM & SLM, Cloud Databases and Portals
In this year-in-review episode, Daniel Bryant, along with InfoQ podcast hosts Thomas Betts, Shane Hastie, Srini Penchikala, and Renato Losio, reflect on the trends and developments of 2024 across key domains: architecture, culture and methods, AI and data engineering, and cloud and DevOps.
Crossing the Feedback Chasm - a Conversation with Ken Finnigan
Michael Stiefel spoke with Ken Finnigan about how the lack of feedback impedes the development of software professionals. Without feedback, the right candidates are not hired, software professionals cannot improve or grow into new roles, or individuals stagnate or regress in their current positions. Feedback must also be delivered at the right time - when it can be effectively used.
Generally AI - Season 2 - Episode 6: the Godfathers of Programming and AI
Hosts discuss the Godfather of AI, Geoffrey Hinton, who developed pivotal algorithms like backpropagation, contributed to neural visualization with t-SNE, and inspired a resurgence in neural networks with AlexNet's success. They turn to John von Neumann, whose impact spanned mathematics, the Manhattan Project, and game theory, but most importantly: the von Neumann computer hardware architecture.
Orchestrating a Path to Success - a Conversation with Bernd Ruecker
In this podcast, Michael Stiefel spoke with Bernd Ruecker about how important process orchestration is for solving business problems, and how it is often misunderstood by architects and developers. They also spoke about the importance of visual tools, training new developers, and the dangers of being trapped by the joy of technology.
Governance for Reducing Complexity
In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to Tony Ponton about the challenges of governance and how to avoid creating complexity while enabling agility.
The Evolution of Use Cases in Modern Software Engineering
In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to Ivar Jacobson about the evolution of use cases in modern software engineering.
Using Behaviour Stories to Manage Cultural Debt
In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to Ahmad Fahmy about using behaviour stories to promote culture change in fractured organisations.
Resilience and Incident Management with Vanessa Huerta Granda
In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to Vanessa Huerta Granda Manager of Resiliency Engineering at Enova about resilience and incident management.
Exploring the Impact of Generative AI on Software Engineering and Career Paths
In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to Alex Cruikshank, the Director of Software Engineering at West Monroe.