InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ
Secure Microservices Adoption
Grygoriy Gonchar describes the benefits of the microservices architecture for security and how to deal with authentication, keeping track of dependencies and storing lots of credentials.
When Streams Fail: Kafka Off the Shore
Anton Gorshkov discusses how to evaluate and architect a resilient streaming platform, focusing on Kafka and Spark streaming and sharing his experience of using them to process financial transactions.
WebHooks: The API Strikes Back
Phil Nash takes a look at services that use Webhooks, exploring reasons to use WebHooks and the emerging best practices, and discusses implementing WebHook endpoints with live coded examples.
Building out Hypermedia Clients
Todd Brackley outlines the general engine of a hypermedia client implementation, what API forms look like, and then outlines five design issues useful in creating such clients.
Simplifying API Development
Abhinav Asthana discusses methods for simplifying API development.
Automation of Business Processes
Giuliano Lacobelli discusses the challenges faced automating business processes for a company with large API investments.
Money Is in the Gap
Eric Horesnyi discusses how to develop an API business to have financial success.
Architecture Patterns for Microservices in Kubernetes
Thomas Fricke describes some common patterns to build applications for use in containers, with real world examples using Kubernetes.
This Will Cut You: Go's Sharper Edges
Thomas Shadwell talks about how distinct, exploitable misuse patterns arise in software languages, and through examples in Go hopes to show the language's distinct security characteristics.
Microservices and Mobile
Oleksii Fedorov advises on creating mobile applications, what practices to use and what to avoid.
GraphQL for All? A Few Things to Think about before Blindly Dumping REST for GraphQL
Arnaud Lauret discusses REST vs. GraphQL, comparing their strengths and weaknesses, suggesting evaluating both before making a decision.
Beyond Big Data - The Realization of an Active Grid in the Age of Fog Computing
Jan Forrslow discusses Fog Computing, Active Grids, and how an IoT network can become an Active Grid by using Fog Computing.