InfoQ Homepage Articles
Q&A on the Book Rebooting AI
The book Rebooting AI explains why a different approach other than deep learning is needed to unlock the potential of AI. Authors Gary Marcus and Ernest Davis propose that AI programs will have to have a large body of knowledge about the world in general, represented symbolically. Some of the basic elements of that knowledge should be built in.
Predicting Time to Cook, Arrive, and Deliver at Uber Eats
Time predictions are critical to Uber Eats' business as they determine when to dispatch delivery partners as well as ensure customer satisfaction. This article explains how their dispatch system evolved through time predictions powered by machine learning, followed by a deep dive on how to predict food preparation time without ground truth data. It goes over delivery and travel time predictions.
13 Practices for Better Code Reviews
When done incorrectly, code review can be irritating, excessively time consuming, and have little or no impact on code quality. However, if done well, it can improve the quality of code and reduce the overall time spent delivering features. This article provides several good practices regarding both technical and cultural aspects of code review.
Book Review: A Leader's Guide to Cybersecurity
A Leader's Guide to Cybersecurity educates readers about how to prevent a crisis and/or take leadership when one occurs. With a focus on clear communication, the book provides details, examples, and guidance of mapping security against what a business actually does. The book describes ways to align security with the motivation of others who may be security-agnostic against their own goals.
The Unicorn Project and the Five Ideals: Interview with Gene Kim
The Unicorn Project is a fictionalized story about a DevOps transformation. Gene Kim introduces the five ideals of Locality and Simplicity; Focus, Flow and Joy; Improvement of Daily Work; Psychological Safety; and Customer Focus. The book confirms the importance of the DevOps movement as a better way of working and addresses the importance of architecture and developers’ productivity.
How to Use Redis TimeSeries with Grafana for Real-Time Analytics
In this article, author Roshan Kumar discusses how a purpose-built database like RedisTimeSeries can be used to manage time-series data. He also shows how to visualize this data in a Grafana dashboard.
Q&A on the Book Team Topologies
The book Team Topologies by Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais shows how to arrange teams within an organization to enable effective software delivery. It describes four fundamental team types and three team interaction patterns, and dives into the responsibility boundaries of teams and how teams can communicate or interact with other teams.
Porting a Desktop Game Editor to the Browser with WebAssembly
Florian Rival, software engineer at Google and creator of the GDevelop game editor, discusses the lessons learnt from porting a native desktop game editor to the browser with WebAssembly. InfoQ interviewed Rival on the technical challenges encountered, the benefits derived from the port, and tips for developers thinking about porting desktop applications with WebAssembly.
Newly Announced Ecstasy Programming Language Targets Cloud-Native Computing
Ecstasy has been co-created by former Tangosol founders Cameron Purdy and Gene Gleyzer, and they recently showcased the language at CloudNative London 2019. InfoQ got together with Purdy to ask some questions about the language and the problems it’s designed to solve.
Q&A on the Book Change-Friendly Leadership
Friendliness is the core denominator for active and willful participation of people when being affected by change, according to Rodger Dean Duncan. In his book CHANGE-friendly LEADERSHIP, he explores how to effectively lead and manage change, transition, and implementation issues in organizations.
Testing Microservices: Six Case Studies with a Combination of Testing Techniques - Part 3
This article presents six real world use cases of testing microservice-based applications, and demonstrates how a combination of testing techniques can be evaluated, chosen, and implemented.
Q&A on the Book Agile Leadership Toolkit
Agile leadership is the art and craft of creating the right environment for self-managing teams. The book Agile Leadership Toolkit by Peter Koning is a practical book that supports existing agile managers and leaders in growing their agile teams and creating the right environment for them.