InfoQ Homepage Articles
The Importance of Metrics to Agile Teams
This article outlines the importance of and proposes meaningful Agile metrics for teams seeking to raise overall performance and whose members seek to continuously self-improve. It emphasizes that team members should democratically agree and manage these metrics. It also advises what to look for in tools that track performance against agreed metrics over time.
Using OpenAPI to Build Smart APIs for Dumb Machines
This article discusses how to build, manage and maintain APIs with OpenAPI, including some of the most notable features in v. 3.0.
How to Use Open Source Prometheus to Monitor Applications at Scale
In this article, the author discusses how to collect metrics and achieve anomaly detection from streaming data using Prometheus, Apache Kafka and Apache Cassandra technologies.
Q&A on the Book Risk-First Software Development
The book Risk-First Software Development by Rob Moffat views all of the activities on a software project through the lens of managing risk. It introduces a pattern language to classify different risks, provides suggestions for balancing risks, and explores how software methodologies view risks.
Five Android and iOS UI Design Guidelines for React Native
This article will explain why UI designers should follow platform specific guidelines while designing for multiple platforms. This can be quite a complex task, due to the variety of constraints and guidelines there are to consider. We propose five easy guidelines to design for multiple platforms focusing on React Native and without missing key usability concerns.
Q&A on the Book Internal Tech Conferences
The book Internal Tech Conferences by Victoria Morgan-Smith and Matthew Skelton is a practical guide on how to prepare, organise, and follow-up on internal tech conferences. It shows how to run internal events that enable sharing and learning across teams and departments, and explores the benefits that such events can bring.
Maybe Agile Is the Problem
“Agile” now means anything, everything, and nothing. Many organizations are Agile fatigued, and the “Agile Industrial Complex” is part of the problem. Agilists must go back to the basics and simplicity of the Manifesto and 12 Principles. The Heart of Agile and Modern Agile are examples of basic, simple frameworks. Agilists also have much to learn from social sciences.
How Do We Think about Transactions in (Cloud) Messaging Systems? An Interview with Udi Dahan.
Do today's cloud-based messaging services have different transactional support than those that preceded it? If so, what are the implications? In this interview with distributed systems expert Udi Dahan, we explores the question.
Correctness vs Change: Which Matters More?
In ongoing software development, our core work is changing code. Jessica Kerr argues that by building changeable software on top of existing, well-understood components, and by improving delivery automations, teams will get better at their core work of delivering value and "changing reality".
Q&A on the Book Mastering Collaboration
The book Mastering Collaboration by Gretchen Anderson provides techniques and exercises that can be used to improve collaboration in teams and between teams and their environment. It explores topics like enlisting people, teamworking, trust, and respect, generating ideas collectively, decision making, and transparent communication.
How We Reduced Our React App’s Load Time by 60%
React handles UI updates efficiently but it does not magically make your web app faster. As our application grew in size, we started noticing some drawbacks of our setup. Although we knew how React worked and how Redux manages state, our application had bloated in size. We started seeing application crashes and jank. It was time to drive down the technical debt and make performance improvements!
Why Should We Care about Technology Ethics? The Updated ACM Code of Ethics
The 2018 rewrite of the ACM code of ethics and professional conduct has brought it up-to-date with new technologies and societal demands. This code supports the ethical conduct of computing professionals through a set of guidelines for positively working in the tech industry.