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InfoQ Homepage Articles

  • Models and Their Interfaces in C# API Design

    Traditional MVC, MVP, MVVM, Web MVC; the common element in every UI pattern is the Model. And while there are many articles discussing the view, controllers, and presenters in these architectures, almost no thought is given to the models. In this article we’ll look at the model itself and the .NET interfaces that they implement.

  • Centralized vs. Decentralized Coaching

    What is the difference between Centralized and Decentralized Coaching? What is more effective and under what organizational conditions can effectiveness be seen? Which approach is more susceptible to potential system gaming and other organizational dysfunctions? Why? Is coaching alignment (centralized vs. decentralized) and coaching focus (team vs. enterprise) - the same thing?

  • Angular Application Generator - an Architecture Overview

    It’s clear there are pros and cons to keep in mind before making decision to generate code, but what's the best approach to generating source code for Angular: templating or AST handling? In this article, we’ll take Angular source code generation to the next level by diving into techniques to make this consistent and maintainable, based on a DSL mechanism.

  • Kanban Step-by-Step Guide: from 3-Columns to Flexible Board Design

    Implementing Kanban seems rather simple, but making the most of the method is possible only for those willing to experiment with their workflow and walk the extra mile of reflecting the test results into the actual steps. See the most common stages of Kanban implementation and learn how to advance your workflow visualization and control as you increase your proficiency with the method.

  • Six Top Tools to Build Augmented Reality Mobile Apps

    Though many people consider Augmented Reality to be only an entertainment technology, it’s actually widely used in multiple industries like healthcare, e-commerce, architecture and many others. This article helps you understand what kind of AR apps can be created, what features you should look for in an AR SDK, and provides you a table comparing six widely known AR toolkits.

  • ASP.NET Core - The Power of Simplicity

    With the release of ASP.NET Core, Microsoft went all in on Open Web Interface for .NET (a.k.a OWIN). OWIN provides a powerful way for developers to choose how much abstraction they want to have when dealing with web. In this article you will get an explanation of how the OWIN request pipeline works, as well as how you can utilize it to fulfill the requirements you have.

  • Psychological Safety in Training Games

    Games can be safe places where people can learn lessons experientially under controlled circumstances and generate insights that can be applied to their daily work. Sometimes though, games can get too personal and uncomfortable. A facilitator can create safety mechanisms for these games, including making it easy and safe for people to opt-in and opt-out.

  • Book Review and Q&A: Microservices and Containers by Parminder Singh Kocher

    The book Microservices and Containers, by Parminder Singh Kocher, provides a deep dive into the main concepts, patterns and technologies used to implement modern, highly available, highly scalable cloud-native applications.

  • Back to the Future: Demystifying Hindsight Bias

    Enterprise AI has more prevalent nuances in the input data than in consumer AI or academia. The Achilles’ heel in this domain is Hindsight Bias. In layman terms, it is like Marty McFly (from Back to the Future) traveling to the future, getting his hands on the Sports Almanac, and using it to bet on the games of the present. Mayukh Bhaowal from Salesforce Einstein explains how to counteract it.

  • Q&A on the Book Software Wasteland

    Almost all Enterprise Information Systems now cost vastly more to implement than they should. When you have hundreds or thousands of complex applications, you are stuck in the Application Centric Quagmire. In the book Software Wasteland Dave McComb explores what is causing application development waste and how visualizing the cost of change and becoming data-centric can help to reduce the waste.

  • Performance is a Key .NET Core Feature

    .NET Core brings along many optimizations with regards to performance, both in terms of execution speed as well as memory allocation. Examples are optimizations in collections and LINQ extension methods, text processing, networking … There are also new types and concepts, such as Span, that allow doing interesting things. In this article, we will look at how these new concepts can be used.

  • Coaching with Curiosity Using Clean Language and Agile

    Clean Language questions are bias-free questions. They can be used to discover the underlying rules, expressed values, and coping mechanisms in organizations, and to gain clarity and promote diverse ideas in groups. Simple to learn, but tricky to implement, clean questions require transparency and sharing a bit more of one’s thinking than usual.