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InfoQ Homepage Articles

  • Key Takeaway Points and Lessons Learned from QCon London 2018

    QCon (the international software conference for senior developers, architects, and tech leads) recently celebrated its twelfth year in London. Located at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference just steps from Westminster Abbey and Big Ben, this year’s event attracted 1,350 tech leaders in software and offered 136 technical deep dives, open spaces, and AMAs (Ask Me Anything) to attendees.

  • Book Review: Building Blockchain Projects

    This book provides an introductory look at building Ethereum smart contracts. It covers both Solidity and web3.js and is aimed at developers who already know how to program in Javascript. Experienced developers may find the book somewhat entry-level, but it does attempt to introduce concepts beyond just "Hello World" smart contracts.

  • Managing Data in Microservices

    This article provides practical examples of how to manage data in microservices, with an emphasis on migrating from a monolithic database. It is recommended to build a monolith first, and only migrate to microservices after you actually require the scaling and other benefits they provide.

  • Virtual Panel: Microservices Communication and Governance Using Service Mesh

    Service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer for handling service-to-service communication and offers a platform to connect, manage, and secure microservices. InfoQ spoke with subject matter experts in the service mesh area to learn more about why service mesh frameworks have become critical components of cloud native architectures.

  • Q&A on the Book Agile Management

    The book Agile Management by Mike Hoogveld explores how the agile principles and values can be implemented in an agile way to improve the flexibility and entrepreneurship within organizations. It shows how the “voice of the customer” should be the starting point for designing the products, services, channels and processes you offer to your customers.

  • Agile Development & Remote Teams - Six Powerful Productivity Hacks You Should Know

    With organizations around the globe trying to go lean, there is a definite rise in distributed and agile work environments today. This article provides advice on overcoming the inherent challenges of this combination. An approach that, rather than fueling another set of conflicts, helps remote teams sort out their priorities and be more productive.

  • Polyglot Persistence Powering Microservices

    At Netflix, the cloud database engineering team is responsible for providing several flavors of data persistence as a service to microservice development teams. Roopa Tangirala explained how her team has created self-service tools that help developers easily implement the appropriate data store for each project's needs.

  • Architecturally Aligned Testing

    Testing microservices should not be done in a separate test phase, by a dedicated test team, but instead collaboratively by cross-functional teams. There is a shift left in testing to ensure that teams stay autonomous and a shift right in testing towards exploration and experimentation. Continuous Testing and a culture of experimentation are enablers to release microservices fast and reliably.

  • Decision Making in a Company with No Managers

    Self-managed companies are emerging as a viable option for the future of work. The transformation from standard hierarchical organisation to a flat structure is definitely beneficial, but obviously a challenging process. This article explores how SoftwareMill, a Polish software house, did it.

  • Understanding the Nuances of Servant Leadership

    Servant leadership is a philosophy and set of practices that enriches the lives of individuals, builds better organizations and ultimately creates a more just and caring world. In an organization every team and every individual should answer the questions: Why am I doing what I am doing? What is the added value my role contributes in this space? Alignment around purpose enables better outcome.

  • Patterns for Microservice Developer Workflows and Deployment: Q&A with Rafael Schloming

    Drawing on his experience with developing a microservices application at Datawire in 2013, Rafael Schloming argues that one of the most important — although often ignored — questions a development lead should ask is "How do I break up my monolithic process?" as the development process is critical to establishing and maintaining velocity.

  • Mastering Blockchain: Book Review and Author Q&A

    Blockchain was invented in 2008 for Bitcoin to solve the main issue with digital currencies, i.e., the possibility that a token be spent more than once by duplicating it. Packt Publishing Mastering Blockchain by Imran Bashir aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to Blockchain, a technology that is claimed to be able to revolutionise our society and impact every industry.