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InfoQ Homepage Articles

  • Six Tips for Running Scalable Workloads on Kubernetes

    Tips to ensure Kubernetes knows what is happening with your deployment: where best to schedule it, when is it ready to serve requests and ensuring work is spread across as many nodes as possible.

  • Q&A on the Book Company-Wide Agility with Beyond Budgeting, Open Space & Sociocracy

    In the book Company-wide Agility with Beyond Budgeting, Open Space & Sociocracy, Jutta Eckstein and John Buck combined and integrated principles and practices from general streams of development and created a multi-disciplinary approach for company-wide agile adoption.

  • Q&A on the Book The Age of Agile

    The book The Age of Agile by Steve Denning defines the goals, values, principles, and techniques for Agile management together with stories about how large organizations are applying this to deliver value on a large scale.

  • The Power of Doubt in Software Testing

    Being skeptical of ourselves and of what the majority believes keeps us on our toes and forces our mind to work harder. Doubting our own - and other people's - feelings of certainty is a healthy practice that helps us solve problems and avoid bigger problems in the longer run, and it can make us better testers.

  • Web Development InfoQ Trends Report

    In this trends report, we take a look at the web development space, which is always an interesting one for us with a new JavaScript framework launched seemingly every couple of minutes.

  • Book Review: Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain

    David Gerard's 2017 book, "Attack of the 50ft Blockchain" is an in-depth look at the cryptocurrency space. The book takes a straightforwardly skeptical angle, and is explicitly intended as a non-technical overview that frames Bitcoin in purely political and economic terms.

  • Virtual Reality Will Disrupt Agile Coaching and Training

    Online technology (virtual reality, adaptive personalized learning and videoconferencing) will disrupt the agile coaching and training spaces in the next 3-5 years. We predict that by the end of 2020 at least one large, credible agile/Scrum certification organization will be running agile/Scrum certification courses in virtual reality. Today’s winners will become tomorrow’s losers.

  • Servlet and Reactive Stacks in Spring Framework 5

    Spring Framework 5 supports both traditional servlet-based and reactive web stacks, in the same server application, reflecting a major shift towards asynchronous, non-blocking concurrency in applications. In this article Spring committer Rossen Stoyanchev explores and contrasts both stacks, and explains the range of available choices, and provides guidance for choosing the appropriate stack.

  • Beyond Copy-Pasting Methods: Navigating Complexity

    This article explores how you can try out a context-specific approach, which leads to a context-specific experience. Once we understand more about the complexity behind the problems which we are trying to solve with agile, we clarify the purpose of our agile practice. This is the starting point from which we can build a common focus and sense of priority within our agile culture.

  • A Comparison between Rust and Erlang

    This article will focus on a comparison between Erlang and Rust, detailing their similarities and differences. It may be interesting to both Erlang developers looking into Rust and Rust developers looking into Erlang. A final section will detail more about each of the language capabilities and shortcomings and argue for the possibility of leveraging both languages' strengths in the same project.

  • GDPR for Operations

    With GDPR, taking care of personal data is an organisation-wide responsibility, but in the operations we can provide a lot of supporting tools to help deal with the multiple facets of this problem.

  • Why Software Estimation Is More Important Now Than Ever

    In a world trending away from traditional waterfall and toward agile development methodologies, it would be understandable to assume that there is no longer a need for software project estimation. However, that assumption would be wrong - estimation is still a very valuable practice, even in organizations that are dependent upon agile development methodologies.