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InfoQ Homepage Articles

  • Four Priceless Tactics to Create Top-Tier Homegrown Talent

    With rapid shifts in work culture across the world, employers are revisiting their relationships with employees, putting their needs and aspirations first. Here’s how to align individual interests with business objectives, and use constant engagement, training, and feedback to take your company culture to the next level.

  • First Hand Account of SignalR Core

    SignalR Core is designed to make it easy for developers to add real-time (server-side push) functionality to their web applications. The latest alpha release is reviewed by SignalR Core contributor Giovany Alzate Sandoval, providing a first look at the new features of SignalR Core and what to expect when migrating an existing SignalR Core application.

  • Holacracy for Humans

    Snapper, a New Zealand based transport ticketing service provider, wanted to be more like a city, and less like a bureaucratic corporation. In 2016 they introduced Holacracy, which enables people to act more like entrepreneurs and self-direct their work instead of waiting to be told what to do. They use Holacracy across all areas of the business and this way of working applies to everyone.

  • Top 10 Lessons in Building a Distributed Engineering Team

    Recruiting, nurturing, and growing a distributed engineering team is no easy feat, but it is well worth the investment. Bruno shares key insights that shine a light on how to empower your team to do their best work, regardless of physical location.

  • Debugging Distributed Systems: Q&A with the “Squash” Microservice Debugger Creator Idit Levine

    InfoQ recently sat down with Idit Levine, CEO of and creator of the new open source “Squash” microservices debugger, and discussed the challenges of observing and debugging distributed systems and applications.

  • Distributed Agile Leadership

    Even with the best of planning for your distributed Agile team, without good leadership in place, all of that planning can come to naught. With that in mind we look at some leadership trends that are relevant to self-organizing distributed Agile teams. Instead of proposing a new “Distributed Agile Leadership Framework”, our goal here is to inform you of important and relevant trends.

  • Serverless Security: What's Left to Protect?

    This article aims to provide a broad understanding of security in the Serverless world. We'll consider the ways in which Serverless improves security, the areas where it changes security, and the security concerns it hurts.

  • Distributed Tracing: Exploring the Past, Present and Future with Dapper, Zipkin and LightStep [x]PM

    Distributing tracing is increasingly seen as an essential component for observing distributed systems and microservice applications. This article provides an introduction to and overview of this technique, and includes: an exploration of Google’s Dapper request tracing paper; the Zipkin and OpenTracing projects; and the new LightStep [x]PM tracing platform.

  • Regression Testing Strategies: an Overview

    However tedious, regression testing is a powerful gatekeeper protecting product quality. It is present in any project regardless of the development methodology. But how to organize it well? This calls for a quality regression testing strategy that requires good understanding of all aspects of this testing effort (types, methods and approaches). Find out more in our article.

  • Growing an Innovative Culture

    An innovative culture requires strong leaders who realise that changes in the culture start with themselves. To make innovation happen you need to consider the investment portfolio at enterprise level and focus on customers and the core operations.

  • Designing, Implementing, and Using Reactive APIs

    Reactive programming is a hot topic in the Java world. Whether you want to leverage non-blocking APIs, manage the latency introduced by the explosion of microservices, or simply utilize computing resources more efficiently, it's time to look at reactive as a viable programming model. In this article, we offer some opinions on how you should design, implement and use reactive APIs.

  • Virtual Panel: Succeeding with Event Sourcing

    Why should you use event sourcing as a data storage and retrieval technique? What are the architectural implications? When should you use platforms versus frameworks to satisfy requirements? InfoQ interviewed two experts to learn more.