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InfoQ Homepage Articles

  • Five Things Every Developer Should Know about Software Architecture

    Given the distributed nature of the software systems we’re now building, and the distributed nature of the teams building them, it's more important than ever to understand the basics of software architecture. As a short introduction to the topic and to debunk some myths, here are five things that every software developer should know about software architecture.

  • Q&A with Dan Szuc and Jo Wong on Make Meaningful Work

    Raf Gemmail speaks with UX leaders Dan Szuc and Josephine Wong about Make Meaningful Work, a humanistic framework and set of practices born from applying human-centered design to the workplace. Sitting beneath existing methodologies, it enables teams to share and understand character perspectives, in working towards producing impacts which are meaningful to them.

  • How Lean Problem Solving Increases Agile Team Productivity: a Mobile Applications Startup Example

    People in IT tend to push solutions without being sure of the effects nor evaluating the results. And they lack approaches to help doers improve day-to-day job practices. We follow a mobile dev and his CTO on their Lean IT path to improve deployments of a mobile app, and increase team productivity by 15%. This example shows how lean management posture and problem-solving help agile teams.

  • Get More Bytes for Your Buck

    Lovethesales had to classify one million product data from 700 different disparate sources across a large domain. They decided to create a hierarchy of classifiers through utilizing machine learning, specifically Support Vector Machines. They learned that optimising the way in which the svms were connected together yielded vast improvements in the reuse of labeled training data.

  • InfoQ’s Top Software Developer Stories, Videos and Podcasts from 2017

    Charles Humble compiles a list of this year’s most interesting and popular content on InfoQ and chats to QCon chair Wesley Reisz about 2017 and how the next 12 months are shaping up.

  • How to be Confident That Your Microservices Can Still Communicate in Production with Pact and Docker

    Consumer-driven contracts enable our teams at Rightmove to work independently, and be confident that their changes won’t break other services when deploying their own. It also improves communication between teams, and helps to get developers thinking about API design early on.

  • Getting Started with Microservices in SpringBoot

    Enterprises have learned to create software using agile processes, but we are still producing large monolithic beasts of software. If you are not already using Microservices, you are safely out of the early adopter phase of the adoption curve. This article will help you get started creating, discovering, and calling Microservices.

  • Q&A on the Book The Corporate Startup

    The book The Corporate Startup by Tendayi Viki, Dan Toma and Esther Gons explores what existing large corporations can do to establish an innovation ecosystem able to continually create new growth avenues. Instead of striving to be a startup, they should find their own way of innovating, use their assets, and learn how to create and use business models that support innovation.

  • Agile for Marketing and Communication

    Agile Marketing and Communication (MarCom) bridge the IT and communication disciplines. Communication professionals started to apply agile in their projects, which has led to better collaboration and increased productivity and creativity. Professionals take on tasks outside their usual responsibilities and duties, and it's the team that decides how the work is prioritized and done.

  • Events, Flows and Long-Running Services: A Modern Approach to Workflow Automation

    Recent discussions around the microservice architectural style has promoted the idea that “to effectively decouple your services you have to create an event-driven-architecture”. Although events can decrease coupling, we must avoid the mistakes of traditional SOA: centralised control should to be avoided, and workflow engines must be less painful to use and operate.

  • Frugal Innovation: Doing More with Less

    Frugal innovation provides ways to do more and better with less. It helps us to solve problems with limited resources in a sustainable way and to address inequality and empower billions of people at the bottom of the pyramid. Agile and frugal support each other; both aim to solve the problem at hand and nothing more, getting products into the hands of the users early and learning from that use.

  • Your Top Five Challenges Moving in to the IoT Space

    Those who have been involved in IoT projects have come to realize that there is a big gap between what customers need and what these vendors provide. Contributor Mikael Hakansson looks at five critical areas that require focus to ensure IoT success. These include business ownership, team skillsets, device onboarding, ability to handle change, and comprehensive testing.