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InfoQ Homepage Articles

  • Big Data Processing Using Apache Spark - Part 6: Graph Data Analytics with Spark GraphX

    In this article, author Srini Penchikala discusses Apache Spark GraphX library used for graph data processing and analytics. The article includes sample code for graph algorithms like PageRank, Connected Components and Triangle Counting.

  • Three Experts on Big Data Engineering

    Clemens Szyperski (Microsoft), Martin Petitclerc (IBM), and Roger Barga (Amazon Web Services) answer three questions: What major challenges do you face when building scalable, big data systems? How do you address these challenges? Where should the research community focus its efforts to create tools and approaches for building highly reliable, scalable, big data systems?

  • Hit or Miss: Reusing Selenium Scripts in Random Testing

    Just like during test execution process using an ‘exploratory’ technique, which is guided by a great deal of solid analytical thinking and a good portion of randomness, we can reuse or automate scripts to achieve similar results. All you need is a well-designed test automation solution and a bit of patience. Read the article to learn how you can use this approach in your testing activities.

  • Q&A on the Book Agile Engagement

    In the book Agile Engagement, Santiago Jaramillo and Todd Richardson explore the reasons why employees can be disengaged and provide solutions for measuring and driving engagement in organizations. InfoQ interviewed them about the factors that influence the performance of teams and how to measure agile engagement to create an engaging workplace culture.

  • Troubleshooting Memory Issues in Java Applications

    Troubleshooting Java memory problems can be tricky, but the right approach and proper tools can simplify things substantially. The JVM reports a variety of OutOfMemoryError messages. In this article we address how to read them, and we take a look at a wide range of tools we can use to eradicate them.

  • Transcrypt: Anatomy of a Python to JavaScript Compiler

    On the web front end, web development is one size fits all: JavaScript. The Transcrypt Python to JavaScript compiler is a relatively new open source project, aiming at executing Python 3.6 at JavaScript speed, with comparable file sizes. In this article, Jacques de Hooge talks about the requirements in building a transpiler and how Transcrypt is built to meet those demands.

  • The Triangle of Self Organization

    Self-organization is a modern management tool that replaces command & control as a method of creating teams and guiding them to deliver desired outcomes. The Triangle of Self Organization identifies three essential components needed to guide this process – goal, rules & tension - and shows how to choose them consciously to successfully use self-organization as a management tool.

  • Data Preprocessing vs. Data Wrangling in Machine Learning Projects

    This article compares different alternative techniques to prepare data, including extract-transform-load (ETL) batch processing, streaming ingestion and data wrangling. The article also discusses how this is related to visual analytics, and best practices for how different user roles such as the Data Scientist or Business Analyst should work together to build analytic models.

  • Q&A on Large-Scale Scrum: More with LeSS

    The book More with LeSS by Craig Larman and Bas Vodde provides practices to create simpler and more flexible organizations, applying Scrum with many teams working on one product. More with LeSS is the third book on LeSS (see books on LeSS); it’s the most concrete and fundamental book to start learning about LeSS. The book also contains insights on experiences with LeSS adoptions.

  • Untangling an API-First Transformation at Scale. Lessons Learnt at PayPal – Part 3

    This is the third in a three-part series that explores how PayPal has adopted a more API-first approach to building platform services. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the program aspects and some of the execution and operational challenges that had to be overcome.

  • Developing Quality Software: Differentiating Factors

    The level of software quality attainable is a reflection of an organizational business decision. There are many factors that influence this decision, including development, build and testing environments effectiveness, resources and their associated skillset, integrity, motivations and experience levels, commercial agreements, and adopted processes and productivity tools.

  • Testing RxJava2

    You are ready to explore reactive opportunities in your code but you are wondering how to test out the reactive idiom in your codebase. In this article Java Champion Andres Almiray provides techniques and tools for testing RxJava2.