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InfoQ Homepage Articles

  • Automating the Database: A Win-Win for DBAs and DevOps

    The key to effective database administration in DevOps initiatives is safe automation and enforced source control for the database, which prevents many errors from reaching the deployment stage.

  • Polymorphism of MVC-esque Web Architecture: Real Time Reactive Fulfillment

    The reactive ideal of the MVC architectural approach was diminished in web applications during the first two decades of the web age. Recent advancements have revitalized the reactive idea of the MVC architecture. In this article, Brent Chen and Victor Chen show how developers can leverage the dWMVC and pWMVC architectural paradigms to create real time reactive application behaviors.

  • Swift and Objective-C Runtime Programming

    Since a few months ago, a debate has been going on within the Objective-C/Swift developer community concerning the lack of dynamic features in Swift and the importance that runtime programming plays in Objective-C and Cocoa. InfoQ has spoken with Swift developers Chris Eidhof and Drew Crawford to learn more about these potential issues.

  • Key Takeaway Points and Lessons Learned from QCon San Francisco 2016

    The 10th annual QCon San Francisco was the biggest yet, bringing together over 1500 team leads, architects, project managers, and engineering directors. Over 125 practitioner-speakers presented 92 full-length technical sessions and 32 in-depth tutorials, providing deep insights into real-world architectures and state of the art software development practices from a practitioner’s perspective.

  • Blockchain – The Next Big Thing for Middleware

    Blockchain, most well known as the technology behind Bitcoin, has uses far beyond cryptocurrencies. This article explains the use cases and technical concepts behind blockchain, gives an overview about available services, and points out why middleware is a key success factor in this space.

  • Managing Cultural Differences in Your Distributed Team

    This article focuses on how cultural differences influence collaboration in distributed teams; it shares some virtues and practices which are helpful in bridging the cultural differences between team members. It defines culture and multicultural environment in distributed teams. It looks at questions teams can ask themselves to find out the impact of cultural differences in their day-to-day work.

  • Mobile Development Efficiency with NativeScript and Angular

    To meet both consumer demand and expectations, companies must develop for both mobile and web. Developing for both platforms is complex, but with the right tools and framework, the process is a little easier. In this article, TJ VanToll shows how to use NativeScript and Angular to develop cross platform apps.

  • Book Review: Learn Apache JMeter by Example

    JMeter is an indispensable tool for testing load and functionality of multi-tiered applications comprised of web front ends, JVM servers and a wealth of NoSQL and relational databases. This book is the manual that should have been included to help surmount the learning curve.

  • Article Series: Getting a Handle on Data Science as a Software Developer

    Software developers and managers are realizing that they need data science among their skills, to be able to tackle pressing problems. In this series, field experts provide guidance to help us navigate among the available data analysis options. They explore ways of understanding where data science is needed and where it’s not, and how to turn it into an asset.

  • Data Science up and down the Ladder of Abstraction

    Although Clojure lacks the extensive toolbox and analytic community of the most popular data science languages, R and Python, it provides a powerful environment for developing statistical thinking and for practicing effective data science.

  • Five Lessons Security Can Learn from DevOps

    Just as DevOps emerged to meet new business needs, new approaches in security are now needed to address the challenges of a DevOps-driven world. These new security approaches themselves must incorporate DevOps practices that rely on modularity, automation, standardization, auditability, and mirrored systems.

  • Reactor by Example

    Reactor, like RxJava 2, is a fourth generation reactive library launched by Spring custodian Pivotal. It builds on the Reactive Streams specification, Java 8, and the ReactiveX vocabulary. In this article, we’ll draw a parallel between Reactor and RxJava, and showcase the common elements as well as the differences.