InfoQ Homepage Articles
Christine Doig on Data Science as a Team Discipline
Christine Doig spoke at this year's OSCON Conference about data science as a team discipline and how to navigate the data science Python ecosystem. InfoQ spoke with Christine about challenges data science teams need to address to be more effective.
Q&A with Diomidis Spinellis on Effective Debugging
The book Effective Debugging by Diomidis Spinellis describes 66 different approaches for effective debugging of applications and systems. It provides methods, strategies, techniques, and tools for finding and removing faults, and gives examples for using them in different settings.
So, How Do You Make Agile Successful?
It is not Agile's fault, it is your fault - Are you fed up with such statements? This article tries to provide a more constructive answer on how to make Agile successful. It first shows how Scrum can be harmful, then argues how Agile requires different skills on both product and delivery levels. It suggests to use CICD to counteract Scrum's traps and stresses the importance of systems thinking.
Creating RESTful Services with T4 Based on Model and Interfaces
When generating RESTful services with WebAPI, a lot of boilerplate code has to be implemented. Amel Musić demonstrates how T4 and EnvDTE can be used to create a flexible code generator that dramatically reduces the amount of time and effort this takes.
Respect Your Organisational Monoliths
There is a lot of information about DevOps, the technology, the culture, the behaviour. There is not a lot of information about tackling DevOps in large enterprises and there is certainly very little about tackling DevOps in large financial organisations. This article presents lessons learnt rolling out DevOps in a large insurance organisation.
How Startups Get Software Built
For most startups, technology is a critical differentiator—the bridge between a consumer’s pain puddle and a startup’s revenue stream. The software is the thing that gets the idea off the cocktail napkin and into the customer’s hand. How do startups do it right? Fail, pivot, fail, pivot, repeat forever (and do it all FAST).
JUnit 5 - An Early Test Drive - Part 2
JUnit, Java's most ubiquitous testing framework, is getting an update. In part one of our JUnit 5 coverage, we looked at how we got here and wrote some preliminary tests. In part two, we take a closer look at how to run tests and at some of the very cool new features JUnit 5 brings to the table for us developers.
WTF requirements in Agile Product Development
The use of all-conclusive, hard-defined, non-negotiable BRDs is not appropriate in agile development. It will lead to an array of dysfunctions, including Local Optimization, deterioration of relationships between Product Owners and Feature Teams as well as loss of trust by end-customers. A refined, well-prioritized Product Backlog is the right place to store requirements in agile development.
Waterfall Requirements in Agile Product Development
The use of all-conclusive, hard-defined, non-negotiable BRDs is not appropriate in agile development. It will lead to an array of dysfunctions, including Local Optimization, deterioration of relationships between Product Owners and Feature Teams as well as loss of trust by end-customers. A refined, well-prioritized Product Backlog is the right place to store requirements in agile development.
Starcounter vs. ORM and DDD
The so-called “object-relation impedance mismatch” has long been discussed in engineering circles. Most attempts at a solution rely try to mask the issue by pulling logic into the application tier. Kostiantyn Cherniavskyi looks at these issues and shows how many of them can be solved with hybrid databases such as Starcounter.
Author Q&A: Decoding Silicon Valley
Jon Baer and Michelle Messina have written a book exploring the secrets to success in Silicon Valley - what it takes for a startup to succeed. They look at the culture, history and stories which show how and why the Valley works, and provide guidance for prospective entrepreneurs who are considering setting up in the Valley, or elsewhere. They spoke to InfoQ about the book and their ideas.
F# in Numbers: A Look at the Annual F# Survey Results
In April, for the second time, fsharpWorks organized the F# community survey. Over 600 developers completed the survey in 2016 (which is 15% more than in 2015). The survey provides an insight into the brains of the F# community. In this article, I'll summarize some of the results.