InfoQ Homepage Articles
Q&A with Dave Snowden on Leadership and Using Cynefin for Capturing Requirements
Dave Snowden gave a talk titled "Context is Everything" at the Scaling Agile for the Enterprise 2016 congress in Brussels, Belgium. InfoQ interviewed him about applying leadership models, the Cynefin model and how it can be used for capturing requirements, scaling agile, and sustainable change.
Build Your Own Container Using Less than 100 Lines of Go
Shipping containers and software containers share a lot in common, but the analogy has limits. This article explores this relationship further by demonstrating how it is possible to build a simple container using less than 100 lines of Golang code. Topics covered include namespaces, cgroups and layered filesystems.
Lambda Functions versus Infrastructure - Are we Trading Apples for Oranges?
Amazon's AWS Lambda service lets us run code without provisioning servers. Serverless offerings have recently been receiving interest due to their simplicity, capabilities and potential for cost reductions. This article compares the tradeoffs of serverless models with VM/Container based models.
Finding the Truth Behind Minimum Viable Products
While the definition of Minimum Viable Product may work us into a tizzy, the goal behind it is extremely valuable for product companies: to rapidly learn what your customers want. Learning what your users want before you build it is good product development. Make sure when you do invest in a feature or solution, it’s the right one.
Article Series: Containers in the Real World - Stepping Off the Hype Curve
This article series explains how containers are actually being used within the enterprise. It dives into the core technology behind containers and how this is currently being used by developers, examines core challenges with deploying containers in the enterprise and the future of containerisation, and discusses the role unikernels are currently playing within leading-edge organisations.
Q&A with the Authors on "Requirements: The Masterclass LiveLessons-Traditional, Agile, Outsourcing"
Suzanne and James Robertson, authors of numerous publications in the requirements field, launched a video course called "Requirements: The Masterclass LiveLessons-Traditional, Agile, Outsourcing". InfoQ interviewed them on these video lessons to get further insights into some of the topics addressed.
Characteristics of a Great Scrum Team
This article explores 'What makes a great Scrum team?' by offering detailed descriptions of the characteristics and skills needed in the Scrum roles of Product Owner, Scrum Master and Development Team.
Continuous Deployment with Containers
Many of us have already experimented with Docker - for example, running one of the pre-built images from Docker Hub. However, a comprehensive build pipeline is required before deploying any containers into a production environment. This article outlines the steps you need to take for a fully automated continuous-deployment pipeline that builds microservices deployed via Docker containers.
Ten Ways to Successfully Fail your Agility
This article is intended for newbies and agile sceptics who want to challenge their take on agile. It provides 10 ways to successfully fail your agility, implying that by replacing these practices with ones that do the opposite, you will increase agility and improve the odds of being successful.
State of the JavaScript Landscape: A Map for Newcomers
Modern JavaScript development is in constant motion. Build tools that were popular 12 or even six months ago are no longer en vogue. In this article, Bonnie Eisenman gives JavaScript newcomers a map to get started on their JavaScript journey. For more experienced JavaScript developers, Bonnie provides an update on where the community is at and what technologies to use for new projects.
IBM's Swift on the Server
Since Swift's open-source release, IBM has been working on the project and providing libdispatch on Linux, as well as providing a Swift web-based runtime and a managed catalog of Swift projects. InfoQ spoke to Chris Bailey and Patrick Bohrer, who presented at QCon London 2016, and asked them where they see Swift going in the future.
Lessons Learned from Scheduling One Million Containers with HashiCorp Nomad
HashiCorp's Million Container Challenge is a test for how efficiently its scheduler, Nomad, can schedule one million containers across 5,000 hosts. The goal of the challenge is to observe and optimize the behavior of Nomad at exceptional scale. Ultimately Nomad was able to schedule one million containers across 5,000 hosts in under five minutes. This post outlines the lessons learned.