InfoQ Homepage Articles
How SaaS Platforms Can Provide Career Opportunities to "Quiet Quitters"
The pandemic-era work-at-home trend has caused some workers to decide they enjoyed it so much they refused to return to the office. Many would rather be fired, creating a sizable opportunity for SaaS developers. Work-from-home businesses require SaaS platforms that enable entrepreneurs to connect with their customers and handle their workflow. Here's some inspiration to get developers started.
PHP 8 - Classes and Enums
In this article, we will review new PHP 8 features related to classes, including enums, used to specify an enumerated list of possible values for a type; the new readonly modifier for a class property, which makes the property unmodifiable after its initialization; and constructor parameter promotion, useful to assign a constructor parameter value to an object property automatically.
Extinguishing IT Team Burnout through Mindfulness and Unstructured Time
Burnout is taking a toll on IT and creating serious skill shortages. How can you keep your IT team engaged, productive, and happy? Mindfulness and unstructured time are delivering tangible business benefits that positively impact the bottom line, all while driving worker satisfaction and well-being.
Java Champion Josh Long on Spring Framework 6 and Spring Boot 3
Microservices show where Java lags behind other languages. Reactive programming provides a concise DSL to express the movement of state and to write concurrent, multithreaded code with better scaling. Developing in Spring Boot works well even without special tooling support. Josh Long is excited about Project Loom, Java optimization in Project Leyden, and Foreign-Function access in Project Panama.
DynamoDB Data Transformation Safety: from Manual Toil to Automated and Open Source
Data transformation remains a continuous challenge in engineering and built upon manual toil. The open source utility Dynamo Data Transform was built to simplify and build safety and guardrails into data transformation for DynamoDB based systems––built upon a robust manual framework that was then automated and open sourced. This article discusses the challenges with Data Transformation.
Craftleadership: Craft Your Leadership as Developers Craft Code
Learning software craftership made me reconsider how I wrote code. Being an experienced software team manager, I try to reevaluate my management practices in the same way: what could test-driven management or pair-management be? Here I propose different insights on how software craftership tools and mindset are transposable to the management domain.
The Challenge of Cognitive Load in Platform Engineering: a Discussion with Paula Kennedy
In a recent article, Paula Kennedy shared her thoughts on the ever-increasing cognitive load being saddled onto development teams. Although platform engineering is touted as a solution to this challenge, a poorly designed platform will increase the cognitive burden on developers utilizing it. We must also be careful that we are not just transferring that cognitive load onto the platform teams.
When, Why and How Facilitation Skills Help Scrum Teams
Effective Facilitation helps Scrum and Agile Teams leverage differences in positive ways, guiding teams to frame their discussions with clear purpose, decisions, outcomes and engagement with one another. This article talks about how facilitation can make or break team interactions, the amount of facilitation needed in certain scenarios, how to drive decisions with facilitation, and more.
Create Your Distributed Database on Kubernetes with Existing Monolithic Databases
The next challenge for databases is to run them on Kubernetes to become cloud neutral. However, they are more difficult to manage than the application layer, since Kubernetes is designed for stateless applications. Apache ShardingSphere is the ecosystem to transform any database into a distributed database system and enhance it with sharding, elastic scaling, encryption features, and more.
Bringing a Product Mindset into DevOps
To be successful, organisations need two things: products and services their customers find valuable, and the ability to deliver these products and services well. This article shows why we must design, implement and operate our delivery pipelines (the means of turning ideas into products in the hands of users) as we would any other product or service: by adding a “product mindset".
CloudFormation or Terraform: Which Iac Platform is the Best Fit for You?
CloudFormation and Terraform are two of the most popular IaC frameworks available. In this article learn which framework will work best for your use cases.
Are Your “Value Streams” Keeping You Stuck in the Past?
The essence of business agility is being able to respond quickly and systematically to feedback. As a means of achieving business agility, value stream management falls short, and ends up being not very different from what organizations have done for a long time: using program management practices to coordinate work across different teams in a large organization.