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InfoQ Homepage Articles

  • How Do We Utilize Chaos Engineering to Become Better Cloud-Native Engineers?

    Engineers these days are closer to the product and the customer needs—there is still a long way to go and companies are still struggling with how to get engineers closer to their customers to understand in-depth what their business impact is: what do they solve, what’s their influence on the customer, and what is their impact on the product?

  • Netflix Drive: Building a Cloud-Native Filesystem for Media Assets

    In this article, Tejas Chopra discusses Netflix Drive, a generic cloud drive for storing and retrieving media assets - a collection of media files and folders in Netflix. Netflix Drive ties together disparate data (such as: AWS S3, Ceph Storage, Google Cloud Storage, and others) and metadata stores in a cogent form for creating, cataloging and serving these assets to applications and workflows.

  • What You Should Know before Deploying ML in Production

    What should you know before deploying machine learning projects to production? There are four aspects of Machine Learning Operations, or MLOps, that everyone should be aware of first. These can help data scientists and engineers overcome limitations in the machine learning lifecycle and actually see them as opportunities.

  • How to Accelerate Your Staff+ Career through Open Source Engagement

    It takes many factors for an engineer to land a Staff+ position. In this article, you’ll find how contributing and engaging to open-source can help you sharpen critical Staff+ skills like writing communication, while helping increase your visibility and the odds of landing in such a position.

  • A Minimum Viable Product Needs a Minimum Viable Architecture

    Creating a Minimum Viable Architecture as part of an MVP helps teams to evaluate the technical viability and to provide a stable foundation for the product that can be adapted as the product evolves.

  • Why You Might Need an Island of Agility

    Organizational change doesn’t happen overnight, but that doesn’t mean improving agility is impossible. Regardless of the agile approach, by creating an island of agility, we can set a course to agility while the rest of the organization catches up. The key to success is avoiding an island too small to have an impact, having a plan to grow the island, and adding islands to keep momentum.

  • Introduction to Apache Beam Using Java

    Apache Beam is a stream processor, helping developers migrate work between different processes to offload work onto runners that leverage external resources.

  • Pipedrive Agile Framework: How a Unicorn Company Customized Agile Processes to Scale

    Pipedrive would not have become a unicorn company by using a standard off-the-shelf agile framework. Instead, the company created its own framework. It makes a distinction between Mission Teams versus Launchpads and relies heavily on dynamic reteaming. In Pipedrive's Agile Framework, the product managers pitch new ideas and software engineers volunteer to lead their Mission Teams.

  • Standardizing Native Java: Aligning GraalVM and OpenJDK

    Native Java is essential for Java to remain relevant in the evolving cloud world. But it is not a solved problem yet. And the development lifecycle needs to adapt as well. Standardization through Project Leyden is key to the success of native Java. Native Java needs to be brought into OpenJDK to enable co-evolution with other ongoing enhancements.

  • Why the Dual Operating Model Impedes Enterprise Agility

    Most organizations adopt a dual approach to agility, with some parts of the organization working in an agile way that delivers value in increments, measures the response and adapts accordingly, while the “traditional” organization continues to work as it always has in a relatively top-down way. In this article, This approach must eventually be left behind after an Agile transition.

  • Evolving DevSecOps to Include Policy Management

    A thorough implementation of policy management tools is required for effective compliance and security management in a DevOps environment. Companies that accept policy management in DevSecOps as a way of development and have adopted some level of policy management best practices tend to operate more efficiently.

  • How to Run Your Product Department Like a Coach

    Having found what I thought was my calling as an agile coach, I took the tough decision to move sideways into Product Management in the hopes of using what I’d learned to one day run my own department. I believed that coming from coaching would allow me to see things others could not and create something special. Time will tell if I have succeeded. This is the story of where I am so far.