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  • Better Scrum through Essence

    Scrum is easy to explain and hard to do well. The majority of Scrum Teams struggle to do Scrum well. The OMG Essence standard promises to make practices more accessible and to free them from the tyranny of formal methods and frameworks. This article explains how Essence Scrum practices produced by Ian Spence and Dr Jeff Sutherland can help your teams get better at Scrum regardless of the context.

  • How to Not Lose Your Job to Low-Code Software

    The uptake of low code software is so strong that it will almost certainly make its way into your organization. Most software engineers shouldn’t be concerned about this because they are good at the things that low code software is not yet good at. The key to surviving and thriving during this change is ensuring that your role encompasses responsibilities that low code can’t yet do.

  • The Fundamentals of Testing with Persistence Layers

    Mocking out dependencies such as databases and other persistence layers leads to ineffective tests. Unfortunately, our industry is also focused on function-level testing to the exclusion of all else, so few are trained on how to write any other type of test. This article seeks to correct the issue by reintroducing the concept of testing with databases.

  • Is Artificial Intelligence Taking over DevOps?

    AI tools are slowly replacing the role of the developer – just as DevOps did before – and will eventually supplant DevOps entirely. Assessing whether that prediction is true is tricky. In this article, we’ll look at what AI promises for the development process, assess whether it can really ever take over from human developers, and what DevOps is likely to look like in a decades’ time.

  • Speed, Efficiency, and Value: Using Empiricism to Achieve Business Agility

    Customers seek solutions that improve their outcomes, and organizations don’t know what will achieve this until they deliver something to them, measure the results, and adapt accordingly. Doing so repeatedly, frequently, and with the smallest investment to achieve the greatest amount of feedback, is the essence of organizational agility. This is key to success in today's complex world.

  • Using Cloud Native Buildpacks to Address Security Requirements for the Software Supply Chain

    Software supply chain attacks are increasing in severity and frequency, with no clear path laid out towards its mitigation. A simple way to trace the origin of vulnerable components is available in the form of Software Bill Of Materials (SBOMs), generated automatically when using Buildpacks.

  • The Three Symptoms of Toxic Leadership and How to Get out of It

    None of us are born toxic leaders, but anyone can easily become one. In the past several years, workplaces have started to feel the effects of “toxic leadership.” Now is the time to educate everyone on the importance of speaking right, doing right, treating each other right in the workplace, and above all, being a non-toxic leader.

  • A Lightweight, Safe, Portable, and High-Performance Runtime for Dapr

    Dapr (Distributed Application Runtime) has quickly become a very popular open-source framework for building microservices. It provides building blocks and pre-packaged services that are commonly used in distributed applications, such as service invocation, state management, message queues, resource bindings and triggers, mTLS secure connections, and service monitoring.

  • Virtual Panel: DevSecOps and Shifting Security Left

    Recent attacks, that targeted SolarWinds, Colonial Pipeline, and others, have shown that development environments come ever more frequently on the radar of malicious actors. A virtual panel on the value of shifting left security, how to take responsibility for it, and the time-to-market pitfalls.

  • How to Decide in Self-Managed Projects - a Lean Approach to Governance

    Whether self-managed or self-governed as a project, the power still needs to be distributed internally. If the project is open to decide how things are done, how do we decide? A solid but flexible set of tools and practices like sociocracy is a great starting point for projects to have clear but lean processes that can grow as we grow.

  • Best Practices for Letting Go of a Remote Team Member

    At Doist, letting go of a team member is a last resort. Over 14 years, the remote-first pioneer has parted ways with approximately 25 team members, which has evolved the way they handle remote terminations. Today, Doist employs 100 people in 35+ countries with a 90+% employee retention rate. Here COO Allan Christensen offers his lessons learned on letting go of a remote team member.

  • How Unnecessary Complexity Gave the Service Mesh a Bad Name

    There is immense value in adopting a service mesh, but it must be done in a lightweight manner to avoid unnecessary complexity. Take a pragmatic approach when implementing a service mesh by aligning with the core features of the technology, such as standardized monitoring and smart routing, and watching out for distractions.