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InfoQ Homepage Articles

  • Seven Key Insights of Product Management

    What a product manager does and how they do it seems like a perennial question, an ongoing discussion, often ending in debate. This changes depending on factors such as the size and culture of the company, the industry or sector, the business model, where the product is in its lifecycle, and the type of product. What doesn’t change is they’re always thinking about customer and business needs.

  • Facilitating Feedback That's Psychologically Safe

    This article focuses on feedback with regards to a plan or proposal - ways to make it easier to give and receive feedback, so the psychological safety of the team can increase. The aim is to give you insights, models, structures and practical things to try, in order to facilitate feedback that boosts psychological safety in your team(s).

  • Cultivate Team Learning with Xtrem Reading

    To thrive in the 21st century, companies have to continually enhance their capabilities to create what they want to create. Becoming a learning organization is key to success in the modern world. Peter Senge defined 5 disciplines of a learning organization. This article introduces workshop techniques that will help you start your journey in the 4th discipline, team learning.

  • Augmenting Organizational Agility Through Learnability Quotient (LQ) - an Architect’s Perspective

    By creating a robust learning framework for the organization, and involving architects and other key technical leaders, Halodoc improved their organizational agility.

  • Applying Lean Tools and Techniques to Scrum

    This article focuses on some of the challenges that Scrum is facing and how Lean can be a complementary approach. Lean is often misunderstood as a heavyweight process when in fact it is a philosophy, one that is grounded in continuous improvement. The topic of waste, a central theme that Lean helps focus on, shows us that Scrum can be improved upon.

  • Paving the Road to Production

    Coinbase has gotten much from its deploy pipelines. We deploy thousands of servers across hundreds of projects per day, to serve our millions of customers and their billions in assets. This article explores the journey Coinbase took to get where it is now, it describes their paved roads and how they've had to change over time in response to their company growing.

  • Easy Guide to Remote Pair Programming

    Remote pair programming can be an extremely powerful tool, it's a form of social programming. When pairing remote, you need a lot more setup and more tooling in place, so that the two team members can work together effectively. With remote pair programming quality communication is essential because we lack the physical presence that gives us so much non-verbal communication.

  • How Outsourcing Practices Are Changing in 2021: an Industry Insight

    The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way businesses think about outsourcing their processes. While security and sustainable outsourcing have become top priorities, cost reduction has become a driving factor in outsourcing decisions. The practice of nearshoring is gaining prominence, while other practices are becoming obsolete. This article explores how outsourcing practices are changing in 2021.

  • Building Stronger Human Teams by Managing the Inner Lizards

    Each of us has an inner lizard that frets constantly about our safety. People come with brains that are pre-configured to scan everything you say for threats to their safety. Learning to recognize when you're operating under reptilian influence is a great start. This article introduces some techniques to help you manage the lizard within you along with those around you.

  • Solving Mysteries Faster with Observability

    At QCon plus, a virtual conference for senior software engineers and architects covering the trends, best practices, and solutions leveraged by the world's most innovative software organizations, Elizabeth Carretto discussed observability at Netflix and how their internal tool, Edgar, comes into play.

  • Preventing Transformational Burnout through Collaboration, Transparency, Feedback, and Coaching

    Burnout is not only an individual issue; it happens in teams and organizations. This article explores probable sources of mental breakdowns, lack of motivation and confidence, along with types of burnout, and describes the role agile coaches and organizational leaders can therefore play in addressing burnout.

  • Building Latency Sensitive User Facing Analytics via Apache Pinot

    At QCon, a virtual conference for senior software engineers and architects covering the trends, Chinmay Soman talked about how you can use Apache Pinot as part of your data pipelines for building rich, external, or site-facing analytics.