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InfoQ Homepage Articles

  • Building a Source Generator for C#

    In this article we’ll be writing a Source Generator for C#. Along the way we’ll explain some of the key technologies you’re going to need to learn in order to build your own and some of the pitfalls you might encounter on the way.

  • ‘Debt’ as a Guide on the Agile Journey: Organizational Debt

    In this article in a series on how ‘debt’ can be used to guide an agile journey, we will provide two examples of smells that are related to organizational debt, explain the symptoms, the impact on the business and in our organization, outline the experiments (countermeasures) that we have introduced in an effort to try to remove the smell, and provide some specific advice for you to be inspired.

  • Q&A with Eveline Oerhlich on Building an Effective DevOps Culture

    The DevOps Institute recently released their latest report entitled "Upskilling 2021: Enterprise DevOps Skills Report". The report found that automation and security remain vital to business success. A focus on building the human skills of DevOps was also identified as companies with the best learning cultures were most likely to succeed.

  • Deep Dive into Reactive Programming with RxJS

    One of the most challenging aspects of developing any user-facing application is handling asynchronous actions such as user input and API requests cleanly and robustly. RxJS helps developers author declarative code for handling side effects and asynchronous actions with continuous data streams and subscriptions.

  • Ethical Decisions in a Wicked World: the Role of Technologists, Entrepreneurs, and Organizations

    Wherever role you are playing - consumer, employee, entrepreneur, manager - the purpose of a business is to serve society. Organizations need to seek win-win solutions, consider sustainability and ethics in all phases, and learn how to scan and deal with unintended consequences of each intervention. This article brings concepts and ideas to spark initial action for wicked problems using ethics.

  • Case Study: a Decade of Microservices at a Financial Firm

    Microservices are the hot new architectural pattern, but the problem with “hot” and “new” is that it can take years for the real costs of an architectural pattern to be revealed. Fortunately, the pattern isn’t new, just the name is. So, we can learn from companies that have been doing this for a decade or more.

  • Keeping Technology Change Human

    When we are at the forefront of so much change, it's easy to forget that other people around us find change more challenging. This article is a reminder to look beyond the code and processes, to consider how tech team actions can affect our users in emotional ways. It seeks to establish a few ways of thinking to help bring others along with us when working through technology change.

  • Virtual Panel: How Open-Source is Helping to Change the World

    Open-source is not only at the heart of the Cloud and the enterprise as we know them today, it also powers many initiatives around the globe that aim to change how technology is leveraged to solve real-world issues and strive to make it accessible in a more equitable way. InfoQ has taken the chance to speak with several companies that are helping make it happen.

  • Containers Are Contagious and Often Misused

    Let’s get something straight right right from the start— this article is not to argue that containers are bad; containers are certainly one of many great options developers have in their hands today. This article is also not scoped at the pros/cons of containers; my intent is just to present the developers and dev leads with some considerations around containers.

  • The Game Master's Framework for Software Development

    The Game Master Framework for Software (GeMs) combines role-playing concepts with software development, effectively creating a framework to deliver software in complex and chaotic environments. GeMs allows you to use your skills from playing Warhammer, WoW, Dungeons, or dragons, and C’thulu, to create software. GeMs combes gaming tactics with software creation.

  • The Future of Windows (and Other Platforms) Development

    Microsoft is looking to address the fragmentation in the Windows developer ecosystem through Windows UI and Project Reunion. In this article, we’ll see how different groups of Windows developers will be able to adopt Project Reunion. We’ll also look at how Project Reunion, coupled with the Uno Platform, can be used to extend a Windows application across iOS, macOS, Android, Web, and even Linux.

  • Applying the “Whole Product Model” to the “Technology Adoption Life Cycle”

    In order to develop products customer love, product managers need to truly understand how their “whole product” delivers value and when to address which customer segment. Two models that are very powerful when applied together, and that a product manager can use to develop extraordinary products, are The Whole Product Model and The Technology Adoption Life Cycle.