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InfoQ Homepage Articles

  • Moving from Collocated Management to Remote Leadership

    Management in a remote organization is vastly different from that in a collocated one. Copying in-person interactions to digital tools does not cultivate a great culture nor does it contribute to better collaboration. This article aims to give you an idea of what the move to remote leadership entails and why it is essential for the success of any business in the remote work era.

  • Running Axon Server in a Virtual Machine

    In this series, we’ve been looking at running Axon Server locally, in Docker, and Kubernetes. What happens if we use a VM as a platform? Naturally, we need to do more work to get everything set up correctly, because instead of sharing a part of the Operating System, we now have to consider everything from the machine and upwards.

  • Software Architecture and Design InfoQ Trends Report—April 2021

    An overview of how the InfoQ editorial team sees the Software Architecture and Design topic evolving in 2021, with a focus on what architects are designing for today.

  • Nine Trends That Are Influencing the Adoption of Devops and Devsecops in 2021

    While it’s important to recognize the value of both DevOps and DevSecOps, they are not one-size-fits-all, monolithic, permanent paradigms. In this article, we’ll take a look at that ongoing development – isolating and explaining nine key trends that are driving and changing the adoption of DevOps, DevSecOps, and a number of related approaches to development and management.

  • Designing & Managing for Resilience

    The fourth article in a series on how software companies adapted and continue to adapt to enhance their resilience explores the strategies used by engineering leaders to help create the conditions for sustained resilience. It provides stories, examples, and strategies towards designing an organizational structure to support resilient performance and managing for resilience.

  • Article Series: Building Microservices in Java

    This article series will explore the state-of-the-art in building microservice-based architectures using the Java language. Alongside popular stalwarts, such as Spring Boot and Dropwizard, newer frameworks, such as Quarkus, Micronaut and Helidon, have been gaining momentum. These frameworks emerged after MicroProfile was introduced to the Java community in 2016.

  • Signs You’re in a Death Spiral (and How to Turn It around before It’s Too Late)

    Don’t let feature work blind you. Enterprises are ramping up their software delivery to compete in the digital-first world. But more features and faster time-to-market can lead your business into a death spiral if you neglect technical debt and risk work. Learn how to use value stream metrics to identify whether your business is in danger and how to reverse the trajectory before it’s too late.

  • Information Relativity

    To build great software, we need to account for perspective and relativity. Perspective is something's meaning depending on where it's observed from. Relativity refers to a distortion due to the location of the observer.

  • Which Industries Would Benefit the Most from Agile Innovation

    When we assign measurable criteria to innovation, we can pinpoint which industries are falling behind the curve. Fortunately, there are many ways in which introducing agile processes can help organisations deliver innovation projects in quick succession for increased long-term value and customer satisfaction.

  • Why AWS Lambda Pricing Has to Change for the Enterprise

    AWS Lambda users pay only when their code is run. This can result in massive cost savings over long-running workloads. The advantages start to disappear quickly when AWS Lambda is employed for batch processing. Enterprises can gain significantly from the scalability of FaaS - yet a price comparison between EC2, Lambda, and Fargate, the AWS-managed container service, reveals an ugly truth.

  • Testing Games is Not a Game

    Testing video games goes beyond or differs in general from what Quality Assurance means and represents. It brings a new subset of responsibilities and skills intrinsic to the gaming industry. This article provides insights about the game industry, the role of the game tester, thoughts on challenges, and the learnings of testing games.

  • Practical Applications of Complexity Theory in Software and Digital Products Development

    What if we start a new conversation about complexity, also engaging a completely different crowd - the hands-on practitioners, the problem solvers, the tinkerers? What if we approach that conversation in another way? This article is guided by two new radical ideas; the first idea is on the theory and practice of complexity, and the second idea is on the human element in complexity theory.