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InfoQ Homepage Articles

  • Federated Machine Learning for Loan Risk Prediction

    In this article, author Brendon Machado discusses how data owners and data scientists can work together to create models on privatized data using the federated learning technique and shows how to use it in loan risk prediction use cases.

  • Article Series: PHP 7.x

    PHP 7.x brings several improvements and new features that touch all aspects of the language, including better support for object oriented programming, extensions to classes and interfaces, improvements to the type system, error handling, and more. In this series of articles, we discuss new features across the various PHP 7.x versions.

  • How to Build a Strong Beta Testers Community

    It is important to involve the real users at the early stages of your development cycle. A strong beta testers community not only improves your product, but also provides context, pain points and ideas while increasing loyalty and engagement. This article offers tips and tricks on how to build a beta testers program and a process of supporting the program with a modest allotment.

  • Principles for Microservice Design: Think IDEALS, Rather than SOLID

    For object-oriented design we follow the SOLID principles. For microservice design we propose developers follow the “IDEALS”: interface segregation, deployability (is on you), event-driven, availability over consistency, loose-coupling, and single responsibility.

  • Exchange Cybernetics: towards a Science of Agility & Adaptation

    Agility can become part of a scientific theory of adaptation. The capacity for adaptation is nothing more than the ability to move resources around in order to take opportunities as they emerge. This article describes the ingredients of an agile theory of adaptation and provides examples for how to do tactical planning in order to execute agility.

  • Interview with RavenDB Founder Oren Eini

    RavenDB is a NoSQL document database with multi-document ACID transactions and smart document compression. To learn more about the recent RavenDB 5 release and RavenDB in general, we’ve invited Oren Eini, creator of RavenDB and CEO of Hibernating Rhinos, to join us.

  • Q&A on the Book Retrospectives for Everyone

    The book Retrospectives for Everyone by Madhavi Ledalla explains how metaphors can be used to foster reflection and result in actions in agile retrospectives. The book provides examples of metaphors that can for instance be used to nurture teamwork, manage change, focus on objectives and personal reflection, and also provides recommendations for facilitating retrospectives beyond a single team.

  • Interview With Fastify Node.js Web Framework Co-Creator Matteo Collina

    Fastify is an open source, low performance overhead Node.js web framework filling a significant need in the ecosystem. Fastify emphasizes developer experience as a driving force in building a solid open source project and community. The Fastify project is part of the OpenJS Foundation.

  • Q&A on the Book Techlash

    The book Techlash by Ian Mitroff and Rune Storesund explains why companies need to become socially responsible by considering the potential negative outcomes of technology. It explains how proactive crisis management can help prevent a crisis by the early detection and correction of deviations from expected conditions.

  • Plugin Framework for .NET

    In an interview with developer Mikael Koskinen, he tells us about his new Plugin Framework, why he created it, how to get the best from it and plans for the future.

  • Building Effective Microservices with gRPC, Ballerina, and Go

    gRPC is a relatively new implementation of the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) API paradigm. It can play a major role in all synchronous communications between internal microservices. Here we examine key gRPC concepts, their usage, and benefits of having gRPC as an inter-service communication by using a real-world microservice use case.

  • Functional UI - a Stream-Based Equational Approach

    User interface applications can be implemented with an explicit functional relation linking events received by the user interface to the actions to exert on the interfaced systems. Streams by abstracting over time may express that relation concisely. A stream-based implementation is one of the three Functional UI strategies for implementing reliable, well-architected user interface applications.