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InfoQ Homepage Articles

  • Q&A on the Book Leading Lean

    Leading Lean by Jean Dahl describes a journey that leaders can embark on to respond to disruptive change. It leads them through the six dimensions of leading self, others, the customer, and the enterprise, by creating an innovative culture that delivers value. It provides not just the theory behind Modern Lean, but also practical methods, tools, strategies, and case studies.

  • PHP 7 — Classes and Interfaces Improvements

    In the second instalment of this article series dedicated to PHP 7, we continue our exploration of PHP 7 new features focusing on object-oriented programming support, classes, and interfaces.

  • Five Reasons to Start Working in the Cloud

    Whether self-hosted or managed, this article is going to cover five reasons why a cloud IDE may be precisely what you or your company needs to boost productivity to the next level.

  • Building a Scale-Ready MVP

    In these times of turmoil, information technology is a strategic asset to weather the difficult times ahead. Companies launch projects to build digital products and seize new opportunities, but even with strong pressure to release as fast as possible, beware of the pitfalls of an unsustainable MVP. Building an MVP that is scale-ready takes careful consideration and disciplined practices.

  • Learning Progressive Web Apps - Book Review and Q&A

    The book *Learning Progressive Web Apps* presents a gentle but thorough introduction to PWAs through the implementation of three PWAs. The book focuses on web manifests and service workers. The reader needs only know HTML, JavaScript and CSS to follow through the examples.

  • Java Feature Spotlight: Sealed Classes

    The release of Java SE 15 in Sept 2020 will introduce "sealed classes" (JEP 360) as a preview feature. A sealed class is a class or interface which restricts which other classes or interfaces may extend it. Sealed classes, like enums, capture alternatives in domain models, allowing programmers and compilers to reason about exhaustiveness.

  • Q&A on the Book Leveraging Digital Transformation

    The book Leveraging Digital Transformation - Proven Leadership and Innovation Strategies to Engage and Grow Your Organization by M. Nadia Vincent is a guide for implementing digital transformations. It explores how to lead a digital transformation, how to engage people into the transformation, and what can be done to enable digitalization and innovation.

  • Using a DDD Approach for Validating Business Rules

    If the goal is to create software applications that emulate the behavior of domain experts, then the challenge is in capturing and implementing the business rules. This is more a factor of good knowledge management than it is raw coding ability. Following techniques from Domain-Driven Design can provide a structure for effectively validating and implementing business rules in a system.

  • Working Together in the Same Direction with Obeya

    Obeya1 is a proven approach that facilitates teamwork and the alignment of activities around seven panels to deliver IT or manufacturing products. It accelerates the regular resolution of good problems by breaking down barriers between teams and it also benefits from the support of the management. The purpose of this article describes the first Obeya panel: vision

  • TornadoVM: Accelerating Java with GPUs and FPGAs

    The proliferation of heterogeneous hardware represents a problem for programming languages such as Java that target CPUs. TornadoVM extends the Graal JIT compiler to take advantage of GPUs & FPGAs and provides a flexible, high-level model whilst still enabling high performance and features such as live task migration.

  • State at the Edge: an Interview with Peter Bourgon

    Building upon topics in his talk at QCon London, Peter Bourgon answers questions about edge computing, distributed data, and the complexity of synchronization.

  • Blazor RenderTree Explained

    Blazor is a new single page application (SPA) framework from Microsoft that relies on the .NET framework in favor of JavaScript. As part of its component development model, Blazor uses a DOM abstraction called a RenderTree. In this article we’ll learn what exactly a DOM abstraction is, what the RenderTree is used for, and why Blazor developers should know about it.