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InfoQ Homepage Articles

  • Making Your Code Faster by Taming Branches

    Most software code contains conditional branches. In code, they appear in if-then-else clauses, loops, and switch-case constructs. For better performance, modern processors predict the branch and execute the following instructions speculatively. It is a powerful optimization.

  • Maintaining Mental health on Software Development Teams

    Working on a software development team often means dealing with stress, anxiousness, and tight deadlines. Research has shown developers to have considerably higher chances of experiencing mental health issues than their counterparts, who perform mechanical tasks. Check out these nuggets of wisdom for stabilizing developers’ mental health, shared by Beetroot’s HR psychologist.

  • JavaScript and Web Development InfoQ Trends Report 2020

    The web development space is always an interesting one for us, with new JavaScript projects launched almost daily. Trying to decide which ones to focus on and which ones to ignore is particularly challenging. Developers can learn and gather inspiration from interesting approaches even if they do not currently use them in their daily development efforts.

  • Breaking through Three Common Engineering Myths

    This article debunks three common myths that often plague engineers and may be holding them back from reaching their full potential, especially if they are a current or aspiring engineering leader. It also provides some actionable ideas you can implement right away to start making a shift in your own life away from these limiting beliefs.

  • Has an AI Cyber Attack Happened Yet?

    AI cyber attacks have happened and are happening, with increasing regularity. This article looks at recent attacks, the role of bots, and defense strategies you can employ.

  • Q&A on the Book How to Lead in Product Management

    The book How to Lead in Product Management by Roman Pichler provides solutions for product managers and product owners to lead development teams and stakeholders. It covers practices like building trust, setting product goals, listening and speaking, resolving conflict, and securing buy-in to product decisions in order to achieve product success.

  • Game Based Learning - The Five Dysfunctions of a Daily Stand-up Meeting

    Does your Daily Scrum suffer from ’storytelling' or 'problem solving’ symptoms, as well as Sprint Goal amnesia? Does your Daily Scrum Therapy take longer than 15 minutes, but still no relevant information is being shared? The authors prescribe a cure with an Agile Game especially designed to improve your Daily Scrum: The Daily Stand-up Game.

  • Build Great Native CLI Apps in Java with Graalvm and Picocli

    Compared to other choices, Java is not that convenient for creating simple command-line driven apps - largely due to the need to distribute a sizable runtime. The combination of GraalVM and Picocli aims to change that, by providing native compilation alongside an easy, modern way to handle command-line args.

  • Article Series: Data-Driven Decision Making

    The Data-Driven Decision Making Series provides an overview of how the three main activities in the software delivery - Product Management, Development and Operations - can be supported by data-driven decision making.

  • Q&A on the Book Compass for Agility

    The book Compass for Agility by Leila Rao describes an approach to create change in complex organizations and realize business agility. The compass consists of five phases: Ideation, identification, intake, in action, and introspection. Iterating with this five-step approach can develop internal capability for adaptability and reinvention.

  • Multi-Runtime Microservices Architecture

    Best practices have emerged around “microservice” architecture and “12-factor app” design. As cloud, containers, and container orchestrators (.g. Kubernetes) have become popular, new solutions to address common integration principles have emerged. This article discusses the approach of using "mecha" components to provide enterprise integration pattern functionality for microservices.

  • Data-Driven Decision Making – Product Development with Continuous Delivery Indicators

    The Data-Driven Decision Making Series provides an overview of how the three main activities in the software delivery - Product Management, Development and Operations - can be supported by data-driven decision making. In Development, Continuous Delivery Indicators can be used to steer the efficiency of the development process.