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C# 8 Ranges and Recursive Patterns

Key Takeaways

  • C# 8 adds ranges and recursive patterns.
  • Ranges easily define a sequence of data, replacing the Enumberable.Range().
  • Recursive patterns bring an F#-like construct to C#.
  • Recursive patterns are an awesome feature, giving you the flexibility to test data against a sequence of conditions and perform further computations based on the conditions met.
  • Ranges are useful for generating sequences of numbers in the form of a collection or a list.


Jan 21, 2015 is one of the most important days in the C# modern history. On this day, the C# Gurus like Anders Hejlsberg and Mads Torgersen and others have discussed the future of C# and considered in which directions the language should be expanded. 

C# Design Meeting Notes for Jan 21, 2015

The first result of this meeting was C# 7.  The seventh version added some new features and brought a focus on data consumption, code simplification and performance. The new proposals for C# 8 do not change this focus on features, but this might yet change in the final release.

Figure -1- C# 7..8 features focus

In this article, I will discuss two features proposed for C# 8. The first one is the Ranges and the second one is Recursive Patterns, both of which belong to the category of Code Simplification. I will explain them in detail with many examples, and I will show you how those features can help you to write better code.

Ranges easily define a sequence of data. It is a replacement for Enumerable.Range() except it defines the startand stop points rather than start and count and it helps you to write more readable code.


foreach(var item in 1..100)

Recursive Patterns matching is a very powerful feature, which allows code to be written more elegantly, mainly when used together with recursion. The RecursivePatterns consists of multiple sub-patterns like as Positional Patterns, e.g.,var isBassam = user is Employee ("Bassam",_), Property Patterns, e.g.,p is Employee {Name is "Mais"}, Var Pattern, Discard Pattern (‘_’),and so forth.


Recursive Patterns with tuples (The below example is also known as Tuple Pattern)

var employee = (Name: "Thomas Albrecht", Age: 43);
switch (employee) 
 case (_, 43) employeeTmp when(employeeTmp.Name == "Thomas Albrecht "):
   Console.WriteLine($ "Hi {employeeTmp.Name} you are now 43!");

 // If the employee has any other information then executes the code below.
 case _:
  Console.WriteLine("any other person!");

The case (_, 43) can be interpreted as follows. The first part, ‘_‘,means ignore the item’s property Name but the second part, the Age, must be 43. If the employee tuple contains this pair of information (any string, 43),then the case block will be executed. As shown in figure -1-.

Playground for the employee code above:

Link 1, title: Playground for the employee code above

Figure -2- basicexample for Recursive Patterns

We have handled this theme in the past in more than one article, but this is the first time we are going to take a deep dive into pattern matching. Regarding to our old article, I recommend you read:

  1. Build 2018: The Future of C#
  2. Pattern Matching in C# and VB
  3. Advanced Pattern Matching Features Removed From C# 7


This feature is about delivering two new operators (Index operator ‘^’ and range operator ‘..’) that allow constructing System.Index and System.Range objects and using them to index or slice collections at runtime. The new operators are syntactic sugar and making your code more clean and readable. The code for the operator index ^ is implemented in System.Index and for the range ‘..’ in System.Range.


Excellent way toindex a collection from the ending.


var lastItem = array[^1]; this code equivalent to: var lastItem = array[collection.Count-1];


Ranges way to access "ranges" or "slices" of collections. This will help you to avoid LINQ and making your code compact and more readable. You can compare this feature with Ranges in F#.

New style

Old style

var thirdItem = array [2]; 

// Code behind: array [2]

var thirdItem = array [2]; 

var lastItem = array [^1];

// Code Behind: [^1] = new Index(1, true); true = bool fromEnd 

var lastItem = array [array.Count -1];

var lastItem = array.Last; // LINQ

var subCollection = array[2..^5]; // Output: 2, 3, 4, 5

// Code Behind: Range.Create(2, new Index(5, true)); as you see here we have used the both operators! Range and Index. The Range is for the operator … and the index is for the operator ^. Means skip until the index 2 from the begin and ^5 means ignore the first 5 elements from behind.

var subCollection = array.ToList().GetRange(2, 4);

or with LINQ

var subCollection = array.Skip(2).Take(4);


Consider the following array: 

var array = new int[] {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}; 














We can access the array values with the following indexes:













Now we cut a slice view from this array as below:

var slice= array[2..5];





We can access the slice values with the following indexes:





Note: the start index is inclusive (included to the slice), and the end index is exclusive (excluded from the slice).

var slice1 = array [4..^2]; // Range.Create(4, new Index(2, true))

 and the slice1 will be of type Span<int>. [4..^2] Skip from the begin until the index 4 and skip 2 from the ending.

Output: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
var slice2 = array [..^3]; // Range.ToEnd(new Index(3, true))
Output: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
var slice3 = array [2..]; // Range.FromStart(2)
Output: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9, 10
var slice4 = array[..]; // array[Range.All]
Output: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

I have made the Ranges playground for you under the following link. Enjoy it!

Bounded Ranges

In the bounded ranges, the lower bound (start index) and the upper bound(end index) are known or predefined.

array[start..end] // Get items from start-1 until end-1
array[start..end:step] // Get items from start-1 until end-1 by step

The above Range syntax (step at end) is inspiredfrom Python. Python supports the following syntax(lower:upper:step), with :stepbeing optional and :1 by default, but there are some wishes in the community to use the F# syntax (lower..step..upper). 

You can follow up the discussion here: Discussion: Range operator

Range  syntax in F#.

array { 5 .. 2 .. 20 } // where 2 = step [start .. step .. end]


5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19

Example for the bounded ranges

var array = new int[] {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
var subarray = array[3..5];  // The selected items: 3, 4

The code above is equal to array.ToList().GetRange(3, 2);.If you compare array.ToList().GetRange(3, 2); with array[3..5] you can see that the new style is cleanerand more human readable.

There is a feature request to use the Range in the “if” statement or with the pattern matching as described below:

With “in” operator

var anyChar = 'b';
if (anyChar in 'a'..'z')
 Console.WriteLine($"The letter {anyChar} in range!");

Output: The letter b in range!

Range Pattern is one of the new proposed pattern matching which can be used  to produce simple range checks. Range Pattern will allow you to use the range operator  ‘..’ in the select case" statement (switch).

switch (anyChar)
 case in 'a'..'z' => Console.WriteLine($“The letter {anyChar} in range!),
 case in '!'..'+' => Console.WriteLine($“Something else!),

Output: The letter b in range!

It is worth to mention that not everyone happy by using the “in” operator in Ranges. The community is divided between using “in” or “is”; you can follow up the whole discussions here: Open issues for C#range

Unbounded Ranges

When the lower bound is omitted, it's interpreted to be zeroor the upper bound is omitted, it's interpreted to be the length of the receiving collection.


array[start..]  // Get items start-1 with the rest of the array
array[..end]    // Get items from the beginning until end-1
array[..]       // A Get the whole array

Positive Bounds

var fiveToEnd = 5..;      // Equivalent to Range.From(5) i.e. missing upper bound
var startToTen = ..1;     // Equivalent to Range.ToEnd(1). Missing lower bound. Result: 0, 1
var everything = ..;      // Equivalent to Range.All. Missing upper and lower bound. Result: 0..Int.Max
var everything = [5..11]; // Equivalent to Range.Create(5, 11)

var collection = new [] { 'a', 'b', 'c' };
collection[2..];  // Result chars: c
collection[..2];  // Result chars: a, b
collection[..];   // Result chars: a, b, c 

Negative Bounds

You can use negative bounds. They are interpreted as being relative to the length of the receiving collection, soone is the last element; two is the second to last elementand so on. 


var collection = new [] { 'a', 'b', 'c' };
collection[-2..2];  // Result chars: b, c
collection[-1..];   // Result chars: c
collection[-3..-1]; // Result chars: a, b

Note: Currently, the negative bound cannot be testedas shown below:

Figure-3- ArgumentException by using negative indexes

Ranges with Strings

Ranges allow creating substrings by using the indexer:


var helloWorldStr = "Hello, World!";
var hello = helloWorldStr[..5];
Console.WriteLine(hello); // Output: Hello 

var world = helloWorldStr[7..];
Console.WriteLine(world); // Output: World

Or you can write it like that:

var world = helloWorldStr[^6..]; // Take the last 6 characters
Console.WriteLine(world); // Output: World

Ranges ForEach loops


Ranges implement IEnumerable<int> which allowing the iteration over a sequence of data.

foreach (var i in 0..10)
    Console.WriteLine(“number {i});

Recursive Patterns

Pattern matching is one of the powerful constructs, which is available in many functional programming languages like F#. Furthermore, pattern matching provides the ability to deconstruct matched objects, giving you access to parts of their data structures. C# offers a rich set of patterns that can be used for matching.

Pattern matching was initially planned for C# 7, but after while .Net team has find that he need more time to finish this feature. For this reason, they have divided the task in two main parts. BasicPattern Matching, which is already delivered with C # 7, and the AdvancedPatternsMatching for C# 8. We have seen in C# 7 Const Pattern, Type Pattern, Var Pattern and the Discard Pattern.  In the next C# 8 version, we will see more patterns like Recursive Pattern, which consist of multiple sub-patterns like the Positional Pattern, and Property Pattern.

To understand the Recursive Patterns, we need many code examples. I have defined two classes. Employee and Company as defined below which I use them to explain the Recursive Patterns. 

public class Employee 
 public string Name

 public int Age

public Company Company 

 public void Deconstruct(out string name, out int age, out Company company)
  name = Name;
  age = Age;
  company = Company;

public class Company
 public string Name

 public string Website

 public string HeadOfficeAddress 

 public void Deconstruct(out string name, out string website, out string headOfficeAddress) 
  name = Name;
  website = Website;
  headOfficeAddress = HeadOfficeAddress;

Positional Pattern

Positional Pattern decomposes a matched type and performs further pattern matching on the values that are returned from it. The final value of this pattern/expression is true or false, which led to execute the code block or not.

if (employee is Employee(_, _, ("Stratec", _, _)) employeeTmp)
 Console.WriteLine($ "The employee: {employeeTmp.Name}!");

The employee: Bassam Alugili

In this example, I have used the pattern matching recursively. The first part is Positional Pattern employee is Employee(…)and the second part is the sub-patterns within the brackets (_,_, ("Stratec", _,_))

The code block after the ‘if’ statement will only executed if the conditions in the root Positional Pattern(employee object must be of type Employee) with its sub-pattern (_,_, ("Stratec",_,_) the company name must be “Stratec”) are satisfied, and the rest is discarded´, in other words, the if  evaluates true only if the company name is Stratec.

Property Pattern

Property Patterns are straight  forward. You can access a type fields and properties and apply a further pattern matching against them.

if (bassam is Employee {Name: "Bassam Alugili", Age: 42}) 
 Console.WriteLine($ "The employee: {bassam.Name} , Age {bassam.Age}");

Old style C# 6:

if (firstEmployee.GetType() == typeof(Employee))
 var employee = (Employee) firstEmployee;

 if (employee.Name == "Bassam Alugili" && employee.Age == 42) 
  Console.WriteLine($ "The employee: {employee.Name} , Age {employee.Age}");

// Or we can do it like this:

var employee = firstEmployee as Employee;

if (employee != null) 
 if (employee.Name == "Bassam Alugili" && employee.Age == 42) 
  Console.WriteLine($ "The employee: {employee.Name} , Age {employee.Age}");

Compare the pattern matching code with the C# 6 and look how the C# 8 code is more explicit. The new style removes the redundant code and the type casting or the ugly operators like “typeof” or “as”.

Recursive Patterns

RecursivePatterns are nothing more than a combination of the above-described patterns. The type will be decomposed to subparts so that the subparts may be matched against subpatterns. Behind the scene, this pattern deconstructs the type by using the Deconstruct()method and applying onthe deconstructed value further pattern matching if needed. If your type does not have a Deconstruct() method or it is not a tuple, then you need to write it by yourself. 

If you remove the Deconstruct method from the Company class above, you will havethe following error:

error CS8129: No suitable Deconstruct instance or extension method was found for type ‘Company’,  with 0 out parameters and a void return type.

Let's get a look atthe Positional Pattern and Property Pattern.


I have created two employees and two companies and map each employee to a company.

var stratec = new Company 
  Name = "Stratec",
  Website = "",
  HeadOfficeAddress = "Birkenfeld",

var firstEmployee = new Employee
  Name = "Bassam Alugili",
  Age = 42,
  Company = stratec

var microsoft = new Company
  Name = "Microsoft",
  Website = "",
  HeadOfficeAddress = "Redmond, Washington",

var secondEmployee = new Employee
  Name = "Satya Nadella",
  Age = 52,
  Company = microsoft


public static void DumpEmployee(Employee employee)
 switch (employee) {
  case Employee(_, _, _) employeeTmp:
    Console.WriteLine($ "The employee: {employeeTmp.Name}! ");
   Console.WriteLine("Other company!");

The employee: Bassam Alugili
The employee: Satya Nadella

In the example above the case condition matching any employee with any data, it is a combination of the Deconstruction Pattern and the Discard Pattern. Now we will go one step further. We need only to filter the Stratec employees.

There is more than one approach to do that with pattern matching. We will replace/rewrite the below case condition from the example with some different techniques.

case Employee(_, _, _) employeeTmp:
   Console.WriteLine($ "The employee: {employeeTmp.Name}! ");

The first approach, by using the Recursive Patterns matching (Deconstruction Pattern) in the switch statement like the following.

Replace the above code with the code below.

case Employee(_, _, ("Stratec", _, _)) employeeTmp:
  Console.WriteLine($ "The employee: {employeeTmp.Name}! ");


The employee:  Bassam Alugili! 
Other company!

The second approach by using guards (Constraints).

Replace the case code with following.

case Employee(_, _, (_, _, _)) employeeTmp when employeeTmp.Company.Name == "Stratec":
  Console.WriteLine($ "The employee: {employeeTmp.Name}! ");

Likewise, we can rewrite the case expression in different ways:

case Employee(_, _,_) employeeTmp when employeeTmp.Company.Name == "Stratec":
case Employee employeeTmp when employeeTmp.Company.Name == "Stratec":

We can also combine Deconstruction Pattern with Var Pattern like the following:

case Employee(_, _,var (_,companyNameTmp,_)) employeeTmp when companyNameTmp == "Stratec":    

Another approach to filter the data by using Property Pattern recursively as shown below:

case Employee {Company:Company{Name:"Stratec"}} employeeTmp:
Output for the above examples:
The employee:  Bassam Alugili! 
Other company!

One important note I want to mention about using the switch statement with the pattern matching:

The anatomy of the new switch expression looks like this:

 switch (value)
     case pattern guard => Code block to be executed
     case _ => default

Back to our example, look to the following Recursive Patterns matching examples:

switch (employee) 
 case Employee {Name: "Bassam Alugili", Company: Company(_, _, _)} employeeTmp:
      Console.WriteLine($ "The employee:  {employeeTmp.Name}! 1");

 case Employee(_, _, ("Stratec", _, _)) employeeTmp:
      Console.WriteLine($ "The employee:  {employeeTmp.Name}! 2");

 case Employee(_, _, Company(_, _, _)) employeeTmp:
      Console.WriteLine($ "The employee:  {employeeTmp.Name}! 3");

 case Employee(_, _, _) employeeTmp:
      Console.WriteLine($ "The employee:  {employeeTmp.Name}! 4");

  Console.WriteLine("Other company!");

The above switch is working fine. If we move one of those switch case somewhere else up/down.Let’s say you will movecase Employee(_, _, _) employeeTmp:at the beginning (first case after the switch) as shown below:

switch (employee)
 case Employee(_,_,_) employeeTmp:
   Console.WriteLine($ "The employee: {employeeTmp.Name}! 4");

Then we will get the following errors:

  1. error CS8120: The switch case has already been handled by a previous case.
  2. error CS8120: The switch case has already been handled by a previous case.
  3. error CS8120: The switch case has already been handled by a previous case

Figure -4- Error after changing the switch case position in SharpLab

The compiler knows that the cases after your most generic switch case cannot be reached (dead code) and telling you with the error that you are doing something wrong.

Pattern matching with Collections


switch (intCollection)
 case [1, 2, var x ] =>
  // This block code will executed and return if the first two items in intCollection is 1 and 2 and the third one will be copied into the variable x.
  Console.WriteLine( $ "it's 1, 2, {x}", );
case [1,..20] => 
     // This block will be executed if the intCollection starts with 1 and ends with 20. 

  case _ => 
     // This block will be executed for any other use cases except the tow above defined.

if (intCollection is [.., 99, 100])
    // Execute this block only if the lasts items in the collection are 99 and 100

if (intCollection is [1, 2, ..]) 
    // Execute this block only if the first items in the collection are 1 and 2

if (intCollection is [1, .., 100])
    // Execute this block only if the first items in the collection is 1 and the last one 100

Recursive Patterns (C# 8) Playground

  1. Copy the below employee code example
  2. Open in the web browser:
  3. Paste the code and select “C# 8.0:  RecusivePatterns (14 May 2018)”, then select the “Run” as shown in figure4 below.

Alternatively, You can use my following link, which I have prepared.


using System;
namespace RecursivePatternsDemo 
 class Program 
  static void Main(string[] args)
   var stratec = new Company
     Name = "Stratec",
     Website = "",
     HeadOfficeAddress = "Birkenfeld",

   var firstEmployee = new Employee
    Name = "Bassam Alugili", 
    Age = 42, 
    Company = stratec

   var microsoft = new Company 
     Name = "Microsoft",
     Website = "",
     HeadOfficeAddress = "Redmond, Washington",

   var secondEmployee = new Employee 
    Name = "Satya Nadella", 
    Age = 52,
    Company = microsoft

  public static void DumpEmployee(Employee employee) 
   switch (employee)
     case Employee {Name: "Bassam Alugili", Company: Company(_, _, _)} employeeTmp:
      Console.WriteLine($"The employee:  {employeeTmp.Name}! 1");

    case Employee(_, _, ("Stratec", _, _)) employeeTmp:
      Console.WriteLine($"The employee:  {employeeTmp.Name}! 2");

    case Employee(_, _, Company(_, _, _)) employeeTmp:
      Console.WriteLine($"The employee:  {employeeTmp.Name}! 3");

     Console.WriteLine("Other company!");

public class Company 
 public string Name 

 public string Website

 public string HeadOfficeAddress

 public void Deconstruct(out string name, out string website, out string headOfficeAddress)
  name = Name;
  website = Website;
  headOfficeAddress = HeadOfficeAddress;

public class Employee
 public string Name

 public int Age

 public Company Company 

 public void Deconstruct(out string name, out int age, out Company company) 
  name = Name;
  age = Age;
  company = Company;

Figure -5- SharpLab settings


Ranges is very useful to generate sequences of numbers in the form of a collection or a list. Combining Ranges with for each loops or and Pattern matching, etc., makes the C# syntax more simple and readable. 

Recursive Patterns is the core of the Pattern matching. Pattern matching helps you to compare the runtime data with any data structure and decompose it into constituent parts or extract sub data from data in different ways and the compiler supporting you to check the logic the of your code. 

Recursive Patterns is an awesome feature, it giving you the flexibility to testing the data against a sequence of conditions and performing further computations based on the condition met.

About the Author

Bassam Alugili is Senior Software Specialist and databases expert at STRATEC AG. STRATEC is a world-leading partner for fully automated analyzer systems, software for laboratory data management, and smart consumables.