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InfoQ Homepage Articles Interview series: DevOps Enterprise Adoption

Interview series: DevOps Enterprise Adoption


InfoQ ran a series of interviews during the DevOps Enterprise Summit 2015, focusing on the DevOps transformations that many corporations are currently undertaking to improve not only their productivity and time to market, but also to increase engagement and collaboration between people and teams.

How did they overcome initial resistance? Can it work across large organizations? Above all, is it really worthwhile? And what challenges lie ahead as organizations evolve?

InfoQ got answers to these and more questions from five speakers at the summit, all of them technical leaders at large organizations, from banking and insurance firms to government agencies.



DevOps Enterprise Adoption at Intel with Sherry Chang

Sherry Chang talks about how DevOps got started at Intel, the impact on the organization and how they're scaling it. She shares some success stories as well as challenges ahead.



DevOps Enterprise Adoption at Nationwide Insurance with Carmen DeArdo

Carmen DeArdo on how agile transformation paved the way for DevOps transformation at Nationwide and the need for everyone to opt-in the journey and reduce variance for organization wide improvements.



DevOps Enterprise Adoption at ING with Evelijn Van Leeuwen and Kris Buytaert

Evelijn Van Leeuwen (manager) and Kris Buytaert (external consultant) on how the top-down DevOps mandate at ING bank helped bring the organization closer together to deliver faster and with higher quality. Realizing IT is their primary process kickstarted an engineering culture.


DevOps Federal Adoption with Paula Thrasher

Paula Thrasher's lessons learned in federal agencies, how to get business to trust IT, living with bureaucracy, and getting teams to a DevOps mentality of learning and collaboration.



DevOps Enterprise Adoption at E*TRADE with Manuel Edwards

Manuel Edwards on building DevOps momentum across the company with an initial success story and top-down support. Also how to empower self-supporting teams by providing them the tools to do their job.




Series Manager


Dev+Build+QA = DevOps advocate and InfoQ lead editor. Also Jack of all trades, master of continuous improvement (bridging gaps since 2k).

Manuel believes validating ideas is key to real progress. Validating software (despite his fondness for TDD and BDD) is just one step.

Specialist in Continuous Delivery by day. Specialist in Changing Diapers by night.

Manuel tweets @manupaisable.